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Comment Re: Only for root users (Score 1) 114

If it's in-house software then it can be fixed - no excuses. If people don't fix problems they know about and can fix then they get what they deserve.

Show me somebody who has a huge investment into a physical machine controlled by some proprietary software where the vendor has gone out of business and there's no source available and then I'll have a bit of sympathy, but even then put it on a VM on its own VLAN - these are not extremely difficult problems.

Comment Re: Nah, this is just stage 1 (Score 1) 324

Solvent? There is nothing but IOU's in the "trust fund" - future taxation is the plan for paying out SS. Between that and Medicare for the boomers, each non-retiree (man , woman, and child) is on the hook for $900K in additional taxation over the boomers' retirement. Gene therapy will be banned and age wars seem possible. Arithmetic is inflexible that way.

Comment Re:WTF, the antarctic gets FO before me? (Score 1) 92

Climate is not usually measured in periods of less than 30 years, so either you haven't got a clue, or are trying to create a reality which simply doesn't exist. You do this every time, though, so it's not surprising. You frequently get confused between sea ice and ice on the land, and use the extent of the sea ice as some sort of argument that the land ice is doing fine, when in fact the opposite is usually the case.

Please grow up.

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 1) 786

Actually it's both.

Sexism is a huge issue. Both sexes do it too. In female dominated fields, they abuse and sexually harass the men. It's not about sex per se as much as it is "my group is in the majority and yours is in the minority".

But... minecraft has so many 9 year old male redstone programmers. And very few female redstone programmers. Etc. for the java side.

If you don't find programming entertaining- you are not going to excel at it like people who do. You are going to put in your 6 hours programming and go home while the other person puts in their 6 hours programming, goes home, and "plays" programming for another 6 hours.

In 30 years, I've worked with exactly 1 female who enjoyed programming. I worked with dozens who did it for a living. Some were quite good but they still didn't like coding per se. It was just a job. Many went into management. 70% of our team leads were female at my last corporate job.

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

It varies by state. In oregon, you must technically stop at the yellow and then may proceed if it is safe. In texas, you may proceed thru the yellow but have been warned that a red is coming.

If your rear wheels cross the line before the light turns red, then you did not run the light. If your rear or front wheels cross the line after the light turns red, you ran it. My experience as a juror in a red light case also backs this up.

If you have a trailer, it's wheels also count.

Here is a big one that I wish more people knew...

In most states, when desiring to turn and facing a green light, the first car should proceed into the intersection. Then it may turn when safe or the light turns red.

Note-- this guarantees at least one car gets to turn per signal change!

Interesting bits here:

Red light camera contracts are very expensive to exit early.
Red light cameras are inaccurate even when the city's not cheating (ticketing a parked car shown to be parked).
Red light cameras trade T-Bone collisions for increased rear end collisions.
Red light cameras generate a lot of false positives from legal right turns on red. This overloads the court system or creates the need for employees to pre-check each ticket before it is sent out. Which wipes out the income or creates losses.

Finally, if you google "red light camera fast yellow", you'll find numerous examples of cities that cheated by making yellow lights shorter (in some cases too short to humanly react before it turned red). Apparently florida has had a lot of problems lately.

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