7-Year Old Prequel Fan On ANH 937
Random BedHead Ed writes "It is a subject often pondered by Star Wars fans: what is it like to watch the six films in order with a fresh perspective? From the Desk of Ghent, On one of the Star Wars blog site's many journals, answers this question in a recent blog entry about the writer's 7-year old son, who recently watched A New Hope for the very first time. Some enlightening quotes: 'Look... Obi-Wan is pretending he doesn't know R2-D2,' and 'Why don't those ships need Hyperspace rings?' It's a pity the end of Empire has been spoiled."
yeah (Score:4, Funny)
Because they didn't even exist in the past in the future in the past. DUH.
You meant... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:yeah (Score:5, Informative)
An example of this is in episode 3 when they talk about the short range TIE fighter.
In reality this makes perfect sense. Hyper drive units would add a lot of bulk to a combat fighter. Yet add nothing to it's abilty to actually fight in comabat.
So keeping the Hyper Drive unit seperate would be a simple way to increase combat performance.
I would create an account but after 10 attempts to find a user name that isn't taken...
Re:yeah (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:yeah (Score:3, Funny)
True. How did it get 5, Insightful in the first place?
Re:yeah (Score:5, Insightful)
The hyperdrive seems more important for getting the hell out of Dodge than getting to Dodge in the first place.
Further, the blog presumes/suggests that you should watch the movies as Episode I thru VI. IMO, the proper order of watching these films is:
1. IV
2. V
3. VI
4. I
5. II
6. III
7. IV
8. V
9. VI
It has often been said that the true story of Star Wars is the rise, fall, and redemption of Darth Vader. This is certaintly true--from a certain point of view--but you can't even guess at that until at least the end of The Empire Strikes Back, when The Big Secret is revealed, and Darth Vadar becomes more than just a Very Bad Guy.
Instead, by watching the movies in the above order, 1-3 works on the obvious level: the rise of Luke Skywalker, farm boy, to Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and hero of the New Republic, and true carrier of Skywalker honor. Then, watching 4-6 (i.e. episodes I-III), you see the almost-rise of A. Skywalker, who dramatically fails to live up to everyone's hopes, and instead becomes Darth Vadar, Dark Lord of the Sith. Then, you can watch 7-9 (i.e. episodes IV - VI) again, with the further understanding of just who this Darth Vadar guy is, what he's all about, and just how far he has fallen, for the full the Fall and Redemption story.
Further, the above order preserves all the major surprises and plot twists. The only downside, IMO, is that the plot holes are more obvious, even discounting that you watch 3 of the movies twice (and therefor are more likely to notice them).
Re:yeah (Score:5, Insightful)
The Chosen One was to be born of the force, in order to balance the force.
At the end of Episode III, Anakin does this. When all is said and done, there are two Jedi (Yoda and Obi-Wan) and two Sith (Palpatine and Vader).
So, he DID balance the force and fulfilled the prophesy, it's just that the Jedi were too full of themselves to realize what "balance" means.
Re:yeah (Score:4, Insightful)
It's destined to end, per the prophesy, but it is up to Anakin how he gets there. It's actually a lot like Tolkien's Silmarillion. The world is created through the music of Illuvatar, and Melkor's desire to create and control represent discord... a cacophony against the song of Illuvatar. Melkor is defeated temporarily, but he is destined to return and be ultimately defeated (like the Sith, who re-emerge after a long time underground).
Re:yeah (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:yeah (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:yeah (Score:5, Funny)
Hahahahah. Truly, Friday night Slashdot is the purest form of Slashdot.
OH FOR GODs SAKE!!! (Score:5, Funny)
Millions of protocol and astromech droids: (Score:3, Interesting)
And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:5, Funny)
Don't you mean:
If slimy mudhole after living your life in the top of an ivory tower your pension paid only enough to live in, senile you would be too"
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:5, Interesting)
He didn't seem so senile after he told Luke who he was. The impression I got was that he was playing a tard to wind Luke up. Testing his patience, so to speak. I'm not interested in defending the consistency of the prequels, but I didn't have any real qualms with Yoda.
