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Comment Re:Ewww... (Score 2) 242

I don't think you fully comprehend my point. I'm only saying RO will easily remove the pharmaceuticals. You might still get other elements present besides oxygen and hydrogen, but you're not getting any molecular structure much larger than a water molecule through those pores, which would incidentally include pretty much every pharmaceutical ever made.

Comment Re:Dude! Sounds like a real way to make some bread (Score 1) 159

" You don't use the same yeast for wine as you do for beer, and that's different from the one you use for bread."

I do, and I get great results every time.

"Turbo" yeasts and specialty brewer's yeasts tend to suck. Fleischmann's active dry yeast? Works like a charm. I can even make 20% port non-fortified with that stuff.

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score 5, Informative) 242

"Don't know about memory but reverse osmosis water certainly does contain some of the pharmaceuticals you crapped out."

Uh, considering the membrane has pores small enough to remove a sodium ion, and pretty much every pharmaceutical made is much larger than a single sodium ion, good luck getting through the filter.

Comment Why - why $1 billion a year? (Score 2) 70

Seriously - why? There are less than 100,000 K-12 schools in the US, we're talking about $10,000 PER SCHOOL in the US, each year. I just upgraded my office (12 Ubiquiti access points, covering 45,000 square feet - probably about the average size of a school campus) to 150 Mbps down/65 Mbps up FiOS for $250 per month. Should cost less than $1000 for the hardware, and less than $3000 per year for the service. Where does the other $6,000 go - for the first year? And what about all the following years?

Comment Re:We are winning! (Score 4, Insightful) 188

If you Americans simply had taken out the bad apples and left, this would have been a minimal affair. Instead the Gleichgeschaltete Propaganda of the American Imperium told people that "now we have to build schools, and hospitals and and and".

If you don't build schools, the "bad apples" will be back in less than a generation. In a society that's so fucked up, people will inevitably turn to radical ideologies that blame all their troubles on external enemies.

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 1) 188

I don't know about US, but some other countries have noticed the pattern and revived some old designs. For example, apparently, turboprop bomber/assault aircraft are nearly perfect for "anti-insurgency" type of combat missions as seen in Iraq and Afghanistan - cheap, rugged, easy to operate, can take off and land from small and poorly maintained airstrips... and still more than capable of delivering death in droves from the sky while remaining effectively untouched.

US itself has AC-130, which, I suppose, kinda fits that role as well, even if it wasn't originally designed for it.

Comment Re:Theory only works for perfect tidal locking (Score 1) 79

You said "this theory makes sense if the moon is perfectly tidally locked", and proceeded to hypothesize a small creep that would nullify the theory. In other words, I'm just going with what appears to be the accepted status, and you're claiming something else. This isn't a problem in itself, but you are providing no evidence. You can find evidence that it was tidally locked from other replies to your post. The burden of proof is indeed on those who claim it was tide-locked, and indeed they have provided some very strong evidence.

Comment Re:pedantic response (Score 1) 135

I can find bitcoin exchanges, and I can find people who will give me stuff for bitcoins. And, as I said, I can't pay my mortgage or taxes in Euros or bitcoins. I live in the USA, and my mortgage is held by a US company. I'd actually find bitcoins more useful around here than Euros, as there's more things I can buy with them.

Historically, money has been issued by all sorts of entities, governments probably being a small portion by number. I think you're using a nonstandard definition.

Comment Re:Or (Score 1) 389

Chernobyl can't happen again. It couldn't happen with any Western reactor, either.

Fukushima certainly could happen again, and I suspect all the currently popular fail-safe reactor designs have some ingenious failure mode that leaks radioactivity. What makes you think Fukushima was really that bad? It exposed few people to dangerous levels of radiation, and didn't really render that much land uninhabitable. It got a whole lot more press than the tsunami, though.

We have to compare it to what happens to other power sources, and they can destroy land too. In about two hundred years, the cesium contamination from Fukushima will be something like 97% gone. I think today's open-pit mines are likely to be around longer than that. I'm not claiming Fukushima was benign, but it's the worst thing that happened in decades with reactors that had 1950s-style safety features, and all other forms of power have been killing people and sometimes devastating areas through those decades.

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