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Comment Re:How does that compare to desktops? (Score 4, Interesting) 195

Similar statements could be made for desktops, where tray icon pop-ups for updates, email and chat notifications distract and interrupt workflows.

This. This is why when I want to get work done and not get distracted I shut down Outlook, IM, my browser and any other thing that might distract me. The difference is if I get distracted on my PC, I get distracted. If I get distracted in my car people could die.

A big popup interface on the windscreen is going to serve as a fantastic distraction. Especially as it's primary use is going to be Facebook, Twitter and so forth. People who are already terrible drivers will be staring right at the back of the car as they plough into it because their brain wont even register that the car is coming closer as their too distracted reading the latest tweet about gluten free mittens or some such.

As such, I'm filing this study under N for "No shit".

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 359

AFAICT anyone with lots of Euros in Greece already got them out of the country years ago. It's been rather obvious this was coming for a long time......

Yeah, I can't think of any scenario where bitcoin would help Greece at all. The only thing I can see is speculators mindlessly driving up the price of bitcoins.....

Comment Spoiler warning (Score 1) 194

Netflix users with DVD service have several years of experience learning to wait a year for the current season of shows. It works the same with streaming.

Except that people who wait a year have to make an effort to avoid spoilers and have no chance to discuss plot developments with their respective social groups.

Comment I know you're trolling (Score 3, Interesting) 334

Or at least I hope you are, and you're not just a paid shill/astroturfer (you're a bit too crude for that), but you've also never had a mini-gun pointed at him by private "security" personal because you asked for better pay. You've never had terrorists come in the night and cut your families throats for the same thing (google "Coca-Cola South America" sometime). You have no bloody idea what the hell your talking about. If you did you probably wouldn't be trolling it and you'd go back to goatse and Natalie Portman Hot Grits.

Comment Re:Or (Score 0) 117

Or you could wash the wings once in a while. You're on the tarmac for over an hour while:
- Passengers are busy boarding despite their boarding group not being called.
- Crews are not loading your luggage.
- The pilot is working on his second cup of "sober up" coffee.
- The flight attendants are gossiping about who fucked whom.
- Etc.

Might as well have a guy spend 2 minutes hosing off the wings. Impact of build-up during a single flight surely falls below the point where applying and maintaining a fancy coating is cheaper than having Jose hos-e off the bugs.

Knowing the way airports work. They'll have to spend at least 25 minutes hosing down the wings with a special machine (which is just a Karcher that costs 18 times as much) which will only result in all your luggage getting wet as the handlers will be hosed down as they go through it for anything worth stealing.

Comment Re:Yelp sponsored study? (Score 1) 133

Nobody noticed the so-called study was sponsored by Yelp, who is suing Google in Europe? So many news web sites reported Google screwing your search result, but so little mentioned who sponsored this.

The article I read pointed it out, they pointed out the study was funded by Yelp

The article also points out that Yelp are launching a browser extension to "fix" search results. So it seems Yelp is trying to do exactly what its accusing Google of doing. This "study" is an exercise in astroturfing for a browser plugin that at best manipulates search results (I think that assuming it will also collect data on the user is not a paranoid delusion).

Personally I dont blame Google for demoting Yelp search results. I've never found anything useful on there and having some friends in the hospitality industry, their tactics in extorting money out of hotels and restaurants would make the Mafia blush.

Comment Re:Obligatory reading (Score 1) 419

Besides I'm unclear if the RTG was justified for this mission mass or duration wise.

It would have massed about 1/10th the solar panels and lasted longer.

That looks like a guess. Are you able to cite the mass of the solar cells and rtg vs the power requirements of the lander?

"Justified" doesn't enter the equation.

Yes it does. The availability of pu238 (IIRC) used in the rtg is scarce. The duration of the mission isn't multiple decades in deep space where you have to keep electronics warm and supply electricity.

Additionally the rtg degrades and the lander was in storage while the rtg produced it's peak power output. That means the characteristics of the mission would defeat the need of the lander to have an rtg.

So it doesn't make sense to put the mission planning through the additional logistics for a craft that is going to be destroyed anyway.

I think this whole rtg discussion is a case of Captain Hindsight not really knowing the situation.

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 5, Insightful) 334

Uber drivers are subsidized by everybody else. Taxi drivers have to pay high insurance rates because the act of driving a long distance every day for a ton of strangers is a job that inherently leads to a much higher statistical rate of payouts. If they're driving as a taxi on regular car insurance, it's you that's paying the bill for their swindle of the insurance system.

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