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Comment Re:The important thing about Nazis... (Score 1) 79

The only medication is puberty blockers, to give the child time to develop emotionally without the trauma of developing sexual characteristics not matching their gender.

That you don't have an issue preventing children from developing their sexual charateristics is saddening. These are children (in reality their parents) that we are preventing from naturally growing up.
We don't trust them with cigerettes, alchohol, pornography, but trust them to decide - with all their years of experience - that they don't want to be their gender?

Comment Re:Wall Street rewards employee cutbacks (Score 2) 53

If you're doing a mass layoff, it means the executives made some bad decisions and either hired the wrong people or went after something unattainable.

Or there is new technology that reduces the need for x amount of employees.
Or there is less buisness or changes that require so many employees.
Or processes have been streamlined making some departments redundant.

Your reason could be the right one but to assume it is the only possibility is naive.

Comment Re:I'm a teacher at a Title 1 School (Score 1) 163

My kid broke her chromebook (the screen.) I was required to pay 450 for her to get a new one (and the school gets to keep the old one).

The alternative was that they gave her a loaner in school that she leaves at school. Since most of the homework and agendas are on the chromebook, her grades tanked while I passively protested the fee by doing nothing.

Mind you, this is for 5th grade, and she was using the same chromebook they gave her 2 years ago. Honestly, she did better with it than I have ever done with a smartphone.

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