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Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 1) 494

If I want to do stuff that doesn't involve deep thought, I play some mindless video game (like an old NES game with an emulator, or an old arcade game like Pac-Man), or I go hiking or biking, or maybe watch some silly TV show like Big Bang Theory.

And other people watch Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. Some smoke weed. Some find themselves on mindless websites. I fail to see why those choices are any less valid than yours.

You also seem to know an awful lot about Duck Dynasty; are you a closeted fan? I've never seen an episode myself -- no CATV in the Shakrai household -- the little bit I know about it comes from those people that get offended over it, which amuses me because nobody is forcing them to watch it.

BTW, you may think Robertson is an idiot, but he's made millions of dollars while you tilt at windmills on Slashdot.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 1) 494

I guess I can believe one of two things:

1) You're a smug elitist.
2) You're clairvoyant enough to know what every single viewer of Duck Dynasty believes.

I used to watch 24; if we apply your logic that means I condone torture. Funny that, I always found the show appealing because it had lots of gunfights, explosions, the occasional set of tits, and didn't require me to think very hard.

Comment iTunes was first (Score 1) 368

Also, very few people were buying movies from iTunes. People were using Netflix, Amazon or still going to video stores.

Netflix streaming launched in the fourth quarter of 2008. Amazon Unbox (now Amazon Instant Video) launched in September 2006. iTunes preceded both, selling a million videos by October 31, 2005. Or did you mean that the use of all lawful Internet video services was still a rounding error compared to DVD?

Comment Re:Okay (Score 2) 74

Let me fix that for you:

1. Use wikipedia as a source for information.
2. Find it lacking.
3. Fix and source information with verifiable information from more than one party.
4. Watch revert happen in under 1 hour.
5. Watch talk page explode when hissy fit is thrown
6. Refute revert with more facts
7. Get temp banned by editors for 'reasons'
8. Give up.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 2) 494

If they have interests such as following the Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty, and you have interests which include baroque music and classical literature, then it's safe to say that you're more intelligent than them.

An interest in Duck Dynasty is not mutually exclusive with an interest in classical literature. I don't much care for the former but we've all got our own outlets for those times when we just want to turn our brains off for a little while. Is watching Duck Dynasty any worse than playing GTA?

Comment It comes from other sensors (Score 3, Informative) 98

ResearchKit is basically just a data-funnel, yes - but even that is useful to have as a basis for collecting health data, because it can pull anything from HealthKit you give it permission to.

Healthkit in turn, is where any number of devices and specialized monitors (like glucose measurement) can feed data into.

The Watch may not track glucose levels, but since HealthKit can track that data, as long as you have a sensor it can still be fed back to researchers, or into something like a glucose-monitoring Apple Watch App.

Comment How does it do that? In fact it cannot. (Score 1) 98

so will this enable people to take it to the next stage, by "self-diagnosing" symptoms

ResearchKit is about using sensors and apps to send data about what you do to researchers. It's not about diagnosis at all, simply data collection... there is no "diagnosis", other than what a doctor might tell you from the gathered data.

Comment ResearchKit is not HealthKit (Score 3, Informative) 98

HealthKit is for those people measuring metrics around heart rate and so on (which it seems to me lots of people do simply to improve how they work out rather than because they think there is anything wrong).

ResearchKit is about measuring what ACTUALLY happens to you over the course of a day or week, rather than what you imagine (or pretend) is happening.

It's also about vastly expanding the data points researchers have into how disease or lifestyle affects people.

And the whole thing is open source so there can be ResearchKit clients for Android too...

Comment Re:No, it's the SJW Crowd Who Defends Islam (Score -1, Troll) 494

The answer to your question is rather simple. Those "SJW's" embrace anything and everything that tends to weaken America. They hate Christians so much, that they will sacrifice anything, anyone to get at them. They hate the nuclear family just as much. If you appear to be somewhat "average" in any way, they regard you as part of the problem, and they'll sacrifice your ass along with all the rest. They HATE AMERICA!

Islam hates America, so the so-called SJW's find common cause with Islam.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 2, Insightful) 494

Most of them can't follow me in a real conversation, nor do they care to. The topics that interest them seem vain and insipid to me, and the topics that interest me seem boring or pretentious to them (based on their direct feedback).

So your argument is that because they have different interests you're smarter than them? That's not sexist, that's fucking stupid....

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