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Comment Re:On tracking (Score 1) 111

This is nothing like 'the sky is falling' routine. And you never heard me say to surrender. It is only a point of information to act on. It's a simple fact that you are being tracked. And certificates still require a third party. And to me, a self signed certificate is a cookie. To be verified requires that you identify yourself. You can't be anonymous and certified/verified at the same time, unless it's a one-time cert. My only recommendation is to develop something better, not to give up.

Comment Re:Government Intervention (Score 1) 495

that's called corruption

No, it's not. It's called business. That is what government serves. It would be nice if the government served the general population, but nobody demands it. 98% of the voters find the present situation perfectly acceptable. If there is any corruption, it is in the home of those people, nowhere else.

Comment Re:And hey (Score 1) 7

I just found out that preview works over there also, so you can edit out the unicode crap that doesn't display. That's a hint for a couple of my friends who like to complain. Now, if I could only find the icons...

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