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User Journal

Journal Journal: Gangland Style 1

So, what's your gang affiliation? Everybody has one. There is no other way.
Question was inspired by this
...violence is a tool of statecraft. What, after all, is a drone strike if not a drive-by shooting? In either case, obscure intelligence suggests that some person who may or may not be whom someone thinks he is and may or may not be affiliated with a group with whom we are currently in something like conflict may or may not be at a certain place at a certain time, and so we shoot in that general direction, and whomever we hit should've known better, been elsewhere, been someone else, had a better father.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Blonde Bombshell 5

"First, could you explain what you did in 2008 for Citi that warranted payment to you of close to $1 million, most of which was a bonus. Second, what was it about your performance that merited your bonus from a company that was being propped up by taxpayer money and are there any records of your performance assessment - or are there any assessments of your performance. Third, your employment agreement included a clause stating that 'your guaranteed incentive and retention award' would not be paid upon exit from Citigroup but there was an exception that you would receive that compensation 'as a result of your acceptance of a full time high level position with the United States Government or a regulatory body.' Now is this exception consistent with President Obama's efforts to 'close the revolving door' that carries special interest influence in and out of the government?"

You see, Mr. Smith, some of us don't like Obama any better than you do. But we pick issues that continue on a day to day basis in a reflection of past policy that goes back to at least to the 1870s, if not the beginning of time, as opposed to a single event in an attempt to to target a specific, quite disposible individual that simply serves as a mouthpiece. In fact, I would consider yours and your friends' thing as an obessesion, only to be fortified in textbook fashion <random explanation> when challenged.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Wasteland 4

In the last 24 hours 150 spam journals were posted.

UPDATE: My bad, that's 180 spam journals!

User Journal

Journal Journal: In 22 minutes 1

A single person was able put up 30 spam journals. New record?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nation Horrified To Learn About War In Afghanistan 13

Nation Horrified To Learn About War In Afghanistan While Reading Up On Petraeus Sex Scandal

WASHINGTON--As they scoured the Internet for more juicy details about former CIA director David Petraeus' affair with biographer Paula Broadwell, Americans were reportedly horrified today upon learning that a protracted, bloody war involving U.S. forces is currently raging in the nation of Afghanistan. "Oh my God, this is terrible," Allie Lipscomb, 29, said after accidentally stumbling on an article about the war while she tried to ascertain details about what specific sexual acts Petraeus and Broadwell might have engaged in. "According to this, 2,000 American troops have died, 18,000 have been wounded, and more than 20,000 civilians have been killed. Jesus Christ. And it's been happening for, like, 11 years." Sources confirmed that after reading a few paragraphs about the brutal war, the nation quickly became distracted by a headline about Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash's alleged sexual abuse of a 16-year-old boy.

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