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Comment Re:I am SHOCKED, just SHOCKED... (Score 1) 451

"Religion". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Nye has no patience for people who deny climate change because they're flat-out, provably, scientifically-settled wrong. It's like someone being expected to have patience with someone insisting the sky is yellow with purple polka dots. (Although, you might have patience with them because they're clearly deranged mentally. Do your own comparison of the zealots and the mentally ill here.)

Comment Re:SYSTEM-D SUCKS! (Score 1) 162

from newer scripting languages

Why would anyone want a newer scripting language? That is like wanting to build a house from new bricks. If you know the old language, you can use it. If you don't, then perhaps you should not be messing with the system initialisation?

Its not like normal admins have to write these scripts - the people who manage ports supply them for you, and have a tool that puts them in the right place.Most people run OBSD because they want to have a system that runs their apps, not so they can experiment with the boot process. OBSD boots really fast. (Unless you screw up your fstab - like I did last week - In which case it might not boot at all).

Do you also complain about the type of pipe clip your car manufacturer uses on the under-bonnet pipes?

If you want to use Java to write a systemd replacement, then go ahead - I wont stop you. Do like Linus, and write your own damned OS.

Comment Re:In other news. (Score 1) 162

I don't know where you get your hardware from, but I dont recall any serious problems with OBSD hardware support. The only kit I have personally owned that was not supported was an Sbus SCSI card used in Sun Enterprise servers, and I had an alternative card anyway.

I have had more hardware support problems with Windows and Linux.

I regularly have uptimes of over a year, and bug reports generally produce a next day response. Try getting that elsewhere.

Comment Re:ENTITLEMENTS, NOT RIGHTS (Score 1) 95

Wrong. Like somebody loses their right not to have to subsidise others with their own lives, loses their right not to have their private property stolen from them so government can buy votes by paying off those, who benefit financially by not having to pay for their own use.
Water is not an entitlement either, there is no entitlement that water has to be cleaned and provided to you by anybody and there should never be anything like that. You have the right to go drink out of a lake or a river, but you dont have an entitlement to force somebody to clean it for you and give it to you. Again, government shouldn't be in any business, water or Internet, stealing property and destroying individual rights, providing entitlements, stealing votes by purchasing them with stolen resources.

As to what you see in 'AFAIC', each one of us sees what he is personallg concerned about, so I see what your concerns and thoughts are. Get some help.

Comment ENTITLEMENTS, NOT RIGHTS (Score 4, Insightful) 95

A list of entitlements, not rights. If somebody has to provide you with a supply of anything in any shape, way or form, then those are entitlements and entitlements destroy right, not provide them. Somebody has to lose his or her right not to supply you with an entitlement, for you to have that entitlement. You don't want people like Italy (or anybody), enforcing their ideas of entitlements. Let them figure out their labour entitlement system, how is that working out therr (Italy, Spain, or anywherr for that matter, where people cannot be fired because of 'rights', and what that does to freedom and eventually business and hiring).

Italy can shove it AFAIC.

Comment Re:Orbital (Score 1) 443

The NASA centers that buy spacecraft and instruments still do some in-house builds, partly to maintain the skill base so they can be smart buyers. For instruments they tend to build things that are first of a kind. But even in those cases they're part system or instrument integrator, part builder, because nearly all the pieces are purchased from outside shops.

Comment Re:That's the part that "counts" (groan) (Score 4, Interesting) 443

Pretty sure NASA has blown more on Constellation, Orion and SLS, launchers to no where that never launch, than SpaceX has spent on successful development of 2 new rockets and Dragon1, and will probably spend on Falcon Heavy, Dragon 2 and their reusable program.

NASA's problem is not insufficient funding. Its inefficiency, bureaucratic bloat, corrupt contractors, and the inability to build or do much of anything in the vacinity of its manned space program. JPL and a few others places are doing fine but they are an exception to the rule.

Some people at Orbital probably do need to be sacked for trying to use 40+ year old Russian engines, the engines are actually that old not just the design. Some people at NASA probably should be sacked for buying in to a contractor proposing such a flawed concept.

Comment Re:Wow $100 Million (Score 2) 143

Oh my, there is no such thing as 'fair share' of taxes, there is no such thing, it's a gigantic cop out justification to steal from people. Nobody should be paying a single penny in any income related taxes, less of all businesses. Businesses shouldn't be paying any taxes whatsoever. There is no such fucking thing as 'fair' when we are talking about stealing money from people.
I swear to all the gods I don't believe in, this world stinks because there are people like you living in it.

Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Correct, which is why I don't live in any of them. Multiple flag method, banking separate from business, separate from residence, separate from income, separate from vacations and so on. There are a number of places where I feel more comfortable, but basically I always look at the place I am at specifically from that point of view: how much freedom does it want to steal from me? Some places are much worse than others, different places concentrate on stealing different types of freedoms.

Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Well it's the problem, isn't it? The fact is that yes, the government took over and usurped all the various powers that it is not actually authorised to have and it 'has a role' in all of that, as in it has fingers in all of it, actually more likely like hands, it's swimming in all of it.

It shouldn't, that's my point, there shouldn't be any government involvement in our private lives at all, there shouldn't be any government involvement in anything beyond the very basic protection against invasion and that's it.

Comment Re:competition (Score 0) 112

Federal government shouldn't have any authority to build any highways, it also shouldn't have authority to establish post offices that are monopolies at the very least (so are highways).

There shouldn't be any government involvement in electrification or telephones either, health, insurance, transportation, energy of any kind, education, pretty much anything.

Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Yes, I am sure that UPS and FedEx will defend my privacy with their lives. Are you aware of a competitor who is unlikely to provide my data to the government?

- they are not a government agency by default and they have to provide their clients with service that clients will appreciate, which means in many cases yes, defending your privacy sometimes with their freedom.

What would be the point of doing this? To get better mail rates as long as you live in one of the top-10 major cities?

- precisely. If you live on a farm somewhere you are not entitled to have your services subsidised by people who live in the cities. You shouldn't be subsidised regardless where you live, regardless for what the reasons are, regardless of who you are.

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