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Comment Re: Shocked I tell you... (Score 1) 205

That hypothesis was tested in early industrial age with 12-14 hour work weeks 7 days a week with break for Church was a norm.

Factory work was far, FAR harder than pretty much all work today, and still production lines worked just fine. Meaning people were not net negative even with those sorts of workdays.

Notably we currently have a massive amount of factories across Asia with those 12-14 hour workdays six to seven days a week. You're almost certainly using products that came from those factories. So that's not a net negative either.

Comment Re: Shocked I tell you... (Score 2) 205

This is the disconnect between people with normal jobs vs people with "laptop jobs". Laptop jobs generally aren't very productive from work, they're productive from scaling of the work. I.e. IT engineer can serve a million people with the same code that he makes that would serve one person.

Normal jobs on the other hand derive productivity from work itself, not scaling. General practitioner MD for example can only be so quick about seeing each patient before quality of work deteriorates, and the amount of people he can see is directly dependent on time spent working. Same applies to everyone from factory worker to lorry driver to security guard.

People who work laptop jobs tend to forget this, and as a result ask questions like these:

>Are you saying you could not get all the important part of your job done in 32 hours? If you would work 32 hours you would likely be able to get 95% of the value for your employer. Maybe over 100% in long term with reduced stress rates.

The answer is no, because unlike a laptop job, on normal job every patient that general practitioner sees is important. He can't just skip you because you're not as important as the previous patient. Factory worker can't skip his last shift because the previous shift was important. Etc.

Comment Re:Inexperienced people giving advice ... (Score 1) 205

996 Chinese workers keep on chugging. When your competition is on average more intelligent than you, and is willing to work 12 hours a day six days a week, your negotiating power on lower work hours in the name of "productivity" is going to be pretty low.

And that's before the "will it really make you more productive, or do you just think it in the same way you think smoking pot isn't unhealthy".

Comment Re:All nice and well (Score 1) 100

In a 20 year war.

How many total air strikes were during the same period? What percentage of them hit the processions? And how many zeroes do you need there before the first meaningful number?

See, this is how I can tell you're a German Green. Ignoring numbers present in reality in favour of "but I hallucinate that they're really bad, so let's shut down nuclear power and bringing down the capitalism" is second nature to you.

Comment Re:Demographics (Score 1) 34

No, everyone owns stocks. Boomers however are the largest population segment right now, and they're also at their most capital rich stage of just before/just after retirement.

Which logically means that they're the ones who own most stocks vis a vis other generations, AND that they're most of the people who are moving their outsized capital from riskier forms investments to safer forms investments.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 217

It's really hilarious to me that you had a chance of accusing me of being on the side of nazis being a Finn.

And you instead decided to call me a Russian, which would actually give me extra credit for bing the main force that stopped their warmachine, as well as people who liberated the actual death camps along with the rest of the Soviets. I.e. they know about them more than anyone else, as they were the ones who actually got to them long before anyone else did.

And Stalin was a Georgian btw. So that part doesn't compute either.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 217

>Nazi Germany isn't known for its forced labor camps. It's known for the systematic extermination of a people.

And yet, there were more slaves than exterminated people. Here's a fun thing to search for: how many camps did Allies liberate vs Soviets. How many of the camps liberated by Allies were death camps vs slave camps?

Once you do, consider what that means. Does this suggest that perhaps there's a massive hole in your understanding of history, rather than something that Germany was not doing en masse during National Socialist era?

>So does the US. What's your point?


>The Cultural Revolution did not result in 45 million deaths. That's a fucking fabricated number.

All numbers about Cultural Revolution and Great Leap forward are "fabricated numbers", because Communists don't care about individual people. Not even to count them. The best assessments are between 40 million on low end and 100 million on high end. 45 is on the conservative end of the estimate.

At least before Woke took over many of the history departments across the West and having the world view of "Marx as our god, Gramsci as his prophet and Mao as his sword" started to rehabilitate Mao by depressing the lower end of the estimates to the point where they now claim low end estimate at around 30 million instead. Which is likely the number you were taught.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 217

>Rounding up a people and systematically murdering them

Read history on nazi camps, rather than the memes. Overwhelming majority were slave labor camps, not death camps. Where do you think "sabotage as a massive problem in German military hardware" came from? Biggest amount of people held were Slavs from territory Germans conquered as well as POWs and they weren't being mass exterminated. They were employed as slave labor to produce materiel mostly for the Wehrmacht.

And so they're completely comparable. Both used slave labor for the good of the nation's immediate needs. Both had people selected based on their ethnic origins.

> As fucked as the Cultural Revolution was- it didn't involve 9 million people funneled into fucking extermination camps.

No, it funneled about five times that at low end estimates into struggle sessions. If you have to choose to die to zyklon B or to a struggle session, you will choose zyklon B every single time. It's way less painful, and far less psychologically crushing. Because for all the horrors of extermination camps, at least it wasn't your brainwashed children slowly beating you to death to the massive cheers of your entire family and village.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 217

Google the numbers, since you're clearly ignorant. Because what Germany did to its own people in the name of National Socialism pales in comparison to the other main offshoot of International Socialist movement of early 20th century and what it did to its own people. It didn't need the war. Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward alone were way worse. And that's before the fact that they continue to do it to this day, except that now they no longer have Mao's appreciation for genetic diversity. It's be Han or get fucked by the system now for a lot of ethnic minorities in addition to Black Classes.

But to be fair, the Communist "work camps" of today are much closer to National Socialist work camps and so far better than what was done to members of Black Classes during Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward.

But baizuo will defend them anyway.

Comment Demographics (Score 2) 34

This is just another expression of "enough boomers have retired can no longer take the volatility. So they are rapidly moving money from high yield high risk venture capital firms to low yield but stable bonds and T-bills"

And like most things that Boomers did in the past, when enough of them do something, everyone else in the same age cohorts copies the actions. That charts tells us that critical mass has been reached.

Comment Re:I've a better idea (Score 1) 146

yep, I quit watching them a couple decades ago cause I can sum up every movie and be mostly right, let me give it a shot

Some evil is about to destroy the universe or whatever, and a team of "trying way to hard to be badass and cool" outcasts are our only hope they prance around in stupid costumes half naked. About an hour of auditory and visual noise ensues with street fighter like cut scenes once in a while during a battle, all along the cast of hero's endlessly make smartass quips about the situation they are in, again trying way to hard ... but now to be "funny"

Can I have a job Bob?

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