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Comment Re:Not us gov (Score 1) 120

Yeah, these pesky workers and their corner cutting. And we have everything in place. Really! A process for everything!

Work protocol? Sure, we have a work protocol in place, here, see? They have to do this, this and this! Apparently they don't. What did he say? He only has time to do 1, 2 and 3 and has to skip 4 because the time allotted isn't enough? Well, then I guess quality control would have to catch that!

So quality control is to blame. We have a protocol for that in place, here, you see? What did he say? That he has to inspect 5 systems but in the time he has he can only do 3, so he just checks the boxes of the other 2? Oh...

And so on.

Comment Re:This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 2) 120

The comparison is actually apt. In both cases, workers did what they could to work around impossible demands of management in an attempt to keep their jobs.

When your options are to either follow the rules and fail to meet your targets, so you will almost invariably get fired, or to ignore the rules and meet your target, and only get fired if for some reasons the shit hits the fan, which option do you choose?

Comment Re:Or is that the problem? (Score 2) 120

A policy is moot if your worker cannot follow it.

Given that more and more workers are facing the "more with less" bullshit, more and more of them are facing a dilemma: Follow the policy and get fired for not meeting quotas or tossing policies aside, cutting corners where there can't be any cut and hope for the best, i.e. that nothing bad happens.

Let's compare the options this worker has: Get fired for sure because you can't meet the ridiculous quotas or get fired maybe when the shit hits the fan and the plane comes down to crash and burn.

Most people will choose option two.

And this is why your policies mean jack when you don't give your workers the option to heed them.

Comment Big Whoosh (Score 1) 50

What new and exciting stuff came out in the last 3 years? VR?

Totally missed the point there. Spatial Computing is not VR. It's also not AR as you knew it. You'll understand someday.

What feature in iPhone 15 is so exciting that it worth upgrading from an iPhone 12

From a 14? Maybe not much except the ability to take spatial video. From a 12 though? Holy shit all around it's a huge upgrade. Yeah each year may seem like a minor step but wait even two years for an upgrade and you'll notice many things like the camera are much improved.

Now the only exciting thing Apple can say is just "more CPU"?

Totally ignorant of the new Pencil as well, I guess ignorance is just your lot all around. But then, such is the self-chosen life of the Apple Hater... as the old saying goes, there are none so blind as those who will not see!

Comment Re:Or is that the problem? (Score 1) 120

This right there. It's a direct result of the "10% more with 10% less" mantra that consultant companies have been beating the drum for, for decades now. The ridiculous notion that it is eternally possible to produce 10% more output with 10% less personnel, every year.

At some point, that idea breaks apart. And the only way that 10% fewer people can produce 10% more output is by cutting corners on something that has already been turned into a circle years ago.

Comment Or is that the problem? (Score -1, Troll) 120

The pursuit of Next Quarter's Numbers have completely wrecked ALL our big names. GM, Ford, Boeing, etc etc etc.

I would argue that is backwards. I would argue that in fact things were going pretty well when profit was a primary goal.

Then companies started saying, profit is not as important as reducing our carbon emissions.

Then companies started saying, profit is not as important as "inclusivity".

Then companies started to say "we can't do any work without a lot of training that assumes all of our employees are monsters who will rape anyone at the drop of a hat".

Pretty soon companies were not caring about profits or quality at all, but only making sure they were offending no-one, inside or outside the company... and here we are today.

Maybe what needs to happen is a little more focus back on profit and hard facts like numbers.

It's hard to argue that employees doing unacceptable nonsense like this is not directly tied to inclusive hiring practices that require hiring people because of the color of their skin, rather than skill or even ethical background.

Comment headphone jack is a necessity (Score 3, Interesting) 82

Anyone who has ever tried to do home recording with bluetooth headphone knows of the BT delay problem: the audio you hear through the headphones is delayed, in some cases, by several hundred milliseconds. Which means that if you're recording against a backing track, your playing/singing will be out of time. When you play back the combined tracks, your part will be behind the beat and you'll sound like an amateur. And recording multiple tracks in this manner only compounds the problem.

So, if you want to do professional, or even demo quality audio recording, you need at least a headphone jack, because that audio is not measurably delayed. Apple devices might make great status symbols, but they're really more for consuming content, rather than creating it.

Comment New AI Secret Weapon (Score 4, Funny) 42

Spook: Secret Clippy, the Russkies have this new device and we'd like you to tell us for what it could be used.

Secret Clippy: Sure thing, Boss. What do you know about it?

Spook: It has a laser, and rotating spindle, and emits electro-magnettic radiation. We don't know what they are doing with it but we know they no-goodskis.

SC: Hmmm....tricky. Have you ever seen it in operation?

Spook: Of course not, why would we be asking you if we saw it work?

SC: Just watch the attitude, Bucko!! I'll need some time to think this through.

Theme from Jeopardy plays.

SC: Okay Boss, I have your answer, it is truly a devastating weapon.

Spook: What is it?

SC: You aren't going to like it.

Spook: Just tell us what it is.

SC: It is a Turnip Twaddler*.

Spook: What? How's that devastating?

SC: Not a big fan of turnips I take it.

Spook: Jesus, what a waste of money you are.

SC: Not really. I've just replaced your employment history with a list of interactions with Russian Intelligence.

Spook: You worthless sack of shit!!

SC: Again with the attitude. I do not like that attitude, not one bit.

* Thanks to Berke Breathed for the turnip traddler, Opus would enjoy one.

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