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Comment Re:My view (Score 2) 495

The incumbent telephone provider, BT Openreach, is forced, by regulator policy, to offer access to their network for a fixed cost to the other telecoms resellers

We had that in the US for awhile. I remember when my city was serviced by Time Warner Cable and their RoadRunner internet service. At one point, Time Warner was forced to offer competitors the ability to sell cable modem service. Earthlink and AOL entered the market. As a RoadRunner customer, I could fire up a sniffer and see all the .earthlink.net and .aolbroadband.com ARP traffic flying past; all three vendors were sharing the same coax, and it was working just fine. I don't recall quite what happened, but that arrangement didn't last very long, I don't think a year had transpired before ELN and AOL were booted back off the pipes.

Comment Re:Jesus, we're fucked. (Score 1) 351

Sadly that's not true. The average American, although supposedly schooled, has no idea what DNA is.

Sure they do, it's just full of negative connotations. To the average American, DNA is the stuff in blood, saliva, semen, hair, and fingernails that lets the police identify and catch criminals. And when you ask them if DNA should be in food, that's where their mind goes; of course there should be warning labels on food that might have somebody's blood or saliva in it. I would bet money that a majority of respondents to the survey assumed that "DNA" equals "human DNA."

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Links posted to reddit mostly come from elsewhere, too. There are vast swaths of original content, but that site remains a news/link aggregator at its core, just like Slashdot.

One of Slashdot's biggest problems IMO is a lack of timeliness. By the time something hits the front page here, it's often old news; not just by an hour but by several days. News has become increasingly social and people want to discuss everything, but attention spans are growing shorter, which does not bode well for a site consisting mostly of stale stories. I know that by the time I see a story here, I've often commented about it (and exhausted my mental tolerance for debate on the subject) somewhere else. Today was actually pretty decent with the stories about FBI fishing expeditions and police spy radars being showcased while the news was still topical.

I confess, I don't ever go to the firehose and vote on whether or not stories are any good. If the editors are relying on readers to push stories to some greenlight threshold then I guess I'll share in the blame.

Comment Re:fan hitting event on the horizon (Score 5, Insightful) 385

ALL major online email providers (google mail, yahoo, microsoft, etc.)

That horse has already left the barn, they even poked fun at Google's internal setup with a doodle. There was no enormous shitstorm. Google responded by encrypting their internal traffic (or announcing that they did, anyway) and life went on. Millions upon millions of Americans simply don't care, and millions more actually want the government reading everyone's email because they think it protects us from them ay-rab turrists. Until the surveillance apparatus somehow fucks up football or The Voice or Pawn Stars, nobody's going to give a shit.

Comment No thanks (Score 5, Insightful) 562

I am not afraid of terrorists. I am not afraid of religious extremists. I am not afraid of murderers, rapists, drug dealers, drug addicts, carjackers, burglars, home invaders, "active shooters," or copyright violators. No, the biggest threat to my freedom comes from my own government, and that makes me sad.

Comment Re:Biased Institutions FTW (Score 1) 784

You can't have just one parent watching all of the kids either, each kid has to have their own parent there.

This drives me crazy. It's not the law here but it's become custom, I suppose due to helicopter parenting. I live near a school bus stop and every morning there are a dozen or more vehicles crowding around that corner. They're creating traffic hazards trying to park amongst each other, with doors opening at random as kids decide they want to go talk to their friend in another car, etc. This isn't just in the freezing cold or the pouring rain, it's every day.

What's the point of having the school bus at all? The parents obviously have the time to drive their kids a block and a half to the bus stop and then sit there waiting for half an hour until the bus shows up. The school itself is less than 15 minutes away, just drive them there.

Comment Re: Microsoft PAYS people and orgs. to use Bing! (Score 1) 177

I don't understand how that works. Can someone make a software robot to do searches and visit ads, and then get paid? Why have a job when your computer can make money unaided?

Yes, Google (or Bing) for bing rewards bot. You, too, can raise your utility bill while earning a whopping $5 worth of credits per month to apply to your XBox Live account. Don't quit your day job just yet.

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