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Comment Re:Yahoo is still a "tech" company? (Score 1) 194, is also dying. Thank you CEO Marissa Mayer, you have taken what used to be a valuable and interesting resource for investors and completely fucking ruined it.

Maybe it has gotten worse under Mayer, but to be fair, Yahoo finance was "unimproved" some years ago, turning from a usable set of forums to pages full of unreadable bling. What I don't understand is why Mayer (who was supposed to be responsible for Google's simple, spartan look) hasn't done the same for Yahoo. Or perhaps she has -- I can't remember the last time that I visited a Yahoo page. That's the nature of the problem -- once you drive your users away, they don't come back, irrespective of how the site changes.

Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 2) 36

While this might be good for passengers to know more than the safety card

More generally, it leads us to investigate whether VR is consistently better than any type of literary teaching materials. If true, VR may be promising for situations where real-life training exercises are difficult or cost-prohibitive to implement.

Comment Re:They should be doing the opposite (Score 1) 309

The defense presents exhibit A: "Paul's Boutique" (

"The album's rankings near the top of many publications' "best albums" lists in disparate genres has given Paul's Boutique critical recognition as a landmark album in hip hop."
"most of the samples used on Paul's Boutique were cleared, easily and affordably, something that [...] would be 'unthinkable' in today's litigious music industry."
"This type of sampling was only possible before Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner Bros. Records Inc., the landmark lawsuit against Biz Markie by Gilbert O'Sullivan, which changed the process and future of hip hop sampling."

Creating something new from existing things has ALWAYS been the mainstay of most artists - disguising it as something completely new has been the province of the superior artists.

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 1) 409

If an officer searches a car and finds no drugs, the officer can say something to save face and wave the driver on.

Of course... my original point is that the officer isn't generally going to say that the dog actually alerted him to the presence of drugs somewhere in the car when they can't find any in there. If a dog is actually alerting to the presence of drugs, it will go *straight* to the location of those drugs, or if the scent is only residual, at least straight to the location of the strongest scent. If that scent is on the driver or on a wad of cash in his pocket, then the dog will alert to the driver, not the car. Remember, a dog's sense of smell is millions of times more sensitive than a human's... they exist in a sensory world that most people can probably barely imagine... and given that they would go straight for the location of the strongest scent, there wouldn't even be any extensive search, per se, beyond perhaps moving things out of the way so the officer can access some concealed location... If there are no drugs there, then that should be the end of it, where if an officer were to say that their dog alerted them to the presence of drugs in the car but they end up looking in several different places in the car, then it appears as if the officer doesn't really have a clue how to interpret what the dog is supposedly actually alerting to.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chronicle: Off to the bookstore for a book! 2

I love books. Well, i love reading them. There are people who do love books, such as an erstwhile coworker that told me she cried when they were lost or damaged, or something like that. She convincingly conveyed to me that she was emotionally attached to her books. She also no longer works here.

Comment Capitalists serve their nation ? (Score -1) 230

The invisible fyucking-A hand has a baseball bat shoved up yo' *zzwhole. Mebby rug-weaving ISIS neckbeards in Iran, Turkey or Afganland will serve their **nation** before profit. But, until Abe Lincoln, Roosevelt  (or such) puts a bootheel on their throats no   American company or investor or manager  will serve other than their short-term monetary self-interest. Hell it's illegal  ( MBAs pimp labor-excused murder ) in most states for them to do otherwise. Gawddamm you swine on yo' kneez! Hail  the $$$. 

Comment What blows me away...... (Score 1) 341

.... is even *IF* there were some truth to the allegation that such vaccines have a link to autism, which there isn't.... the allegation that this should be justification to *NOT* vaccinate is equivalent to saying that one would rather have their child die from a curable disease than have autism... like autism is somehow the 21st century version of what leprosy was 2000 years ago.

As someone who was diagnosed a number of years ago as autistic, I can't help but be slightly offended at the notion

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 1) 409

All they need to say is that there *were* drugs in the car or that wad of cash has drug residue on it.

Right... but a dog is going to know exactly where anything that it smells is really coming from. The police have no business using a dog that *EVER* gives false positives, and a handler who can't manage a dog to find a given smell that has been trained to find such smells is an incompetent handler, because a dog's sense of smell can be millions of times more sensitive than a human's, and there is NO CONCEIVABLE WAY that a dog could ever fail to identify exactly where a given smell was really coming from, even if it is just residual. If it was coming from a wad of cash in the person's wallet, the dog would be alerted to it being in the person's pocket... if it was on the clothes of the person, the dog would know that it wasn't coming from the car if they were not in it. Again, if the police officer cannot interpret the actions of the dog correctly, or ever claims that their dog alerted them to drugs where they couldn't find any, then that is going to just make the handler look stupid if the dog has been properly trained, and if the dog has not been properly trained to find such scents then the police have no business using that dog in the first place.

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