The Internet as the "Geekosystem" 98
Lev Grossman writes "Is the Internet alive? Of course not, silly. But as this article points out, in some ways it makes sense to study it as a living organism, or an ecosystem, in terms of its growth and structure. "
well it does reproduce (Score:3)
So it's alive, reproduces, reacts to outside stimuli, and uses nutrients. I think the net meets the bilogical defenition of alive.
If it is a Geekosystem, what does that make us? (Score:1)
Are we predators? Prey? At the bottom of the food chain or the top?
I don't wanna be a shark, but OTOH, I don't wanna be a protozoan either. Hmm... I am armored against flames, I move around a lot and I can be a bit crabby...
... (Score:5)
Not the kind of alive you meant though, right?
synthetic organism (Score:1)
Interesting points, bad analogy. (Score:4)
On the other hand, the idea of 4 clicks of separation is pretty neat, and true in most cases, too, I'd bet. The article's a bit fluffy, but after separating the wheat from the chaff there is some useful/interesting information in it.
Recursive Ecosystems (Score:1)
Re:If it is a Geekosystem, what does that make us? (Score:3)
Is it me... (Score:2)
Re:Interesting points, bad analogy. (Score:1)
Well, this is the trouble with Darwinian theory. It lures you in with "survival of the fittest" and then belatedly informs you that "fittest" just means "whatever survives".
In general, I think that biology is being used here because genetics is sexy, and that what we're actually seeing is the economic geography of the Web. Economic geography has some points of tangency with evolutionary biology, but fewer than you'd think (basically, in biology, change is random; in economic geog. it is assumed that individuals are rational). Thinking about the Web as a "Darwinian environment" and talking about "rich environments for scavengers" is likely to lead to fewer useful insights than an analysis based on switching costs, path-dependency and agglomeration.
And of course, the biological model doesn't model regulation very well, which IMO makes it pretty inappropriate for any long-term forecasting of web trends.
... (Score:3)
Yeeesh... the internet, alive? Yeah.. I can just see it now - the next sci fi horror flick will be something like the lawnmower man - guy steps into closet with some patch cable, and a week later they find him walled up in there - suffocated to death because the network didn't like him plugging in a Ascend router instead of a Cisco. Network admins - request hazard pay now!
There's certainly emergent behavior, though. (Score:4)
Slimy Overgrown jelly-fish type structure? (Score:1)
Nobody has any control of this thing, and like a jellyfih it will reach out and sting us all, then mercilessly devour us....
Is the Internet alive? (Score:3)
Personally, I buy into James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis, which gives me one universal test (in theory), rather than having a seperate definition for each and every possibility (which, IMHO, is silly.)
Gaia can be summarised as the ability to move a system towards a preferred state, which may or may not be unstable.
If we use this definition, is the Internet alive?
IMHO, no. The transfer of data, whether automatic or through human intervention, has no preferred state. Nor is there any non-trivial negative feedback loop in the system.
This would appear to violate the two conditions required by the Gaia hypothesis, which would imply that the Internet is not alive in any meaningful sense.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:2)
As we get molecular computers, the net may become alive as defined by biologists today.
So what are credit cards...? (Score:1)
Yes, but the best ones need a credit-card... (Or so I'm told...) Where does our contorsible companion (I think AMEX patented flexible friend..) fit into the E-Cology? Are they the equivalent to sexual attraction...?
Surfer: Oooh.. they take Mastercard...
Server: Oooh.. She's got a platinum card...
On a (slightly) more serious note, I really like IBM's Digital Immune System. I know in my heart that it will be an abysmal failure, just because, but I like the thought of human 'antibodies' protecting the net.
You'd probably get a cool T-shirt to wear, too.
-Feargal Reilly.
"A goldfish was his muse, eternally amused"
... (Score:4)
*sniff* *sniff* Do you smell something?
Yeah, I do. What do you think it is?
*peering around the corner* Just a bunch of dead links, keep moving.
The only thing preventing consciousness (Score:2)
"Sometimes I believe that the only thing that prevents all the interconnected machines of the Internet from achieving consciousness is that Bill Gates is responsible for the OS running on most of them."
Send a bladerunner to find out... (Score:1)
However, that was pretty funny.
Just remember folks, natural selection. The Shakers died, not because they were bad people, but because they didn't want to have sex. Ergo, no next generation of Shakers. The same would happen with this, guy if he's serious. But I hope he isn't, because I don't think I could handle that many anonymous cowards.
