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Comment Re:Docs (Score 1) 623

Solution. Design an Documentation oriented language. Just write the documentation, and the software will be written automatically.

Or an artificial intelligence system that parses the code and, from a big database of programming design and bibliography, write nice and concise documentation.

Maybe it could be achieved with a bunch of reverse engineering documentation monkeys, ;-)

Comment I got ripped of at Best Buy (Score 1) 447

There was a hard drive in an open box for a ridiculously low price. I bought it without checking the contents, and got home to find an ancient hard drive in the box. The store refused a refund and I sued.
I suspect employee theft plus collusion with the store, or else how was the drive on display for so cheap?
Fuck you Best Buy.

Comment Re:whatcouldposiblygowrong (Score 1) 497

that's why you pay a good sysadmin (for a lot of money) if you need good security, and don't if you don't.

if your server is important economically or even supports some life saving tools/etc and it doesn't have a good sysadmin, that's your error.

If you get an unimportant server hacked, well, no big deal. Rather that than being disabled or die etc by like.. far.

on the other hand, you probably want 100% of the surgeries to be successful.

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 134

First, I am a Libertarian. It is was you neo-cons that applied it yourselves. Basically, the reagan and W type of politicians that we can no longer afford. And you neo-cons/teabaggers are the ones that killed the fiscal conservatives.

This is delusional. First off, the Libertarian party is run by truthers and John Birch-style cranks. It has no coherent platform beyond "cut my taxes and your services". It will never, ever be a serious party in the US without a wholesale change in both charter and leadership. The Tea Party people are the ones who are the actual fiscal conservatives these days, and the fact that you label them "teabaggers" and lump them in with neocons displays a shocking ignorance. You call yourself a Libertarian but your political outlook is bog-standard dorm room Marxist.

Because the more that you launch the lower the fixed costs. That was the idea of the shuttle that Nixon pushed. Sadly reagan killed that.

Because it's not true in practice. Launching the Shuttle a bunch of times only makes each flight marginally cheaper because it was designed for performance instead of operations - there's simply too much that has to be done between flights. So great, instead of paying a billion a flight you have the cost down to $500m (and here I'm being generous), but to do it you need to quadruple the NASA budget so you can fly every couple days. Not that you could do that anyway with only four shuttles.

Doesn't make sense. We will never, ever have practical access to space with the shuttle, no matter how aggressive the launch schedule is. And what are you going to do with all those flights to LEO now that you have no money for anything but launching?

Later the neo-con congress of 2000 forced NASA to not develop VASIMR or transhab. Thankfully, a patriot pushed transhab into BA, while an astronaut/engineer/physicist with the help of NASA created a new rocket engine.

There was never a neocon congress. Is that your definition - "a neocon is someone who does something I don't like"? No wonder your world is full of them.

VASIMR isn't the holy grail of rocketry, it's just a new twist on ion engines. It will never be powerful enough to be used as a primary stage booster. In other words, it does nothing to get us out of the blind alley we went down forty years ago. I have a lot of respect for Chang-Diaz for not giving up, but even if everything works out the way he wants it won't have much effect on the overall picture.

Comment Re:Birth Control (Score 1) 477

That is the biggest load of bollocks I have seen in a long time!

It's just laughable, the old man couldn't buy phonographs so he turned to drink and was constantly drunk? how about spending the money he bought the drink with on records?

The whole piece is complaining about other people getting stuff, even trivial stuff, and yet he couldn't?

And then they all become alcoholics? Where did they get the money?

Not to mention the premise was each according to his ability, so if productivity went down it means there were slackers. The idea is to root out the slackers, not make others compensate for them. Were people afraid to tell others to pull their weight?

The whole thing is a big joke, for fucks sake grow up!

Comment Re:Single Point of Failure (Score 1) 300

By the way, Nokia seems like they are touting their gps feature as unique among cellphones. This phone I just got has been around for a while.

No, Nokia has had GPS with free downloadable maps for ages, what is unique is free drive navigation and free walk navigation that doesn't require a network connection to use, plus free events guides, free Lonely Planet guides and free Michelin guides.

Comment Re:Good example of piracy versus robbery (Score 1) 300

"This book shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser"

Please take note of the part in bold. It is legal to lend, resell or hire out provided the book is in it's original cover or binding.

Comment Re:Penalties (Score 1) 657

Sudo does it in a different way, only requiring the use to type his *own* password

Sudo can be set up to require the password of the account that is using sudo, the password of the account being requested, or no password at all.

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