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Comment This makes no sense (Score 1) 944

First off, parent isn't saying anything about security, so I don't see at all why this was brought up.

As for Java being 'proven', well, depends who you talk to. Everyone I know that has developed J2ME apps has fled over the last few years to the app store. We are starting now to see the 'power of Java' (read fragmentation) with Verizon pushing their version of Android, Google/Nexus One another, HTC Sense another. Welcome to the world of (slow - for now) Java on mobile.

Now as far as Apple only wanting you to use the tools they want - so F*%&king what?! Why do people wine and moan about this so much? I really can't understand it. Hey, when I wanted to make an iPhone app I didn't sit there and whine and bitch and moan about it. I *did* something about it - I f*$#king learned Obj-C - it's not that hard. Jesus christ, developers have become such wimps over the years, it's unbelievable. What happens when you want to make a Windows Mobile 7 Series app? Do you whine that you can't code it in Java or Obj-C or Javascript or Ruby?! No, you learn C# (again *not* that difficult), buck up, and *do it*.

Flash and Java have made developers *lazy*. Lazy because they think they can learn one language and they are *entitled* to use it everywhere (I love Ruby, but I don't expect to use it for everything). There is no one ring to rule them all - never has been. But ya know, people bought into the whole Java/Sun marketing thing, and it's only a marketing thing - write once run anywhere *never, ever* worked right. Adobe, Sun (well, now Oracle) are *companies*, not people or your buddies, but FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS. They are the same as Apple. Just like Apple they want you to use *their* tools so they can 'lock you in' to *their* platform and claim victory as the best and coolest company in the world. Anyone that thinks Google, Adobe, Palm, Oracle, or Apple are a bunch of nice dudes who wanna be your friend is seriously delusional. They're beholden to their shareholders and roping developers into their platform is how they keep the shareholders happy and how they stay in their mansions. You want freedom? Write for the web only.

Apple has *the right* to have control over *their* stack - just like Microsoft, Oracle, etc has before them. Now it just so happens their web steering has done some good and this *should* be as open as possible - HTML5 is a really good thing. But to whine and bitch and moan that you can't put your porn or torrent or low budget mafia wars like game done in Flash on the app store is just stupid. People need to focus on *doing* things vs. whining, complaining, feeling entitled, and being so hypersensitive. Jesus, get over it and just make something!

Comment Re:Not bad (Score 1) 160

You shouldn't be using PGP for email encryption anyways. S/MIME is built into almost all modern email clients. The real reason that email encryption has not caught on is that it is basically impossible to implement it in webmail clients. (although signing is still possible).

Comment Re:that's great but... (Score 1) 432

Nuclear doesn't produce that much waste. Especially if we could reprocess the fuel. In the end you get a few tons of waste that's hot for a couple hundred years, but that can be dealt with better than the tons of crap coal spews out a day. It's just that we've had 30+ years of people scaremongering about Nuclear energy.

There's more waste than spent fuel, you also have the decommissioned plants.

Comment I think it is a good idea (Score 1) 366

It does fir with the times, as long as its only 1 badge.

Heck, I would even invite cub/boy scouts over to game, and show them the value of team work, communication, and good sportsmanship

I wish they would stress proper manors in gaming. Such as not griefing, playing for fun, not to own and that aspect since gaming now days is about multiplayer.

Comment Re:I swear.... (Score 1) 756

Which makes me laugh when I read, "This ordinance prevents restaurants from preying on children's love of toys' to sell high-calorie, unhealthful toys..."

Slight misquote there... it should say "food" not "toys" - I doubt that kids eating the toys makes them fat - LOL.

But if they really wanted to be consistent they should ban sugary breakfast cereals with toys and or with cartoon characters on the box and other items like Cracker Jacks that have a toy in the box. After all, that's preying on children's love of toys and cartoons to sell sugar-loaded unhealthy items.

Comment Re:iAd (Score 1) 944

But since Apple gets to determine which browsers exist on the iPhone and iPad, who's to say the next version of Apple's WebKit framework won't disable HTML5 ads (for example, by blocking content from known ad servers)?

After all, users won't care - they'll see it as a plus. And content providers will be forced to use iAd for all ads targeted at Safari-iPhone or Safari-iPad.

Comment Re:"Racism" is very insidious anymore (Score 1) 44

It is a statistical fact that blacks make more average money than whites.

The "non-racist" answer to the question on the poll is: "Because they are disadvantaged", or "they lack the same opportunities".

No. The "non-racist" answer is not an option in this case, because the question itself causes one to consider the race as a problem. It is a loaded question, and the available answers are no better.

One cannot simply plop equal treatment on the floor and call everything good. Whites have had two hundred years of "equal footing" to start with, while Blacks have been dug an enormous hole for them before being given "equal footing".

That is the fault of people, not necessarily the government. People, whether the laws require equality or not, will still treat people poorly if the other person is different. It happens with handicapped people, it happens with people that (whether they actually are or not) are perceived as homosexual, it happens with people that have a different skin color than the local "norm". Sadly, it cannot be avoided, but that does not make it "right".

A good example for women in a field that we here on slashdot can associate with, is that the entire programming field is unpalatable to women in general. The politics, the process, etc, of commercial software production often make demands upon women that most of them are simply unwilling to accept. (Like unreasonable work-life demands for one.)

There's more there than you're letting in on. I know myself, that one woman I used to work with got fed up trying to get techs to come address issues because they treated her as though she were completely incapable of diagnosing the problem herself-- never mind that she knew more about the problem and how to solve it than the tech she had to call. (It was company policy that some repairs had be handled by certain departments, or it was deemed "unauthorized" and punishable by dismissal.) She often would ask one of the "guys" to make the call for her. We'd tell them exactly what she would have told them, and POOF! they were there. Magic, of the ignorant sort.

People are pressing these ideas as if all of "America" is just like their own backyard. WRONG. the USA is a very large place composed of many different states, and we speak a lot of different languages.

...all with a common language: English.

As an interesting question: how many languages do you happen to speak? If you speak no more than one, I doubt you actually understand how hard it is for the average human being to learn a second language as an adult.

English: primary, 100% fluency.
American Sign Language: roughly 60% fluency.
French: 30% oral, 50% written, depending on subject matter.
I know a few words and phrases, and can count to 100 or more in three others.

I'm well aware of how difficult it is to teach adults another language. I think that most of that is because the method used in most classrooms is completely wrong for teaching fluent use of another language. At the risk of sounding like an advert, Rosetta Stone probably has the best method, if you have the time to put into it.

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