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Comment Re:I hesitate to comment (Score 1) 208

Microsoft is pretty good at buying games and not ruining them, the original Halo aside. I actually think that was a great game in every way except for the monotonous level design in the end, and the lack of cross-platform support. You can't rush greatness, and you shouldn't force your operating system on people. That's kind of what they do, though, so it's not much of a surprise.

Microsoft has their hits, but they also have their significant misses. Where's our Freelancer 2? Handing that franchise to anyone competent and telling them to support capships and not ruin the control scheme would have permitted them to simply print money.

I've bought quite a few Microsoft games, it's one of the things I think they do best in fact, mostly by virtue of not doing it themselves. I hope they don't totally bone it, but I won't be surprised if they do. And if they do, someone will surely replace it.

Anyway, off the topic of Microsoft, and to join in talking about what would be cool for Minecraft, it absolutely must have functioning boats. Along with more realistic water, specifically ocean that fills in to level on its own, it would add a new dimension that would probably give the series a whole new kick in the pants. Ninjas vs. Pirates, anyone?

And with that said, anyone know of any minecraft clones which are capable of doing something like that? You build a ship, and then either roll it into the sea or dig the land out from beneath it? It seems like rather an obvious thing to have wanted to support from the beginning. A one-block boat doesn't do it for me.

Comment Re:Here's hoping they bought it to close it down. (Score 1) 208

Oh, come on. D&D players were not outcasts

Tee hee. Maybe not all of them.

There was cross-branding; cartoons and wood burning kits, for cryin' out loud.

Yeah, look at the other cartoons which were competing with D&D. They were simply handed a complete franchise for a great deal, of course they took it. And it was a flop.

Wood-burning kits are kind of a reasonable crossover, because that was a dying hobby, too.

Comment Re:We all know what we expect is not what we want (Score 1) 208

I would expect the PC game to cost slightly more than the Xbox 180 version, and not have a subscription fee. I presume your other predictions will actually come true. I could also see it being a free-to-pay game, though. Given Windows 10 is going to be free for Windows 7 and 8 users, it might make sense to give MC2 away to Windows 10 users as well, and charge a small fee to other players. Use some lame excuse about having to support older versions of DirectX.

Comment Re:I'd expect lots of cross-over branding crap (Score 1) 208

Yes, this. Actually, we already have that right now. Minecraft for XBox is already full of licensed DLC for XBox, Dr. Who, etc.

Minecraft as a cash cow is complete, there's no need to do any more development. It's all business dealings from here on out.

Some Slashdotter put it best a few months back... "Microsoft didn't buy a game, they bought a generation"

Comment Re:The failure of rules. (Score 1) 538

Oh, she just uses her own domain, which someone registered for her the week before she was sworn in as Sec of State.

whois | grep "Registrant Name"

Hey, LOOK everybody, Clinton supports PRIVACY rights from the prying eyes of the NSA!


Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-03-03 07:50 PST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.083s latency).
Not shown: 996 filtered ports
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
554/tcp open rtsp
7070/tcp open realserver
... and ... transparency through old video streaming technology.

curl -vi ... says it's an apache server, so there's that.

Submission + - Why Computers Still Struggle To Tell the Time ( 1

itwbennett writes: It’s pretty much impossible for a computer to keep exact time, although accuracy can be improved to the extent that users are willing to spend more money on the problem, said George Neville-Neil, a software engineer who helps financial institutions and other time-sensitive organizations maintain ultra-precise measurements of time. To keep internal time, computers use a crystal oscillator that creates an electromagnetic signal, or a vibration that the computer uses to coordinate processor, memory, bus and motherboard operations. But computer makers often use inexpensive crystals costing only a few cents each, which can compromise accuracy. 'If you buy server-class hardware, you will get cheap crystal, and time will wander if you don’t do something about it,' Neville-Neil said.

Comment Re:Better idea (Score 1) 564

With the Windows Start Screen and OSX Launchpad there's no excuse for showing executables as anything but a generic executable icon in the file system. let the custom icons for executables live in the app launcher (where everything is an executable so you don't need to be told that the one that looks like a document is not a simple document).

