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Comment Re:Depends on the tasks (Score 1) 92

There would be a point if I had something else a new sparc could be doing. Until then two old bits of kit with almost zero resale value will keep things going, with no real problems unless both die at once, and even then the original SparcStation10 the original software runs on still turns on but is slowwwww.
A sparc VM on x86 that actually runs sparc solaris would be nice, and apparently such things were seen in the wild in the past but are unavailable now.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 454

it''s about 'dblll' or is it 'dbIII'....trollers use screen names with lots of capital 'i' and lowercase

Look at the UID - I've had that account since before trolling was a problem here.
It is my second account but was set up because I lost the password to the old one (mandelbrute) and had it linked to an email address that I could no longer access - so I have not posted on the other account for something over a decade.

Comment WTF? (Score 1) 454

How is any of the above a troll? How is it even critical of you?
Just because you disagreed with me about the usefulness of X some time back enough to mark me "foe" should not be a reason why I can not discuss other unrelated issues where it even appears we agree, but I just have a bit more to add (look at Rei's post for detail, that poster has much more again to add on the subject and shows what I was attempting to convey).
And what's with the threat? If you feel you really are being trolled then just do it instead of threatening to do so.

Comment Depends on the tasks (Score 1) 92

You'll also need to buy a lot of those pizza boxes to make up for the processing power that you can find in a box half its age, let alone the newer iron.

It entirely depends on what you are doing with it. If the task is not CPU bound on an old box you don't need a lot of them.
I've got one old sparc box for occasional use for some legacy software from 1996 and 2002 - it flies on a machine from around 2008. Another has a pile of old tape drives of various types hooked up to it, once again, for occasional use. The only gain in either situation from replacing them is theoretically increasing longevity. Neither case lends itself to a virtual machine unless the thing running that VM has a sparc processor, in which case there's no point for a VM.

Comment Re:The problem is... (Score 1) 190

There's no shortage of people who are literally insane in politics.

Indeed. 1 out of 4 people has a diagnosable mental illness.

An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older â" about one in four adults â" suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.


Consider what happens if the "Caliphate" gets their hands on some samples.

You mean the theocrats that are always talking about bringing the US back to its "christian" roots?



Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 92

If you're saying HP doesn't produce quality gear, you have apparently not used their servers

They also produce such crap that they have been fined for false and misleading conduct in relation to the sale of computer products (Australia's ACCC). It's difficult for the buyer to determine what is top notch HP gear and what is not based on what HP salesfolk are spouting.

in an all-Dell shop

Dell used to be mostly ASUS until ASUS went it alone. There's plenty of white-box vendors that are very good in certain segments so are worth looking at before playing potluck with HP (or Dell) who will always have something to sell to you whether it's what you are really after or not.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 2) 962

The basic point is: when you're threatening a violent crime against a person who may well have been a victim of such, and even if they haven't, very likely has friends who have and is more than aware of their vulnerability in this regard, that's taking it to a whole different level.

Unfortunately, I have encountered women and men with such experiences and you are right.

I think we also have to look at the kind of people issuing those threats in the gaming forums. Realistically they're unlikely to have social interaction beyond gaming and their life experiences is gaming. I doubt they have the compassion or sensitivity to understand the damage they do and are taking out their pent up frustrations on women.

Their lack of confidence when faced with a real woman would more than likely make them fumble and stutter and I doubt they would have the confidence to approach a beautiful woman at all. So when a woman is in this deodorant lacking, personal hygiene optional, gaming world, those barriers are eliminated and they somehow feel entitled to vent and direct their frustrations.

Gamers live in the game world, where such threats are meaningless, flesh wounds are repaired with a healing pack and a new life is just a game away.

Comment Re:TOR is actually sponsored by Uncle Sam (Score 2) 52

It's dumb to trust any technology 100 percent.

This was discussed here earlier after a poll showing that people with low knowledge of the Internet don't trust it, implying by omission that those that have more trust the Internet more, which is far from the case. The people with the most knowledge know what the flaws are.

Blind trust in any kind of technology is dumb.

Blind distrust of anything is also just as dumb.

Distrust of TOR because it was a US Navy project is practicing a type of ad-hominem. I'd rather distrust it based on either reading the code or the opinions and arguments of people better able than me at reading its code.

I've said it before about other things - there are plenty of reasons to dislike something without having to invent them. I use this when discussing GMO, because the "frankenfood" argument is specious - the real problem is the IP angle, for example.


Comment Re:Better safe than sorry (Score 1) 190

we suck at knowing things, even when those things are big enough for us to see

Welcome to the real world where imperfect knowledge has been enshrined in a very useful philosophy we call "Science".

Science is just highly refined common sense. The fact that the biblical plague of smallpox has not been seen in the wild for decades convincingly demonstrates science knows enough to control it, what more do you need to know? Sure it may pop up somewhere after all these years, but even if that very unlikely* event was to occur we have already demonstrated we know how to deal with it and stop it spreading. So even though we can never know for sure that every last smallpox bug has been killed, we do know that as long as our current knowledge is passed on to the next generation, smallpox will never again cause human miseries of biblical proportions. This scant knowledge also tells us that smallpox (alone) would be a stupid choice for a biological weapon.

very unlikely* - Without special care smallpox does not survive for very long outside of a human host, the human body is it's unique natural habitat.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 5, Insightful) 962

She's not talking about comments like "nice ass" as much as she's talking about comments like "die, you fucking cunt!"

Why is this moderated troll?

The very first paragraph of the article says she got a death threat and that they know where she lives. Do people even read the articles before moderating anymore?

Comment Re:Pft (Score 4, Interesting) 962

From what I hear, death threats are quite normal in the video games industry. Certainly the vitriol flies on gaming forums (can't imagine how busy the moderators for official game forums must be). This article seems to boil down to "but women get rape threats too". OK, sure, men don't often get those, fair point. But in an industry thick with death threats, how many developers or commentators have actually been lynched by angry fans since the beginning of time? Roughly zero? It's not rational to actually be creeped out or worried about this stuff.

For goodness sake, Jack Thompson is still alive and well. If any of these threats of violence could be taken seriously, he'd be the first casualty. Think you're more hated than that guy?

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