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Comment Re:Bad Example, Maybe (Score 1) 616

I forgot what an asshole Penn is, despite the apparent lack of cancer risk, smoking indoors is not neutral.
between 150,000 and 300,000 children under 1-1/2 years of age get bronchitis or pneumonia from breathing secondhand tobacco smoke, resulting in thousands of hospitalizations. In children under 18 years of age, secondhand smoke exposure also results in more coughing and wheezing, a small but significant decrease in lung function, and an increase in fluid in the middle ear. Children with asthma have more frequent and more severe asthma attacks because of exposure to secondhand smoke, which is also a risk factor for the onset of asthma in children who did not previously have symptoms.

Do you think it's neutral for adults?

Comment Re:the endgame is ironic here (Score 1) 289

I'd love to see you go toe-to-toe with Obama in almost anything. I would bet good money he would beat you like a rented mule.
I don't get the "Obama is incompetent" meme, he's been good for the country and it's a shame people can't accept it.

Give it 20 years and then we can compare him to St. Ronnie. I know which one I think will look better.

Comment Re:what is there left to buy? (Score 1) 289

I have a 20 year old car that I drive daily. Door locks are going strong, but you can tell the electrical contacts are starting to fail. Tin whiskers might be more common on newer cars and might lead to earlier failure.
My biggest problem is that every rubber hose on the car has started to leak and necessitated replacement.

Comment Re: Welcome to the early 1900s? (Score 1) 289

Good point. The majority of money in the system is rigidly divorced from responsibility. It's sold as a way to decrease risk, but it essentially gives free reign to sociopaths. Why is CEO considered to have more stake in a company then the guy who makes or designs the products?
Who is going to be more screwed if the company goes under? The guy who is banking afew million every year, or the guy who is living paycheck to paycheck and goes to jail if he misses a child support payment?

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