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Comment Re:Shorter d_r: (Score 1) 67

No, it's trolling, not 'dialogue' you're after. I'll just have to assume you know of nothing illegal going on with the deal, and are just repeating the same old right wing bullshit that we all hear on the TeeVee three days previous. Feel free to prove otherwise. Or keep playing your little charade. You really are classic.

Comment Re:Shorter d_r: (Score 1) 67

You're the one repeating all the wild claims about the deal. If you don't want to answer directly, you don't have to. One can easily be derived from the somewhat amusing responses you do give. This is precisely exactly the way Hillary dodges in her press conferences, which is actually half the fun of watching, and you are providing the same kind of entertainment. It's like you're running her show.. You make a good team.

Comment Re:Shorter d_r: (Score 1) 67

Regardless of the semantic charades and diversions, will congress vote on it (or maybe they already have)? Is there anything illegal here? To me, it all sounds like the same game as the fast track bullshit on trade. The president isn't alone in this "betrayal", because this is how normal everyday business is conducted, since the beginning of time. And if I am to believe the polls, then it appears that most people are just hunky-dory with it. d_r will vote for a democrat no matter what, and you're off *Waiting for Perot* So, there ya are!

Comment Re:It's coming. Watch for it.. (Score 1) 163

Everyone knows automobiles were endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights to have everyone get out of the fucking way.

Well, technically that's true. The "rights" of mass and momentum endowed by the Creator are absolutely inalienable (inviolable by man) as far as we know.

Legally, bicyclists come out a bit ahead of automobiles and a bit behind those of pedestrians when it comes to "rights". In some places, all bets are off...

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