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Submission + - Slashdot creates beta site users express theirs dislike ( 4

who_stole_my_kidneys writes: Slashdot started redirecting users in February to its newly revamped webpage and received a huge backlash from users. The majority of comments dislike the new site while some do offer solutions to make it better. The question is will Slashdot force the unwanted change on its users that clearly do not want change?

Submission + - Once Slashdot beta has been foisted upon me, what site should I use instead? 2

somenickname writes: As a long time Slashdot reader, I'm wondering what website to transition to once the beta goes live. The new beta interface seems very well suited to tablets/phones but, it ignores the fact that the user base is, as one would expect, nerds sitting in front of very large LCD monitors and wasting their employers time. It's entirely possible that the browser ID information gathered by the site has indicated that they get far more hits on mobile devices where the new interface is reasonable but, I feel that no one has analyzed the browser ID (and screen resolution) against comments modded +5. I think you will find that most +5 comments are coming from devices (real fucking computers) that the new interface does not support well. Without an interface that invites the kind of users that post +5 comments, Slashdot is just a ho-hum news aggregation site that allows comments. So, my question is, once the beta is the default, where should Slashdot users go to?

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

Comment Re:Unknown sources (Score 1) 348

Yes. And yes.

Steam boxes are just prebuilt PCs running the not yet released, but promised to be "free" SteamOS. The same page says it can be licensed to companies too, so I can't speak to exactly how gratis it is.

It seems the only real source of information is Valve's Living Room page and subpages, but this techradar article digests it pretty well.

Comment Re:Lockdown was a feature in the mid-1980s (Score 1) 348

Valve is doing the exact opposite.

On the contrary, Valve is doing approximately the same thing.

A painfully apparent fact to indie game devs is that Steam is a walled garden (as exemplified by the Not On Steam Sale). You have to get Valve's approval to get a game on Steam, which means it can't be crap "me-too shovelware" in the first place. In fact, the Greenlight program has already seen some backlash because some devs put their stuff on Greenlight, it got approved, and then it turned out they couldn't deliver what they were promising. Gamers hate that.

Furthermore, indie games on steam are generally very cheaply priced (to the point where Valve's cut of the proceeds is almost painful for some indie studios). And then there's the sales. The unending sales.

Lockdown is still a feature. It's just cheaper for the customers now, and we've a bit of say what gets put on Steam. Personally I'm happy with it, but there are plenty of indie devs who have a love/hate relationship with Steam.

Comment Re:Some people... (Score 0) 621

As someone who's been in the fandom since the beginning, I can tell you that most "bronies" (including myself) watch it with complete sincerity. The fact that so many young adults watch the show might be memetic in itself, but actual enjoyment of it requires actually enjoying it for what it is. Colorful pastel catfaced quadrepeds that are pure of intention and completely genuine. There's almost zero parental bonus, and that's okay.

It's like watching Road Runner cartoons. There is nothing below the surface, only a purity of intention translated to onscreen slapstick.

Also, this cartoon. For reference, a "cutie mark" is an outward symbol of a pony's "special talent", i.e. job skills. Ponies literally wear their resumes on their flanks. They don't limit activity (and they're open to interpretation) but they're good indicators.

Comment Re:News for nerds? (Score 5, Insightful) 381

Very much this. People who complain that this or that news story isn't "news for nerds" are forgetting that the "nerds" who read Slashdot often provide more insightful commentary than any other group of private citizen commentators, and certainly more insight than what the majority of the 24 hour news-cycle organizations. Furthermore, because Slashdot has global readership we get commentary from people outside the United States. I love reading slashdot comments for the same reasons I like listening to the BBC on the radio on my local public radio station (KQED), because I hear fresh viewpoints that originate not in this country.
Slashdot's readership is one of the largest college educated and tech focused groups out there. It's clear to me that the people who read these terrible story summaries and comment here are frightfully smart, and it would be a terrible waste not to capitalize on the group intelligence present here whenever possible.

Comment Do none of you fight for the users? (Score 4, Insightful) 142

No, I'm not talking about the irritating tween idiots. I'm talking about the artists. For every groupthink mob of self-entitled screaming idiots shouting their misinformed opinions at the top of their tiny little lungs, there's an artist taking advantage of the dead simple microblogging platform.

Tumblr is the home of the Drawblog (contains art), the Ask (ask a character questions, receive drawn responses) blog, and the art compilation blog. To my knowledge, none of these things substantially exist outside of tumblr. Sure, I could follow an "art appreciation" group on facebook, but because facebook doesn't deliver stuff to me in anything resembling chronological order it's largely useless to me.

I am worried. Legitimately worried that Yahoo is gonna screw up Tumblr.

Comment Re:Yes but... (Score 2) 223

The second is that it is shocking how many people still don't understand they have an option (or have believed the FUD that it is some horribly demeaning and invasive process). By staying in the public space you help educate those that don't know.

You don't get it, do you? It is a horribly demeaning and invasive process. I've had the patdown before (only once so far, I've been able to avoid it and the scanners since). Even though the agent who did the patdown was extremely courteous and detailed exactly what each step was before he did it, I still felt invaded and demeaned. I have nothing against the man, he was very professional about it. I felt weird and violated for the rest of the day. As Sonic says, "That's no good!"

If you're gonna opt for the patdown, wear shorts if you can. They don't have to pat down your legs if they're bare.

Comment Re:Dear Editors (Score 2) 35

The submission quotes from the wired article, specifically the first and third paragraphs. It's not kosher to delete words from direct quotes just because they're "hype", and might even be improper in this case (because the phrasing comes from the wired article and conveys how the writer of the article feels about the device, which gives important information for the reader). Of course, that doesn't mean a clever editor could jump in anyways with ellipsis and such, but ellipsis are ugly and in this case the sentence is so short there would be no point.

For the record, omitting the second paragraph (which details pricing) from the submission and not indicating the omission with ellipsis or making it two separate quotes is bad editing.

(I'm not a "real" editor, I just have an interest in proper formatting. I may be getting something here wrong, and if I am please feel free to jump on my head and/or correct me.)

Comment Faster? Yes. Freer of Errors? Maybe. (Score 1) 240

My peers are college age students and the people I chat with on IRC (who I happen to know are mostly young, college age adults because of the demographics of the fandom that the IRC channel I frequent was created for).
I certainly reply faster than most others who use the channel. My replies contain more words and characters and usually have correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. In most cases I can get out a grammatically correct, spelling-error free, and properly punctuated short reply faster than other people replying to the same comment with sentence fragments.

The people on the IRC I compete with in the arena of fast and tidy replies are the people who I happen to know are well into their thirties and forties, and are also heavy computer users. E.g. at least one professional writer, a computer engineer, and a professional librarian. Co-incidentally, the engineer and the librarian are both fathers with middle-school aged children.

I learned to touch type on a qwerty keyboard by playing UT2004, not having a microphone, and wanting to chat a lot. I had a personal rule that I would only use full sentences. I played that way for a few years.

It's been a while, but the last time I used a WPM test I was rated somewhere around 50 wpm. I am almost certainly remembering that wrong but I can't be arsed to go take another test.

Comment Re:Let the UN and ITU run their own Internet . . . (Score 1) 158

Folks will use the internet available to them, as dictated by their residence in European countries or elsewhere. They may "choose" their internet by moving to another country, and that's not a realistic solution. Your assertion that people have a choice between UN internet and "other" internet is false.

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