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Comment Re:Money *needs* to be removed from Politics ... (Score 1) 181

We have to sacrifice some ideals...

You go ahead. I'll stick to mine. I don't play the appeasement game to curry favor. No tradeoffs are necessary.

Instead of covering peoples' eyes, ears, and mouth, teach them how to resist. Censorship is the devil's work.

Comment Re:So your point then... (Score 1) 105

What marriage issue? Marriage remains marriage, despite the liars.

:-) Good one

...marriage should not be a province of the state, period.

Legal property transfers are matters of the state, and that is what the marriage business has been about since the invention of the concept. And religion was the ruling power, the 'state'.

Now, as long as enforcement of contracts remains a 'province of the state', we shall obligate the state to enforce those provisions equally and without bias. Couldn't be simpler. I know simplicity is an anathema in your book, but there it is.

Comment Re:Radical Left allowed to run a country... (Score 1) 328

Facts that are hidden from view are no less valid. But very simple deduction and precedence(the courts cite it all the time in deciding cases. If it works for them, then I can use it too) can and frequently does suffice. Eh, all this is pointless while your personal bias blocks your vision. You fail to treat authority (especially that of your peeps) for the adversary that it is. Please, don't try to cry innocence with me. This is a proxy war amongst the great empires (the five families). And so is Greece for that matter, since that was the original subject. They also suffer from the influence of outsiders. This is what crashed their economy. The money was simply stolen, just like my pension.

Comment Re:Radical Left allowed to run a country... (Score 1) 328

'Facts'? When did people start believing them? If they are where you say they are, then you too know where to look. There's too many to list, and they say things you don't want to hear. Citing precedence is more than sufficient. Of course not for you, but since you will simply spend your time poking holes to prop up the beliefs you cling to, I'm going to leave it that. And be happy, the mods are on your side.

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