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Comment Re:Wow nerds with heads buried in their rectums (Score 1) 236

Yes computers and internet are important but let's not get ahead of ourselves. The most important engineering currently being done is still analog, like reusable rockets and fusion reactors. These rank slightly higher on the scale of importance to humanity than the guys making internet-connected refrigerators and targeted website ads.

Reminds me a few years ago when some dudes running websites voted "the internet" the most important invention in human history. It's as if they never heard of agriculture, or fire, or electricity, or indoor plumbing, or any number of things that are keeping these idiots alive.

I had a high school history teacher who said the most important invention in human history (or at least one of the most important ones) was soap, since it was so important in reducing the spread of infection and diseases.

Comment Re:By using such large blocks (Score 1) 232

I can actually imagine the government being incompetent enough to try auctioning off dollar bills from a drug raid. It makes me laugh, but not quite as much as the thought of idiots bidding ten dollars for that dollar bill.

Maybe they think that dollar bill had soaked up $10 worth of cocaine or whatever from being stashed with the drugs.

I heard several years ago that there are basically no one hundred dollar bills in circulation for any length of time that do not have traces of cocaine.

Comment Well, that link led me to... (Score 1) 1

...a story about a fictional character called Slenderman, of which/whom I had not previously heard, but apparently some of those (specifically those two 12 year old girls) who had heard of him think he's real and not fiction, and that they need to kill someone to go join up with him.

Comment Re:Annoying. (Score 1) 347

I do not work for Comcast or any other internet provider. Whether something is positive or negative is a point if view and I view government getting into businesses as generally a bad idea. I also see governments nationalizing existing businesses as a very bad idea.

But apparently you're just fine with the consumer getting charged as much as possible while receiving as little as possible.

Submission + - U.S. Marshals Seize Cops' Spying Records to Keep Them From the ACLU

schwit1 writes: A routine request in Florida for public records regarding the use of a surveillance tool known as stingray took an extraordinary turn recently when federal authorities seized the documents before police could release them.

The surprise move by the U.S. Marshals Service stunned the American Civil Liberties Union, which earlier this year filed the public records request with the Sarasota, Florida, police department for information detailing its use of the controversial surveillance tool.

The ACLU had an appointment last Tuesday to review documents pertaining to a case investigated by a Sarasota police detective. But marshals swooped in at the last minute to grab the records, claiming they belong to the U.S. Marshals Service and barring the police from releasing them.

Also but unrelated, serving as an outgoing United States magistrate judge, Brian Owsley had decided that one of his final judicial acts would be to unseal more than 100 of his own judicial orders involving digital surveillance that he himself had sealed at the government’s request.

But not long after Owsley's move last year, a US district judge vacated Owsley’s order and resealed them all. That order itself was then sealed.

"I don't think it's that normal," Owsley told Ars.

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