It is interesting thinking about Yoda's motivations now, though. Was he helping Luke to deal with his father, or was he using him to take out Vader? I hope it's the latter. I like the idea of Yoda being self centered.
Re:And from Empire Strikes Back (Score:3, Funny)
why the new series sucks (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:why the new series sucks (Score:3, Insightful)
But I realized back when Ep2 came out that it wasn't a good idea to watch the movies in chronological order.
The prequels are interesting in the sense that they fill in some gaps and the backstory, but I don't recommend watching them without seeing eps 4,5, & 6 first.
Re:why the new series sucks (Score:3, Insightful)
The Chronicles of Narnia order. (Score:3, Informative)
--grendel drago
Well, here. (Score:3, Informative)
--grendel drago
Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:5, Interesting)
The new perspective gained from watching the first three puts the whole series in a new light. The Empire really became what it was simply because the Republic and Jedi had become so egocentric and inept they had to be replaced to move forward.
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:5, Interesting)
Anakin brought balance to the force and the fans (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:3, Insightful)
The same can be said for real-life historical precedents: the diseased Roman Republic-turned-Empire before the literal barbarians at the g
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:4, Insightful)
I was especially disappointed when they turned out to STILL be working for sideous in the third movie despite the fact that they were double-crossed in the first movie and knew he was a dark jedi in charge of the senate in the second film.
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Seriously though, the most effective form of government is a dictatorship. Any government based on freedom is bound to be (at least somewhat) inept and inefficient. That's why the Republic looks slow, inept and complicated; while the Empire looks efficient, directed and simple.
So, which do you prefer?
Au contraire. Despotism lacks efficiency. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Look, I'm not saying that all members of the Galactic Empire's fighting forces were evil; in fact, I'm of the opinion that many thought they were on the side of right, attempting to restore order, etc. That does not mean, however, that the Empire is the side to side with.
I also do not believe it is correct to brand the Jedi, or other members of the Republic, as inept. Yes, the Jedi were blind to the manipulations going on around them due, supposedly, to their arrogance and, yes, supporters of the Republic way of doing things put too much faith in democracy. These sorts of weaknesses are time-honored in storytelling of this type.
That said, I hardly consider the Emperor's assumption of power to be a move in the forward direction. That would be akin to saying that Nazi Germany was a good step forward because the trains ran on time. Remember, we are led to believe in Ep. 4, 5, and 6 that the Empire is pretty naughty in implementing it's plans--one need look no further than the destruction of Alderaan for evidence of this. Not the sort of environment I'd look forward to living in.
Yes, the prequels, especially Ep. 3, do a decent job of filling in the backstory, but I think the real lessons of the series come from 4, 5, and 6: fighting oppression, facing your enemy, and redemption.
Anyway, that's my view.
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Yeah, so hard to cheer for Rebellion anymore.. (Score:3, Interesting)
No, not really.
Good and Evil are the bright and dark edges of morality. ALL drama is fundamentally a question of where the characters stand on the middle ground.
Bitching about this simple human truth isn't cool; it's just a sign of foolishness.
(Now, there are two or three better ways to get the point "SW morality is too simple" across, but dening the difference between Right and Wrong isn't one of them.)
(Oh, and your complex nonlinear space opera would
Re:why the new series sucks (Score:5, Insightful)
"Robbing"? "Heinous crime"? Are you talking about taking away a child's school education or taking away some minor plot twists in a sci-fi movie?
Wrong....adds new depth (Score:5, Interesting)
Now on to the parent comments...
Re:Wrong....adds new depth (Score:5, Interesting)
I know what I'd be thinking... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I know what I'd be thinking... (Score:4, Insightful)
Let me start off by pointing out that Lucas' series is chock full of plotholes, and I solve them only because it's a fun mental exercise.
Now then.
Vader no longer has biological legs or arms in episodes IV-VI. Instead, he has robotic prosthetic limbs, and not very good ones compared to Luke's hand (and what's left of the organic parts is in pretty bad shape). He's also ~40 years old. His abilities with the Force are nowhere near as powerful as before his death [vanityfair.com], according to Lucas.
So, his lightsaber fighting isn't going to be very good anymore.
