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Comment Re:Nauseated. (Score 1) 164

Whippersnapper! If only he'd listened to his elders he wouldn't have gone done that wrong path. "All phenomena are impermanent", said the Buddha. Although, had he known he was going to have to deal with the Web 2, post MTV generation he'd have probably gone for something a little more pithy; "you say potato, I saw potato", perhaps.

Comment Re:Guitar/Piano/Bass/Drums (Score 1) 181

Heh...just been listening to a bunch of Zappa bootlegs at work.

Seriously, no-one needs some horrific "special perfect programming music" - you just need to pick from what proper music you've already got and listen to that. If that's not possible, you just haven't listened to enough music. You heard that nice Mr Berio..."keep going!" !

Comment Re:... creates two gaps in evolution (Score 1) 94

You say that, but the faithheads won't be happy even with that. They'll probably just continue the "testing our faith" line, perhaps suggesting the devil put them there or something. Of course, they won't offer any proof for this but.. you know....look at my robes, hat.. come can trust me.

Comment Re:Heh. (Score 2) 78

What "VPN industry"? To the extent it exists at all it's just tiny. And they're going to get legislated out of existence around the world in the next few years. No government - driven by the twin demands of the US government (ok, and their own security services) - and a reactionary, right wing media (following the rules of its wealthy, right wing proprieters, who've invested in and therefore benefit from large corporations who are all in bed with most western governments because they don't need to pay tax that way) - will allow people to communicate in private because "that's what terrorists do" (and people who want to challenge/change the above)

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