Comment Re: Need new laws (Score 1) 13
Trump can't even talk and think at the same time. When the teleprompter stops he either gabbles randomly, rants incoherently, or in the best case just stands there and complains about it not working.
Trump can't even talk and think at the same time. When the teleprompter stops he either gabbles randomly, rants incoherently, or in the best case just stands there and complains about it not working.
"Harvest underbrush from California forests"
With a rake?
This is not useless and can't be done well without "AI". Is it worth the impact? I'd say no. But at least it is doing something.
If only we could drive power from false dichotomies espoused by nuclear fanboys.
It is the law that they can enter the country and then apply to stay.
If you actually cared about the law and not signaling your lack of virtue, you would know this.
Much like Trumpism it is a belief in self above all others
"Nobody blocks their Caller ID for a GOOD Purpose. .
Oh look, no imagination. What a shocking surprise.
I got fired once because
1) I complained that my employer was demanding I send spam on behalf of N'Sync and ignoring COPPA
2) A buddy of the founder who was a coworker put up a FTP site for a customer to xfer files to us that allowed anonymous writes because the customer was stupid and it became a warez site, and I somehow got blamed for it even after he admitted it
FU Matt you bitch
past a certain point you get to where the guy starts looking intimidating and threatening to you
Women apparently love that, or at least enough of them to where it's not a detriment. I'm two meters tall and have had some very short girlfriends who got a lot of dirty looks from a lot of taller women when they were out in public with me. They all said they loved how big I am, because it made them feel little, as if they weren't already.
most straight men really overestimate how much of attraction is appearance-focused, and if they have trouble getting a date, obsess over things like working out rather than becoming a more appealing human being
I think it's worse than that. I think they think that being more roughy toughy intolerant assholey is what makes them a better man.
No worries, we'll have another world war soon and then lots of men will go die in ditches, and the taller ones will be more likely to be headshot in a trench. Problem solved!
People run Windows 7 do it for one of those reasons:
- old hardware that can't run a newer Windows, such hardware will have troubles running modern Linux + Wine
- legacy hardware/drivers
Anything that will run Windows 7 is likely to run Linux. Especially now, because the drivers that didn't work in Linux (or didn't exist) when the hardware was new are going to be there and working now.
software that won't run on newer Windows, that isn't guaranteed to work on Wine
That's a real problem, but more of that software should work on Wine than ever before when Linux 6.14 comes out; it is expected to finally have useful NTSYNC.
There was a bit of a lull there for a moment but NTSYNC works with the current kernel again but the useful parts aren't mainlined so we don't get to benefit from it yet even if we have a distribution which produces current kernels.
Wine-TKG staging branch supports NTSYNC and if you are motivated you can run it yourself, but you will also need to patch your kernel.
NTSYNC is expected to finally be usable in Linux 6.14, fingers crossed. It does not usually improve maximum frame rates much if at all compared to FSYNC, but it does improve minimum performance a lot for many titles, and it does significantly improve performance for some titles, where they get 100%+ performance improvements because they make heavy use of the relevant scheduling primitives. It also provides a big forwards step in compatibility, and will enable some titles which have never worked before.
It's nice that it's survived more or less in-tact through the years and through Amazon's ownership.
It's alive, but most of the features I used to use are paywalled, and there is no monetary benefit to me to using them so there is no chance I will pay.
Actually, it is Privacy-Focused AI.
Apple claims everything is privacy-focused, then you find out that they were lying.
How much longer are you going to believe corporate propaganda? Is there no point at which you grow up and get past the Santa Claus phase?
A Switch in "Settings" to turn it On or OFF.
You mean like the switch in settings to turn off caller ID that they removed a couple of tiny versions ago?
Business will be either better or worse. -- Calvin Coolidge