Obi-wan, now, he's explainable too. I don't remember the real numbers, but I'd assume he's around 60ish. While he's been training for a long time in the desert, he can't have had a remotely challenging lightsaber fight in the past twenty years, with not even potential sparring partners... Put those two factors together, and you can see where he might have lost the touch.
Luke is the easiest. Sure, he's strong with the Force, but he has no idea how the Jedi used to fight with lightsabers, and since Obi-wan dies so soon after they meet, he has no one to teach him the advanced technique. When he goes to train with Yoda, he doesn't learn it, presumably because Yoda had such a handful just getting this overaged pupil to use the Force at all, and to concentrate properly.
Ah ... (Score:4, Funny)
A question many of us have been asking ourselves ever since *we* saw it the first time
Re:Ah ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Point men... Expendable. Call them "heros" or "leaders" or whatever it takes to get them to fly in front, or detect land mines, or draw out the enemy fire, or whatever suicidal thing you want them to do.
Re:Ah ... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Ah ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Come to think of it, I used to do much the same thing while playing dodgeball in grade school.
Same deal I guess.
It's all about the droids (Score:5, Funny)
Yep. R2 is truely the most Force attuned of them all. Yoda and the other Jedi may have Midichlorians, but R2 has METAL chlorians! [guitar riff!] Excellent!
Re:It's all about the droids (Score:5, Interesting)
Long ago, Corsicant, a plantet girded by a single city, became not just self-aware (which many droids are), but self-motivated and free-willed.
It decided that humans (and I'll use that term, even when I mean "all biological sentients") were a threat of some sort. Perhaps their wars could have destroyed the computer, or some other, more subtle sort of threat.
In order to keep humans in check, it produced a nanotech tool called mediclorians, which could simulate a number of seemingly magical effects such as enhancing strength, generating magnetic and gravitation fields, providing sensory data, modifying the moods and simple surface-thoguhts of other (by dispersing a small cloud of them into the target creature) beings.
By dispersing this tool among the humans, two factions were created. The first (the Sith) were meant to maintain order, but they were too ruthless, and warred among themselves. So, a second group was created to counterpoint the Sith (the Jedi). This group, however, simply wiped out the Sith, rather than achieving a balance with them.
Anakin was created either directly by Corsicant's agents and avatars or by Palpatine on behalf of the planet (almost certainly without knowing the purpose). R2 was sent along by way of Padme to look after Anakin and make sure he was being guided down the path to "restoring balance to the force" (which becomes quite a bit more sinister when you think about it meaning the death of all but a handful of Jedi from the beginning).
R2 is the hero in so many scenes in all six movies that the point is hardly worth mentioning.
"He's been known to be wrong... from time to time." We never do establish how smart R2 is, but clearly it's far beyond the capabilities of most Astro Droids.
Several times people do things around R2 which make little sense (e.g. wiping the memory of C3PO, but not R2, combat droids deciding that the noise in the corner was "nothing"... do droids here things when R2 ISN'T around?)
R2 and Yoda have a very interesting relationship. Either R2 makes Yoda forget who he is (surely a blue R2 unit showing up along side Luke isn't a mere coincidence), or they both know what's going on... which makes me wonder who exactly WAS Yoda's master....
R2 is everywhere that an avatar of Corsicant would need to be to see the prophesy fulfilled and then set the whole process in motion again.
Re:It's all about the droids (Score:4, Interesting)
And its Coruscant btw.
Re:It's all about the droids (Score:5, Funny)
Good question. (Score:5, Funny)
Well you could ask Lucas but I doubt he would know.
Hilarious (Score:4, Insightful)
That seals it (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:That seals it (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh well, personally I'll just continue to enjoy those 3 great original movies and ignore the latest 3 stinkers.
Re:That seals it (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:That seals it (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:That seals it (Score:4, Insightful)
We don't see him become what he was in the original trilogy, we're left to assume that the intervening years actually made him an interesting character.
That "NOOOOOO!" bit worked with the prequel Anakin, but not with the original Vader. Whereas Lucas might have intended that disconnect to be striking, I think it came off more off-putting and irritating than anything else.
