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Comment Experience counts (Score 4, Interesting) 232

I've seen plenty of "fear driven development" over the years, but the "fear" was usually on the part of incompetent employees who were afraid they'd be caught out as idiots and fired. They'd churn paperwork and documentation rather than touching a line of code, because if they broke something, their incompetence would become apparent.

Fear is the mind killer.

But if you're afraid to do your job, it's because you have a problem with confidence in your own skills. Blaming management for such fears just takes the incompetence you exhibit to a whole new level of blame-gaming.

Comment Winning the lottery (Score 3, Interesting) 545

My Windows 7 laptop does everything I need for Windowsy stuff, so I won't be replacing or upgrading it unless I win the lottery.

Sadly, my 10+ year old 3.8GHz Pentium-pre-Core2 box is finally dying, so I'm in the midst of shifting my development and personal stuff over to the laptop. I've used Windows for years as a developer so it's not *too* painful, but I'm going to miss Linux. Linux just *works* without getting in my way; I can't say the same for Windows, even on trivial issues as to which widgets get auto-focused when you open them up (who is the brilliant idiot who came up with the idea that the file browser should focus on that damned library panel instead of the list of files?)

Comment Re:Silly design decision (Score 1) 425

Phones have big screens now, so they need armor anyway. So since you're going to put armor on the phone, you want the phone to get thinner, so that the phone with a case on it is still thin. Just making the phone thin allows the user to put whichever case on it they like, so they get to personalize their phone and you don't have to try to anticipate their needs, instead letting the whole world do that. And that's why having the camera really doesn't matter. In fact, having the bezel around it protrude from the camera probably helps protect that side from scratches. What's the problem, planned to slot-load the phone?

Comment Re:Similar to "Runaround" in I, Robot... (Score 2) 165

Yup, and the solution available to any rational being is the same: since by hypothesis the two choices are indistinguishable, flip a coin to create a new situation in which one of them has a trivial weight on its side.

Starving to death (or letting everyone die) is obviously inferior to this to any rational being (which the donkey and the robot are both presumed to be) and adding randomness is a perfectly general solution to the problem.

Buridan's donkey is not in fact an example of a rational being, but rather a passive, uncreative being, who must for some unspecified reason decide without acting on the situation, as if it was living in some bizarrely unrealistic world like Plato's Cave, where it could only know the world via shadows on the wall which it cannot act on in any way.

Why anyone thinks thought-experiments about such limited beings, which are completely unlike humans in their inability to act on the world to change their situation, is beyond me.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 0) 323

Apple thinks it can give someone a gift, and trust that person setting to accurate reflect the user.

" I want my library to be composed of material I choose, not apple."
The turn off that damn feature., IT's not Apples fault you don't know how to use your phone.

I bet you are so outrage, you'll get rid of all your Apple stuff, right? what's that? you won't? Then you don't care that much. do you?

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 323

Yes, it is overblown. People got a free album. It was downloaded to device that were set to allow automatic downloads. End of story.

You can be a hypocrite and still realize change needs to be made. When you are entrenched in a system, you can only change it from inside the system.

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Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
