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Twitter Bitcoin

Twitter Adds Bitcoin Tipping, Pushes Further Into NFTs (bloomberg.com) 18

Twitter will let users send and receive tips using Bitcoin as part of a broader push to help users make money from the service. From a report: Twitter also said Thursday that it's looking into authenticating users' nonfungible tokens -- digital goods ranging from high art to pictures of digital apes. Some users already showcase NFTs on their profiles, but there's no easy way to authenticate if the person displaying a picture actually owns it. "There's this growing interest among creators to use apps that run on the blockchain," said Esther Crawford, a product executive building Twitter's creator features. "We want to help creators participate in the promise of an evolving decentralized internet directly on Twitter." The updates are part of a strategy at Twitter to court creators by giving them more ways to share their work on the service, and more ways to make money. Twitter has offered a tipping feature for months, but it has been in a limited test. On Thursday, the company said it's rolling out tipping globally. The company also offers some creators a subscription tool, called Super Follows, which lets them charge others on the service for exclusive content.
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Twitter Adds Bitcoin Tipping, Pushes Further Into NFTs

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    To bad anyone I would want to tip is banned from Twitter.

  • Everyone is trying to cash in on these dummies until this scam is figured out and / or loses its "coolness" factor. All it takes is one trust fund whale, so get to it!
    • Everyone is trying to cash in on these dummies until this scam is figured out and / or loses its "coolness" factor. All it takes is one trust fund whale, so get to it!

      TFS/A doesn't say if tips can be in fractional amounts or have to be in whole Bitcoins -- or allow tips *about* Bitcoin, like "Don't buy into Bitcoin." :-)

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Thursday September 23, 2021 @02:27PM (#61825347)

    "We want to help creators participate in the promise of an evolving decentralized internet directly on Twitter"

    Holy doublethink Batman. If there's something that screams centralized walled-garden internet, it's Twitter. "Participating in the promise of an evolving decentralized internet" - whatever the fuck that means exactly - on Twitter is as unlikely as organizing a drag show at your local KKK chapter.

  • Well, strange, I thought we were asking for no Nazis and the ability to edit a tweet in the first 60 seconds ...

    • except people throw the label of "nazi" around. For example, criticize Israel for mass murdering kids in orphanage or bombing Doctors without Borders" clinic that only was helping people, and you get called "anti-semitic" and "nazi"

      So no, thinking people aren't asking for "no nazi"

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • News for you, label of "white supremacist" and "racist" also thrown around at people that point out facts showing problems in inner city subcultures.

          For that matter, germany are such snowflakes they don't even allow collecting historical items associated with nazis, so don't use them as any measure of what's proper. War trophy gun or uniform collecting is fascinating hobby, for example.

          • The label "racist" is often thrown around at people trying to launder racism through the lens of "inner city culture", yes. An awful lot of racists seem to think that racism is some sort of box ticking exercise and if they don't say the "wrong" words them no one can accuse them of being racist.

            It doesn't work like that.

            On the other hand I kind of wonder why racists mind being called so. It's like, if you basically dislike brown people and own that, why on earth do they not want anyone else to agree with the

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Could they have meant 'digital pictures of apes'? I'm struggling to imagine a digital ape but if such a thing exists I'd be interested to see it.

  • They should have gone with something an extremely low transaction cost, like Dogecoin or Reddcoin. And no, the lightning network is not Bitcoin.

  • This news is perfect for a massive adoption of cryptocurrencies ... maybe other social networks will follow!

Remember the good old days, when CPU was singular?
