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Comment Re: nonsense (Score 1) 532

Ahh, the venerable "skin in the game" argument. Because everyone should be a specialist in health care billing. You should compare the bill of someone who pays cash to someone who has insurance and someone on medicaid. We all know who is getting ripped off less.

Call your nearest hospital and ask them how much it costs to deliver a baby, tell them you are budgeting. You'll never get a clear number out of them, you might get a ballpark estimate. I'll bet you can't even get a number for a specific procedure.

Now user your compassion, we'll wait while it spins up, to imagine doing this while your child is bleeding, or you are riding in an ambulance.

Comment Re:They are burning down a city (Score 1) 203

It's a classic strawman, you are equating robbing a bank because you got speeding ticket to burning down a store that takes advantage of the community. Look at the LA riots for a clue. This is the burbling resentment that our current economic policy encourages, not the lashing out of a madman, like you claim.

Comment Re: "If you have nothing to hide..." (Score 1) 203

You must not have ever worked for CVS, they leech money out of the community, pay people crap, and claim they are "managers" (to avoid OT). I think these economic issues are exactly part of the problem these rioters are protesting. Heck, the Senior Center is just bread and circuses for the "Seniors" that have been discarded as too old to be useful.

Comment Re: They did this with Occupy Wall Street (Score 1) 203

Bullshit. There were plenty of people speaking out against it, and plenty of people trying to stop it. They just weren't in the right place to do anything about it.
The Supreme Court would have stopped the Trail of Tears. That part of American history is directly responsible for the existence of the US Marshall Service.

There are plenty of parallels to our treatment of Native Americans historically and our treatment of the poor today. It's just harder to resettle and eliminate the poor.

Comment Re:They did this with Occupy Wall Street (Score 1) 203

Around here the government likes to create a "redevelopment commission". They try to steal employers from neighboring communities under the guise of job creation. They do this by handing out tax incentives, so it spreads the damage to both the communities getting the jobs, and the communities losing the jobs. Never mind the type of management that jumps on these "opportunities".

What really chaps my ass is the low quality of the jobs they attract. They will spend gobs of money and trumpet 100 jobs coming to an area (hell, they'll trumpet 3 new jobs if they get the chance). Meanwhile, these jobs are $12 /hour, permatemp style jobs.

They also rebuff any attempts at transparency whenever anyone tries to find out how they are spending taxpayer funds. Since they are a separate entity from the government that spawned them, they claim they aren't beholden to the tax payers and don't fall under FOI requests, etc.

It's sick!

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