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Comment Re:Several had mixed-race couples or families (Score 3, Insightful) 77

I'd agree with you if we were raised somewhere else. We grew up in San Antonio.

I got beat up daily for being the only white kid in my school (well my brother was there but he got beat up more than I did.)

Racism is just another style of mob rule from those that have no other claim of power or self worth. It's also a way to be part of a larger group that involves no effort.

Teaching self respect based on accomplishments and self and human dignity is the best way to combact racism.

Comment Re:They just want lower wages (Score 2) 202

I remember in the late 90's being a computer science major. I did a lot of programing for fun and thought that it would be a good career (it may have been).

I was shocked, though, at how much math was actually involved in computer programing once you got past the basic stuff I was doing. (I didn't even realize how basic the stuf I was doing was until I actually took CS classes post high school.)

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 1) 115

They installed them based on the summary.

They are asking for permision to not have to support them until the end of times and instead upgrade them to something more modern.

They are even stating they will suport them until an alterntive is in place.

"All AT&T California customers will continue to receive their traditional landline services until an alternative service becomes available by AT&T or another provider."

Comment Re:Woohoo... (Score 1) 26

How do you do that? I have pictures of my deceased wife that I want to alter. I know it's stupid and probably unhealthy but would love to see new images of her from real ones. It's been 10 years and I still miss her daily and wouldn't mind something unreal. (And I'm not talking anything pervy, just different.)

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