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Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 1) 324

The CRTC is in the pockets of companies that don't like netflix, aka cable companies.

Fire the CRTC from the top to the bottom. If they are having their salaries paid for by taxpayers but are not looking out for their interests then let them go work directly for the cable companies instead.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 1) 324

why does anyone other than netflix need to know who their customers are?

Why does a government regulatory body need to know who your customers are? Are you kidding?

No, we are not kidding. Tell us why bureaucrats, who are paid for by tax payer dollars need to know anything. I want to know who is being bribed and by who so I can both demand that the official be fired immediately and so that we can demand that the bribers can be brought up on bribery charges.

Comment Re:Credit cards? (Score 1) 80

I'm fine with the chip; that protects me, the bank, and the retailer. I am NOT fine with the PIN. My signature can't be stolen; if someone steals my card, the signature on the sales slip proves it's not me. But if someone steals your PIN they have your every penny.

It happened to me with a debit card. I welcome the chip, but of they add a PIN I'll cancel all my cards and go back to cash and checks, even though they're nowhere as convenient.

Comment Re:Must be an american thing ??? (Score 1) 65

I hadn't had any of the accounts I'd used, either, and wasn't sure which one it was. Still got the account back, give 'em a try.

I had cataract surgery on that eye two years before the retina came loose. I did know a couple of guys who had vitrectomies followed by cataract surgery, but the needles don't go through the lens, they go in through the whites (photos at wikipedia). I suspect that a vitrectomy involves steroids; steroid eyedrops for an eye infection caused my cataract.

Comment Re:The US already had this power for a long time (Score 2) 241

Except they don't.

Not all root servers are in the US. Not all root servers are controlled by US companies/government agencies. And there is nothing preventing a cut of potion of the Internet/group of ISPs to route any or all of the these IPs to their own DNS servers.

The still control the majority of the routing. They can cripple the internet any time they want and they can get their loyal partners in europe to follow suit.

Comment Re:Reporting bias? (Score 1) 460

I'm going based on what the paper says here. It seems not all the questions asked were listed in the primary paper. Quote:

Such behaviors aimed at men originated primarily from peers, whereas such behaviors aimed at women primarily originated from individuals the respondent identified as superior to them in the field site professional hierarchy (Figure 2B).

Comment The US already had this power for a long time (Score 3, Informative) 241

They control all of the root traffic across the internet so they could not only shut down the entire internet but close off the US portion of the internet anytime they wanted. In fact, I believe there was a similar story about Obama wanting to be sure that he could "shutdown" the internet in an emergency.

Comment Given the relative percentages... (Score 1) 460

Given the relative percentages... it's likely that the "harassment escalating to assault" numbers for the men is underreported by a factor of 2.5, which would be about on a par with the underreporting of men being raped in the general population. There's a real cultural stigma to reporting by men, who are, by stereotype and therefore societal norms, "supposed to be" on the other end of the power equation.

Comment They've already screwed the pooch. (Score 2, Informative) 270

They've already screwed the pooch.

They've published the source archive under the original TrueCrypt license. As a result, unless there's a legal entity (person or company) to which all contributors make an assignment of rights, or they keep the commit rights down to a "select group" that has agreed already to relicense the code, they will not be able to later release the code under an alternate license, since all contributions will be derivative works and subject to the TrueCrypt license (as the TrueCrypt license still in the source tree makes clear).

The way you do these things is: sanitize, relicense, THEN announce. Anyone who wants to contribute as a result of the announcement can't, without addressing the relicensing issue without having already picked a new license.

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