Submission + - Windows Update Flaws Allow Undetectable Downgrade Attacks (
wiredmikey writes: Researcher Alon Leviev is calling urgent attention to major gaps in Microsoft’s Windows Update architecture, warning that malicious hackers can launch software downgrade attacks that make the term “fully patched” meaningless on any Windows machine in the world. During a presentation at the Black Hat conference today in Las Vegas, Leviev showed how he was able to take over the Windows Update process to craft custom downgrades on critical OS components, elevate privileges, and bypass security features.
A Microsoft spokesperson told SecurityWeek the company is developing a security update that will revoke outdated, unpatched VBS system files to mitigate the threat.
A Microsoft spokesperson told SecurityWeek the company is developing a security update that will revoke outdated, unpatched VBS system files to mitigate the threat.