Yeah, we tried that with Windows 3.1, but Win32 permitted storing the icon in the executable because you could do that on the Macintosh.

If you want all exes to have a boring icon, use a boring file manager for admin tasks.

Comment Re:5% Gross is a terrible deal (Score 1) 143

The reason I say that is that Java is perfectly capable of running a game like Minecraft well, and because I've never seen any performance issues in Minecraft even on my now 7 year old PC,

Try comparing it to one of the clones. Diddle the settings until you get similar visual detail and then check the frame rates. Prepare for jaw droppage. Minecraft is absolutely awful about performance.

Minecraft performance problems certainly don't seem to be global and that's why it has to be down to some kind of hardware incompatibility somewhere along the line.

No, just not everyone is complaining. But Minecraft falls down very hard on complex scenes which render fine with e.g. minetest.

Comment Re:Sooo... (Score 2) 51

After reading the wiki article on Compiz, it seems to be the same animation/fluff shit Linux users got pissed off at Microsoft for including...?

What Linux users are pissed off at Microsoft for adding fluff? They must have sad and pathetic lives even by Slashdot standards, because you can turn all that stuff off.

What Linux users get pissed off at Microsoft for is forcing fluff, like when you have to use a GUI tool to configure something. But they are getting much better about embracing the command line. The next Windows will supposedly have even better headless support.

Compiz does do all the eye candy shiny shiny stuff. But you can turn features on and off atomically, and there is a great deal of configuration available for each feature. If for example you like many of the aspects of the OSX desktop, but some of the features bother you or you wish they worked a little bit differently, you can get the precise effect you're looking for with Compiz.

Sadly, my favorite window manager (emerald) is not being developed any more, but between emerald, compiz, and avant-window-navigator it's possible to build a maclike desktop which actually works properly, and which has only useful eye candy like smooth moves (nice for seeing where windows go) and an Expose-like feature with no borders. That is, you can turn them off. And of course, mipmapped previews.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 564

I just responded in another thread where actual programmers argued about whether or not it counts as "confusing" to split a delimited string without actually using the name "split" for the method that does the work.

Did you? All I saw in that discussion was an argument over whether it was stupid to need seven lines to split a string instead of one. And it is. It's still a stupid argument, because any problem you can solve with a free and common library is not a real problem.

Comment Re:And why is hiding shit the default in Win serve (Score 1) 564

But WHY IN THE FUCKING FUCK does the server operating system have the same goddamn "hide everything that might be confusing to marketing types and the mentally retarded" settings out of the box?

The idea is that your receptionist should be able to follow the instructions, install Windows, and set up your small office. "Back in the day" it was ordinary to make the receptionist the sysadmin because they were the person in the building deemed to have time to take on additional duties. I've spent some fun times doing UUCP support with someone who has to have Unix characters (like bang and pipe) explained to them as a result.

I find it particularly ironic given the Microsoft push to capture mindshare from CLI propellerheads with PowerShell Everything.

The GUI is still the primary way to do things.

Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 538

Well, if anybody else in government did this, they'd get fired, lose their pension, and possibly face criminal charges.

When the people at the highest levels of power decide that the law doesn't apply to them, nothing at all happens.

So, on behalf of the rest of the world ... when the political leaders ignore the law and face no consequences, the rest of us want to send a big collective "fuck you".

This has nothing to do with her politics. If Bush or Cheney had done this, we'd want them prosecuted as well.

Laws which are selectively applied are crap. Assholes in power who believe the law doesn't apply to them need to be punished.

These laws exist so there is a public record of activities, not some place where you can sidestep that and conduct business elsewhere away from oversight.

So you're saying Clinton should maybe be fined for something other than violating recordkeeping policy?

On March 6, 2007, Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury. He was acquitted on one count of making false statements. He was not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included a $250,000 fine, 30 months in prison and two years of probation. On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term but leaving in place the fine and probation, calling the sentence "excessive."[43][44] In a subsequent press conference, on July 12, 2007, Bush noted, "...the Scooter Libby decision was, I thought, a fair and balanced decision."

(from the Valerie Plame wikipedia article)

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