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Comment surprising to many that Congress would abdidate (Score 1) 98

"With concerns being raised about the deal's impacts on everything from intellectual property rights to government sovereignty, it is surprising to many that Congress would abdicate their role in determining the specifics of agreements that may have far reaching implications for their constituents."

Why is it surprising? Gives them less work to do! They're all pro-business, which is the reason they're in office. Whether or not they agree with tighter gun laws, or minimum wage, or black/gay rights, or abortion, or equality of any sort etc...those aren't interesting to people in power other than as something they can use to sway voting voters on any given election. These people don't give a fuck about you in any other way, and in any case, stuff like copyright etc is just not of interest to most people; there's simply no votes in it.

Comment Re:OK, so let me get this straight (Score 1) 90

How is this any different to a newspaper reporting on, say, increased drug dealing in a named part of london? "But people are going to go there and buy drugs now they've read about it in the paper". Yes, but they were already doing that.

I wonder how a law which tried to prevent such reporting - assuming said interference of the state was legal and desirable - would look, and how it would differ from censorship performed in more embarrassingly run countries.

Comment Re:Predictable (Score 1) 176

No, if you're obese you risk a lot more than "a few" (what is that? 2? 3? 5?) years. It puts extra stress on just about every part of your body especially, crucially, your heart. 1 in 5 americans die from obesity related illnesses. People eating obviously unhealthy foods watching the news and worrying about Al Queda when there's a 9/11-sized death toll every day from what they're eating.

Comment Re:Upstart or Systemd? (Score 2) 494

> But no , the "Not Invented Here" meme popped up its ugly head again and some know it alls
> decided they could reinvent the wheel better. Well so far the jury is still out on that.

You say that, but why have nearly all distros moved to systemd? You're saying there's not a sound technical reason for it? NIH makes sense as a criticism in a few areas, but linux distros, largely run for free by hobbiests? They're imposing it on themselves for no good reason? Really?

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