Re:That seals it (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:That seals it (Score:5, Funny)
robert blake did.
Re:That seals it (Score:3, Funny)
(a) Cheesy fiction.
Storm Troopers? (Score:5, Interesting)
And when did they all get a new accent?
Ewok with a stick (Score:5, Funny)
From a blaster or an Ewok with a stick?
Re:Storm Troopers? (Score:5, Insightful)
Due to blowing out the original budget on the enormous expense of the Jango Fett clones, they had to settle for a cheaper bounty hunter for the next batch.
Of the bounty hunters, the cheapest of the cheap was a young Greedo who, as we know, is incapable of even shooting a stationary Han Solo from point blank range.
This also goes along way to explaining why a bunch of two foot tall furballs can defeat an entire battalion of storm troopers.
Re:Storm Troopers? (Score:3, Interesting)
False. The penetration of a bullet is closely related to its sectional density. A small round traveling at high velocity, such as the 5.56mm round, will have superior penetration over a large round traveling at a slow velocity, such as the 7.62mm Soviet.
In fact, after the 1993 Mogadishu debacle, one of the things learned was the 5.56mm round overpenetrates human targets significantly. Somali insurgents were shot se
Suitability (Score:4, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)
Just right wing Christians? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why am I saying anything? I was raised by left wing christian nutjobs and had friends whose parents filled one of the above categories. Being an over protective parent has little to do with being a right wing christian, and more to do with being a fscking control freak. And control freaks are found in every religious and non-religious group.
Re:Suitability (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh, no you don't! That scene at the end with Anakin being roasted alive would have given me nightmares for a month at age 7. If a 7-year old can watch something like that without flinching then maybe TPTB have a point about kids' exposure to violence.
Always in the order written (Score:5, Interesting)
spoiled? no. (Score:5, Insightful)
Now instead of surprise it will be irony, as the audience knows what Luke does not. The audience also is left ahead of time wondering why Obi-Wan lies to Luke about his father.
Spoiled? Perhaps, in a way. But also brings up other things which are potentially interesting.
Children and RotS (Score:5, Interesting)
My four year old girl has started expressing a MAJOR interest in all things Star Wars since seeing, for some reason, a Darth Vader poster (I hope that doesn't say something disturbing about her bugeoning subconscious).
I have sat with her and watched A New Hope, which she thoroughly enjoyed, but having seen Sith myself, I think the scene of Anakin's "disfigurement" was a wee bit much for a child of her age, and I don't know how mature this guy's seven year old is, but is ANY child of that age ready for something like that?
Re:Children and RotS (Score:5, Interesting)
After Episode One, my 12-year-old daughter really got into the series, watching Episodes IV, V & VI over and over again. These remain her favorites. The month before Episode III she watched them all in the order they were made.
The part that was hard for her was the slaughter of the Jedi. She cried and was so upset we had to leave the theater for a while.
She was sad and angry enough to want to kill Anakin, and she was frighteningly glad Anakin got his legs burned off. She said, "he deserved worse than that for those kids," and she didn't say a word else the rest of the day.
Re:Children and RotS (Score:3, Insightful)
Hell, so did I. My seven year old was fine.
Re:Children and RotS (Score:3, Insightful)
Cody and Obi-Wan was a good example of that (though moreso if you've seen Clone Wars). Here you have a Jedi, their leader, the person upon whose skill their success lied directly, getting shot down by someone who we are to assume he had become friends with. Just like that. And then they cut to big-forehead-guy (whatever his name is), who was actually LEADIN
Re:Children and RotS (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Children and RotS (Score:3, Insightful)
And I AM serious.
I call shenanigans (Score:5, Interesting)
Bad Acting (Score:5, Insightful)
Also of note is how much Lucas' writing and directing style have changed. Episode IV is very slow paced compared to III. There is only one light-sabre battle, and it consists of Obi-Wan and Darth walking around calmly while being careful not to break a sweat. Contrast that to III, which has tons of sabre (and other) battles, and it quite fast paced.
bad acting and dialogue (Score:5, Insightful)
They succeded better for two reasons:
1. The directors worked around the bad dialogue a bit better.
2. Alec Guiness.
3. By far the biggest, Harrison Ford. Without Harrison Ford there would have been no episode V, let alone VI,I,II,III. He made the character work, he made his dialogue work. He knew the character better than Lucus. He ad-libbed the "I know" response to Leia's "I Love You".
