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Comment Re:Battery Life, Sleep, Stability (Score 1) 147

15+ hours is the realm of battery anxiety, not a legitimate user requirement. The real acid test is can you get through the work day, and can you get from one airport to another.

Not quite. The real acid test is whether, once you get to your destination, you can do a full workday without waiting six hours to recharge.

Conversely, my Mac's ~14-hour battery life means I've never left the house with the (bulky) power adapter unless I'm traveling overnight.

Comment Re:Another Self Crashing Car! (Score 1) 154

That'd be fine for the people who live downtown, but you're forgetting about all the commuters.

That's probably a long way off, too. Right now, robotaxis are only allowed on a limited range of public roads, which doesn't include highways (and by extension, bridges and tunnels). So while they might be useful to get you from your home in a city neighborhood to downtown, but not much more than that.

(Also, I doubt anybody's really going to pay for robotaxis for a daily commute. Most people buy cars or take the train for that.)

Comment Re:I asked Perplexity why I should use it (Score 1) 25

Based on the search results provided, I do not believe there is enough information to definitively answer whether a cool refreshing Coca-Cola would feel good after using Perplexity AI. Here's a summary of the relevant details:
[2] The search result mentions that a Coca-Cola would "feel good after using Perplexity", but this appears to be a sarcastic or rhetorical statement, not a factual claim. The article is focused on Perplexity's plans to introduce native advertising, not on the user experience of Perplexity compared to drinking Coca-Cola.

Link 2 was to the very comment I am responding to.

Comment I asked Perplexity why I should use it (Score 2) 25

Q: why should I use perplexity instead of chatgpt? I hate ads

A: Answer
Based on the search results provided, here are the key reasons why you should consider using Perplexity AI over ChatGPT:

  1. No Ads: The search results indicate that Perplexity AI is completely free to use and does not contain any ads, unlike many other AI assistants and search engines. This addresses your stated dislike of ads. [1][3]
  2. Better Search Functionality: Perplexity AI is focused on providing accurate, up-to-date information through its search capabilities, which are powered by GPT-4. It can provide detailed summaries and citations for its responses, unlike ChatGPT which may not always cite its sources. [2][3]
  3. More Transparent: Perplexity AI clearly shows the sources it used to generate its responses, allowing you to verify the information. This transparency is lacking in ChatGPT. [3]
  4. Faster Responses: The search results indicate that Perplexity AI provides responses very quickly, often within a second or two, which is faster than many other AI assistants. [3]

Contextual Understanding: Perplexity AI seems to have a better understanding of context, allowing you to ask follow-up questions that build on previous queries, making the interaction more conversational. [3]
However, the search results also suggest that ChatGPT may be better suited for open-ended, creative tasks like content generation, while Perplexity AI is more focused on providing factual, research-oriented responses. [2]
Overall, if your primary needs are fast, ad-free, and transparent search capabilities, Perplexity AI appears to be a strong alternative to ChatGPT based on the information provided. [1][2][3]
Sources linked included a reddit thread,,,, and

Comment Re: Three docs that were (Score 2) 350

Moronic. There are to many reasons to list why doctors should not be able to give a patient anything they ask for, but I'll start with the most fucking obvious: if that was how things should be, why have prescriptions at all? It's fascinating watching the contempt for specialized competence eat the United States from within.

Comment Re: Duh (Score 1) 126

ignoring the warning that they should be ready to take over at any time if the computer acts inappropriately.

Oh, and there's no such warning. When you get into the backseat of a robotaxi, it won't even start moving until everybody is wearing their seatbelts. I hardly see any passenger leaping into the front seat and grabbing the controls in a traffic incident.

Comment Re: Duh (Score 1) 126

With the exception of the occasional spectacular failure that makes the news (and refuelling/recharging stops), this is already possible. Not legal, but the technology is there.

Nah. I've rode a couple of robotaxis around the city, and while the ride is nice, it's clear we're nowhere near "get in a car and go to sleep." For one thing, the vehicles aren't even allowed on highways yet. And they require months of training on any particular urban area before they can perform reliably. I don't think there's been any training in rural or even suburban environments, which have different challenges. What you say may eventually be possible, but we're still a long way off.

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