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Comment Re:No one should buy Microsoft products (Score 0) 148

No compromises, though. Can't decide whether to get a laptop or a tablet? Get a Microsoft Surface. It's the size and weight of a laptop, with a poor battery life, balanced out by a full size keyboard...but you can lug it around and use the touch screen - on the apps which support it - just like you would if you were using one of the more popular tablets from Apple or Android.

Comment Re:Small data (Score 1) 51

>Well, it looks like the Front National, France's extremist and racist party, is posed to win the next
>election due to the usual two main parties being full of shit and full of themselves (not sure there's
>a difference there).

It's not hurting their chances that 12 civilians were murdered by religious fanatics, in an environment where there are many members of the same religion who surfed up in the '50s to work in factories which are long since closed, leading to high unemployment, and that as many as one in four of them believe that terrorism against civilians is justified. The french National Front are racist, but they aren't nazis.

Comment Re:Number of legal positions (Score 1) 186

Are you sure the correct answer is "it's generally not possible to represent numbers accurately using that format"? Where "accurately" means "the correct answer". If you counted the number of digits it would so you could say "oh, and this many digits i'm going to set to zero". Sometimes you want a jpeg, and sometimes you want a RAW file.

Comment Re:What's TSYNC ? (Score 1) 338

Would have been nice if TFS had included an explanation of what the TSYNC feature is.

This would be inconsistent with masses of people clicking into the discussion thread going "WTF?" and then sticking around to post a comment.

I'd quit Slashdot in a heartbeat (abandoning what limited loyalty remains) if I were willing to wade through the alternatives in search of an alternative forum in which the paragraph as a unit of discourse has not yet been un-invented.

Back in grade nine, back in the 1970s, in a school where the majority of students ended up in vocational college, I already held a low opinion of people who charged ahead with the lingo-of-the-day without providing the least context. Slashdot in its current incarnation routinely falls below the personal standards I used to judge my 14-year-old classmates back when Star Wars was the hottest property in known history (I was quietly polite about it, but none of those people became my friends). Every freaking time a Slashdot story does this (i.e. pretty much daily), I have a grade-nine flashback to the least nerd-compatible environment I've ever been forced to endure.

Edge has a pretty good piece today: Yuval Noah Harari in conversation with Daniel Kahneman.

I don't have a solution, and the biggest question maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people.

He merely means by "useless" the portion of the population who have no skills at anything that can't be better done by a (recently or soon-to-be-invented) machine.

There's no fixed algorithm for ensuring that one remains a viable member of the "useful" population, but I'm going to continue with my grade-nine policy of gravitating toward those who 1) employ paragraphs when engaged in written communication; and 2) provide adequate background before lapsing into the lingo-of-the-moment.

As I said, there's no fixed algorithm and I might well be wrong, but from where I presently sit, I'm voting as stated on this matter with my entire bag of skin.

Comment brain-damaged simplicity boners (Score 3, Insightful) 277

an hour earlier

An hour earlier than what?

Humans have been phase-locked to the mean solar day for just over 200 out of the last 6 million years.

1883: Railroads create the first time zones

Not even the sun is phase-locked to mean solar time. There's this little detail called the Equation of time whose discovery dates back to the Babylonians, which governs annual variation in apparent solar time. Apparent solar time just happens to be the primary zeitgeber on circadian rhythmicity in all mammals (that I've heard of) and a great deal more.

The majority of people feel that DST is a bad idea and want it to stop.

Majority of what population? People living north of the 49th? I doubt it.

Majority of people who wish pi was equal to 3 and that the earth's orbit were circular? Almost certainly, even though I don't think these two simplicity boners are conceptually compatible.

Comment Re:Nauseated. (Score 1) 164

Whippersnapper! If only he'd listened to his elders he wouldn't have gone done that wrong path. "All phenomena are impermanent", said the Buddha. Although, had he known he was going to have to deal with the Web 2, post MTV generation he'd have probably gone for something a little more pithy; "you say potato, I saw potato", perhaps.

Comment Re:Guitar/Piano/Bass/Drums (Score 1) 181

Heh...just been listening to a bunch of Zappa bootlegs at work.

Seriously, no-one needs some horrific "special perfect programming music" - you just need to pick from what proper music you've already got and listen to that. If that's not possible, you just haven't listened to enough music. You heard that nice Mr Berio..."keep going!" !

Comment Re:... creates two gaps in evolution (Score 1) 94

You say that, but the faithheads won't be happy even with that. They'll probably just continue the "testing our faith" line, perhaps suggesting the devil put them there or something. Of course, they won't offer any proof for this but.. you know....look at my robes, hat.. come can trust me.

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