The other actors and their dialogue varied. Hamill was a great farm boy, a mediocre Jedi. Fisher was terrible all around. But Harrison Ford glued it together and made it work.
Re:Bad Acting (Score:3, Insightful)
I know, with all the spewing lava backgrounds etc. I felt it was just missing a few car chases, with a few rolling and exploding, to complete the effect.
I and
Re:Bad Acting (Score:5, Informative)
Well, perhaps if you knew a little about fencing... allow me to explain.
I am a fencer of.. yay.. two years. What I notice about Vader vs Obi-Wan is that it's actually quite frantic. Obi-Wan is an old man, with slow reflexes and low energy levels. He can't afford to twirl and swing wide - when fighting with a very centered style like that, he could effectively hold Vader off all day without tiring. Vader, of course, would get quite frustrated and then be prone to making silly mistakes. That's Obi-Wan's best hope for winning.
Of course, Vader isn't exactly normal - he's getting on, too. He must be about 40 by that point, so his reflexes are long gone, not to the point of Obi-Wan's, but still he's not a young man. He does have strength and stamina that Kenobi doesn't have and so will use them to his advantage. Naturall, Obi-Wan won't run around in circles because he's just not capable of it any more.
I remember reading a study where a 30 year old male has lost around 15% of his reflexes, on average, over an 18 year old. I did a few tests in class 4 years backs. I was 26, and the kids I was testing against were all 18. My reflexes were noticably slower than theirs.
Don't make the mistake of seeing an old man using a technique with small movements as "useless"... something you learn pretty damned quick in fencing is that when you make a big movement, even if your opponent is a 70-year-old, a skilled opponent will make an attack around your movement and nail you. Fencing is very, very fast and precise.
I've fenced a 78 year old who just had a knee replacement. He wouldn't be capable of doing the big wide swings that we see in the prequels, but by god, try one of those against him and you're screwed.
So now you know. If you're curious as to what I'm talking about, get in touch with the local Salle or fencing club, and go along for a look. You'll discover that fencing isn't much fun to watch unless you know what you're looking at, and while it has a reputation as a "gentleman's sport" it's certainly a lot of hard work, too.
That's what I was saying. (Score:3, Interesting)
I recenetly rewatched Episode 4 and was struck with the same thought. I guessed that Obi Wan was just pretending he didn't know R2D2 since he's supposed to be keeping a low profile and Luke obviously knew nothing of Ben's role as a Jedi knight in the Clone Wars.
R2D2 could have had his memory erased, could be reprogrammed as an Imperial spy, ect. So until he saw the message from Leia and knew it was not a trap of some sort, he had to maintain his cover.
Re:That's what I was saying. (Score:3, Insightful)
I find it odd how people try to resolve plot holes with fiction or twisted justification, as if this will somehow make order in the universe. the only people that may have to give this sort of matter any sort of concern is an official comic book writer or someone else publishing something under the Star Wars license. Allow me to explain the real reason: Obi Wan isn't real, and that scene was either somthing Lucas didn't think
Re:That's what I was saying. (Score:5, Funny)
Where is Qui-Gon? (Score:4, Funny)
It's all about more money for George.
Best order (Score:5, Interesting)
Darth Vader's prosthetic penis. (Score:5, Funny)
If... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Darth Vader's prosthetic penis. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Darth Vader's prosthetic penis. (Score:5, Funny)
Alternate dialogue from ROTS:
Vader: Padme... is she all right?
Emperor: She's fine. But really, I'd forget about her if I were you.
Vader: Why?
Emperor: Look down.
