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Comment Re:"comfort for your sins" (Score 1) 20

Ah.. That settles it. Equality is definitely off the table then. Thanks for confirming the bigotry. As harsh as that seems to you, that's what we have. Ask the gay people in your family, and with whom you work (since that makes you an authority on the matter) if I'm wrong.

And since you liked to use the old saying,

First, they came after the homos...

You know, they got a few of your evangelist buddies over there in Africa. You ought to take a look at the 'good works' they've done.. Somewhat ironically you might find sanctuary in places like that.

Comment Re:What's next? (Score 1) 68

It makes no sense to separate government from non-government. All the money should be counted as one, especially with the strong business influence over the state. Even the 'communist' countries were/are simply state run capitalism. They use the same spreadsheets as everybody else. Do not try to 'meddle with the forces of nature, Mr. Beal'.

Comment Re:"comfort for your sins" (Score 1) 20

Yeah, tell me about it... after you shed your cultural/religious bigotry against gay people.. You are trapped (by your own free will in fact) even thought you don't want to see it. You choose to be politically correct amongst your own group, too afraid to rock the boat and face rejection.

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