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Comment Re:Instilling values more important (Score 1) 698

This is a great post. This American Life has a cautionary tale about this sort of thing: http://www.thisamericanlife.or....

Basically, the world will change and your daughter will change. Your daughters "virtual instance" of you will also change. If the you of today keeps showing up to stomp all over those changes and you try to impose your will from beyond the grave, it can be damaging.

The most important things to leave, IMHO, are notes of love and compassion. You want your daughter to know that you love her and did everything in your power to give her a good life. In your position, that involves handing that off to someone else, probably your wife, and trusting her. You just need to make sure that the love you feel is always there to comfort your daughter. Don't sully it with expectations and demands.

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 257

This is the basic difference between conservatives and progressives. Conservatives have now imagination and their primary drive is to hoard. The basic income they imagine is a bunk in barracks style room, a bowl of gruel, and a nondescript jumpsuit (probably orange). They imagine "those" basic income people will lay in a stupor, wallowing in what has been given them, sleeping, and raping, and contributing nothing.

You don't have to look beyond America's prisons to see the fallacy in this train of thought.

Progressives imagine people with a basic income that allows them to cover their own basic needs and spend their time creating, gardening, helping their neighbors, decorating things, and eventually building businesses or small trading operations.

Comment Re:Where are all the "moderate" Muslims? (Score 1) 241

Your standing in an airport security line because of money'ed interests who want to sell security theater. That left hand thing is a holdover from less clean times. Your basically rubbing shit on them in their eyes, since that's your wiping hand. It's rude in their culture. I doubt you would be killed.

Fun Fact, I'm catholic.

Comment Re:Where are all the "moderate" Muslims? (Score 1) 241

Wow, I'm sorry your parents raised such a hate filled person.
Westboro is full of hate, but they aren't terrorists. They stay within the constraints of the law and tolerence of them is a good canary for our democracy.

The fact that you think you can "politely" ask someone to "take a flying fuck at a rolling donut" tells me how far you are from being a true follower of christ, whether you mis-identify yourself as a christian or not. Your brand of christianity is well short of ISIS's brand of muslim, but left to your own devices, I'm sure you'd get there.

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