My order... (Score:4, Insightful)
Viewing in numeric order is a travesty! (Score:5, Interesting)
To me, one of the greatest thing about Star Wars is the Big Revelation in Empire. Why spoil that? I will be watching Empire tomorrow night with my daughter and I can't wait to see her jaw hit the floor just as the jaws of the collective audience in 1980 hit the floor. If any of you out there have children coming of age and want to show them these films, PLEASE show them in release order. They don't need the prequels to appreciate the original trilogy
Don't get me wrong. I am one of the few who think the prequels kick ass from start to finish, but why spoil one of the greatest surprises in movie history just to give a lot of back story that doesn't matter much until you've see the originals anyway?
Besides, for a new viewer, the prequels still contain the surprise of Palpatine being the Emperor so it's just fine to end your viewing of the films with Sith. Palpatine isn't referred to by name in Jedi so there is still a satisfying build-up and climax in the prequels with that revelation (most of us hardcore fans might not realize that because we already knew who he was. New, younger viewers won't.)
Re:Viewing in numeric order is a travesty! (Score:3, Insightful)
A recent upsetting discovery of mine was realizing that children these days are given the C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia with "The Magician's Nephew" as book one instead of last. Not only does it spoil the mystery of things in Narnia for the rest of the series, but it spoils the wonder and pure fan service done by reading "The Magician's Nephew" las
Wookie Survivors (Score:5, Funny)
No, there is another.
Proper Order (Score:4, Interesting)
I personally find that the best order to watch them is:
Ben's "certain POV" (Score:5, Insightful)
It's Only A Flesh Wound (Score:5, Funny)
Darth did it for Love (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:While we are on the subject. (Score:4, Interesting)
Similary, the end of Jedi seems totally different to me now. Vader realizes his hopes of taking over as the new Emperor aren't going to happen because Luke just isn't good enough to pull it off, and he cracks. He gets pissed off and the old reflexes to kill the person responsible kick in, so he offs Palpatine in a rage the same way he routinely used to kill people in his younger days. It's not to atone for his sins or even to save his son. He's been getting pushed around by this guy for twenty years, looking for a weak moment to off him, and finally he gives up hope on a better ending and just finishes him off while there's a good window to do it.
Re:While we are on the subject. (Score:4, Insightful)
When did he realize this, before or after Luke removed his hand and placed him in the same prone position as Anakin placed Dooku? Sure, the Emperor took him down fairly quickly, but that was after Luke threw his Lightsaber away and presented himself defenseless to the Emperor. Well, not defenseless. He had the most powerful weapon in the universe not a yard away from him in the form of his father.
I came away with this. Anakin never had control of his life and never had personal responsibility. He went from a slave on Tatooine to Obi-Wan's padawan. He was always able to use his talent to get him out of the tough spots, but he never learned that his raw talent needed to be tempered by skill and focus. He lost to Dooku in their first battle because he leaned on talent and power. In their second battle, he tells Dooku he has grown powerful not how he has grown more skillfull.
Once he turns to the dark side, he returns to being a slave and he still relys on his power as a crutch. He is Cerebus on a giant chain guarding the doors to the Empire. Anakin fights Obi-wan the same way he fought Dooku. Unless you believe in luck, a clearly less powerful but more skilled warrior won that battle. Anakin is like any young adult. He does not think, he believe's himself to be invincible and he suffers from a monumental case of hubris.
Finally, in that throne room aboard the Deathstar, he makes his first conscious, responsible decision. He looks back on his life and realizes where he went wrong. He remembers the goading by Palaptine that drove him to destroy Dooku. He sees his son at much the same age, who grew up much the same way and had much less training than himself face the same situation and make the same choice. He finally realizes true strength, because his son shows it to him. Why does he return from the dark side of the force? Because he makes the right decision and makes the ultimate sacrifice for that decision. In his final moments, he does save Padme in the form of their son.
Maybe my rose colored glasses need adjusting, but I think that is closer to what the Lucas was thinking. Just my two cents, take it or flush it.
Re:the death star (Score:3, Insightful)
* How do you know it took the whole 18 years to build?
* How do you know that the second Death Star wasn't already under construction prior to the destruction of the first?
* Why wouldn't it be quicker to build something if you've already been through the process once before (as if we haven't witnessed that with computers in our own lifetimes)?
* They DID consider small fighters a problem which is why they were building an improved Death Star in secret so it wouldn't be attac
Re:the death star (Score:3, Interesting)