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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 136

Also, a gun accident resulting the death of someone under 18 is a lot less harmful to society then millions of childrens minds being ruined.

In any case, everything should be viewed as it's own issue because each issue has it's own unique risks/rewards.

More kids die from drowning (as you said) or car accidents. That does not mean, banning tiktok means we need to ban children in cars or swimming pools. (That can be debated but as it's own issue.)

Comment IPTV (Score 1) 104

Anyone know much about this? I look into this but most sites seem to be a bit skechy (which I don't mind but worry when entering credit card info).

I've tried googling and it looks like it is cable but over the internet (and not region locked) so seems interesting to me.

Comment Re:Statistics vs observations (Score 1) 146

I agree with you on choosing MacOS versus windows.

I disagree on your assestment that most users chose it over linux (maybe as a passive choice since their computers have it installed already.) Most users would be stuck on creating a bootable USB device or get scared that they could not get Windows back if they installed Linux - if they have even heard of linux.

That said, the reason doesn't matter. Windows still is winning but not on any machines in my home :)

Comment Re:Key expired? (Score 2) 52

I was a projectionist in the late 90s and early 2000s. This was back when we had to "build" the movie (slice all the rolls into one along with the trailers.)

We did not routinely unplug the projectors. Cleaning up there was with a broom and dustpan. The projectors were not on the movie theater floor with all the "sticky goo."

Comment Re:GOP Culture War Wins Again (Score 2) 363

Antisemitism is bad. Genocide is bad, but we need to have a place where we can discuss and address why these ideas are bad.

It should be self evident that genocide is bad - there isn't much discussion to be had on that. And the president of Havard should have been able to better articulate that calling for the genoicode of Jews to Jews is threatening.

Comment Re:Do I have this right? (Score 2) 66

There were so many people laid off, that the extremist government of Texas didn't even consider HIRING some of them to handle all the calls, just use AI to keep people unemployed.

No you don't have this right. The jobless claims in 2020 were due to the covid shutdowns. California and most other states had the exact same problem where the unemployeement offices where overwhelmed. (And I can attest it did suck as someone trying to get those benifits during that timeframe. It sucked enough that I researched and kept getting results for states that were not Texas having the same issues.)

Comment Re:Oh Texas... (Score 4, Informative) 66

I live in San Antonio. We have sidewalks and unless you happened to visit during that winter storm several years ago, I am unsure of what power grid issues you are reffering to.

Drunk driving... maybe you have a point. I havn't compared to other states but since you have the other two points so badly incorrect, I am not bothering checking that one for you.

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