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Comment Re:Anti-Trust (Score 1) 20

What is the difference here?

There isn't any. 'Cross License' is the euphemism for collusion. Patent holders should not be allowed to prohibit competitors from using their inventions, or to deny a license. They can still collect their royalties for the duration, but a license must be granted to anyone that can pay the percentage, without question, or even permission. Same goes for copyright. This is the only way mitigate some the inherent corruption built into the patent/copyright system until it can be abolished completely.

Comment Re:This needs to stop ... (Score 3, Interesting) 388

Nobody knows who is making 'threats'. I see no reason to give any money to Sony. They are hardly a bastion of free speech. As far as I'm concerned the whole thing is a scam, though the new Bond flick could be okay. Eh, maybe Sony might get my money after all, and I am amused by your Hollywood Tough Guy talk :-)

Comment Re:"your tribe" (Score 1) 11

Are these the basics of denial? Is there a precise number of degrees of separation required to acquire innocence? A voter is responsible for oversight. The republican/democrat votes reflect a total absence of it, not only absence, but a matching corruption reflected in the candidates, as predicted many times over throughout history, and the end result will be the same as it always was. The monkey trap still works. And to watch you deny it all, is kinda interesting, like a living classroom, where the subject is the teacher. I am truly grateful, you know.

Comment Re:How is this different than the clipper chip? (Score 1) 170

We all know damn well that those assholes were NOT representing their constituents when they voted on that one.

So what? 95% still win reelection every single time. People want to believe the lies and continue to vote for overt liars. I wouldn't know how to combat that yet.

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