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Comment Re:Enough with this "fuck beta" nonsense. (Score 0) 249

Grow the fuck up and stop spamming the comments. The grown ups want to discuss the news.

This would come from a coward.

Why should people just lie-down and get rimmed, if you don't like something and you do nothing about it then you're a fucking pussy idiot.

Real adults know when to act decisively upon something, perhaps you're not an adult yet.

So shut the fuck up and get off of our site, COWARD.

Comment #46177459 (Score 4, Insightful) 2219

Sort out:
Black text, white background, anything else is absurd.

Ditch the boxes round the comments they are seriously ugly and not helpful.

When I ask for the desktop version, I want the desktop version FFS, my phones screen has the same resolution as some laptop screens.

Get rid of the option to choose all insightful, all interesting etc comments - it's pointless because of the crossover between these things and it would lead to some bizarre meaningless threads being displayed. Not useful.

Bring back the user info, friend foe, userid etc, slashdot looks raped without it.

Things worth keeping:
The ability to mod without scrolling to the bottom of the page and hitting the mod button (I open the post in a new page to mod it so as not to lose my place/it's quicker)

The ability to collapse threads.

But that's it, the rest is a seriously bad downgrade.

Things that should have been improved, why weren't they?
The text box I'm typing in right now is tiny - why?

There is 'allowed html' It would be nice to have some buttons to put those tags around some text when you highlight it.

To any damn fool who's answer is well 'why don't you go and re-write the code yourself', I have the question - why didn't you build your own house and car?

Comment not limited to: (Score 1) 17

Sort out:
Black text, white background, anything else is absurd.

Ditch the boxes round the comments they are seriously ugly and not helpful.

When I ask for the desktop version, I want the desktop version FFS, my phones screen has the same resolution as some laptop screens.

Get rid of the option to choose all insightful, all interesting etc comments - it's pointless because of the crossover between these things and it would lead to some bizarre meaningless threads being displayed. Not useful.

Bring back the user info, friend foe, userid etc, slashdot looks raped without it.

Things worth keeping:
The ability to mod without scrolling to the bottom of the page and hitting the mod button (I open the post in a new page to mod it so as not to lose my place/it's quicker)

The ability to collapse threads.

But that's it, the rest is a seriously bad downgrade.

Comment Re:I'll be visiting these more often: (Score 1) 9

Doesn't work for me either, I don't get the desktop version on my large phone even though I asked for it and the mobile version simply isn't showing any comments, not that it matters since the beta ruins the whole comment system, can't see uid numbers, it's a horrible layout, stupid colours - grey on grey, as if it isn't hard enough to read text on a smart phone.

Comment Re:Worst UI ever seen (Score 1) 237

And the font looks like crap, I have an extension 'document font toggle' if I continue to visit slashdot after it's been horribly mangled then I'll not be allowing it to choose that god-awful font.

Having said that, if slashdot makes this new beta mandatory, I will 100% definitely be walking out for a couple of weeks to make my feelings felt, I recommend others do the same.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Opinion of slashdot beta? 9

An anonymous reader writes: What are your thoughts about slashdot beta? Post your complaints here so that I don't have to see them elsewhere. Additionally, if the beta is so bad that you don't want to stay, what other news website do you recommend?

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

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