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Comment Re:I Remember It Well (Score 1) 270

You're on crack.

There's a reason that Microsoft finally created a MacOS knockoff in Win95. It's a much better interface.

Up to that point, it was pretty much no contest. It wasn't just MacOS but pretty much EVERYTHING else was easier to use than what Microsoft was trying to sell.

The only reason that any version of Windows ever made more impact was the fact that Microsoft was the dominant software vendor. Their product was force fed everywhere. It took very little effort to improve on whatever the current version of DOS and Windows was.

Comment Re:MenuChoice and HAM (1992) (Score 1) 270

No. The problem is that they COPIED it badly.

Another problem is Microsoft invented anything.

It's much like the start menu itself. It's nothing more than an anchored cascading menu. This was being done by a lot of people on different operating systems (including Windows) before this "invention".

Perfect example of a bogus patent.

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