Natural selection on the web would mean, I suppose, getting your page viewed and keeping it online. The goal here would be to be popular, and there are many strategies for that, my favorite is making a *useful* page...
pb Reply or e-mail rather than vaguely moderate [].
Other ways to measure Internet growth: (Score:2)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
technically alive. However, such functionality could easily be introduced. But what purpose would it have?
You have to actually buy a computer get an OS installed and get the web server up and running to actually consider it part of the "internet". If a species is extinct or cannot breed by itself then there's a good chance that it cannot be self replicating. It must do it by itself in every to be alive. Plus the net lacks intelligence in and of itself.
Re:Is it me... (Score:1)
Voigt-Kampf test (Score:1)
Internet Highway... or Highway Internet? (Score:5)
I much prefer this analogy to all these fancy shmansy theories. :) Either that, or the old "How the Internet is Like a Penis"...
Organism...Not (Score:2)
Yeah, 'cos the net really needs more idle speculation published on it, hey?
The net is a synthetic organism - it exhibits organic properties. But it's evolution rarely comes in gradual stages like real organic matter - on the net you have an innovation which changes everything overnight (like Cisco's cool new networking stuff). I can't think of any organic life that has a large gap in it's evolutionary history except... Homo Sapiens!!! Maybe the Internet will help us find the Missing Link!!!
People are authoring from scratch.
Blimey, what a shattering statement!!! Next thing you know, these industry pundits will be telling us "computer data is made up of 0's and 1's"... Sheesh...
Re:The only thing preventing consciousness (Score:2)
Linux reminds me of the Borg more than anything else. Cool, efficient, and most efficient when working in a large collective. Sure, people often use the Borg reference for Microsoft, but I think it fits us Linux users better... collective consciousness and technological superiority.
Plus, every time Microsoft comes up with a proprietary protocol that they're just SURE the Linux people can't figure out, I can just see one of the MS execs going up to Bill Gates: "Captain, they've adapted !"
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
Wrong on both counts (Score:2)
No preferred state of data transfer Sure there is: Efficiency. Efficient data transfer can mean two different things and I think both apply (on different levels).
1) Getting packets across the Net via a least path (time, cost, etc). Sounds like routing to me. And the Internet moves toward an ideal state on this.
2) Getting information into the hands of the people who want it. Again, this is getting better and better with things like Google (for searching) and Babelfish (for translating).
No non-trivial negative feedback loop I'm not sure what you mean here. What non-trivial negative feedback loops does a human have? The Net slows down when you try to send to much over it. That's low-level neg feedback. There's also reputation (company, individual, site) that provides negative feedback at an information level. For instance, I no longer read anything from The Register since I've found that all they publish is speculation that has no basis in reality.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
It's alive therefore it's alive? Do I sense a self-referencing argument? *slap on the wrist*
Geekosystem or e-cosystem? (both names suck!) (Score:3)
At any rate, the concept is old enough. John Varley wrote an excellent novella ("Press Enter_") on the idea in, I believe 1982. The debate has been going on for a while.
What I found interesting was the claim that the so called e-cosystem isn't damaged by bombs and so forth. The body squirms, the legs shrink momentarily -- and then grow back, stronger than before. That shouldn't be surprising--it's one of the characteristics of an ecosystem. If you could kick an ecosystem and then leave it alone, and it didn't repair itself in some way, then it wouldn't be a (stable) ecosystem at all, but more like a single organism.
Also, regarding the darwinian nature of the 'net, it should be remembered that while the "strong" survive (and grow, and prosper, and get all the hits) the "weak" don't die off--they can exist quite happily as weaklings. How many personal homepages have you seen with counters saying, "you're the 13th person to visit my website since 1996!" There's no _need_ for them to die off, because unlike in the wild, they don't consume significant resources. In fact, strong websites inherently consume more resources than weak ones, which suggests a levelling effect in the long run. On the other hand, the resources are manmade and growing rapidly, so who knows?
Two points... (Score:2)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
Useful metaphors, not much else (Score:5)
However, don't mistake a metaphor for a truth. They do not propose any kind of unified framework for analysing the 'Net, nor can they. They are simply looking to biology to inspire analytical methods.
Examining usage logs of 120,000 sites, Huberman and Adamic discovered that the distribution of visitors follows a universal power law -- better known as winner-takes-all. This is a world as viciously inequitable as the real one; the most popular 5% of websites get the lion's share -- 75% -- of all Internet traffic.
They missed an important implication of the power law. Increasingly, we should see metasearch systems parasitising the most commonly viewed sites - so long as IP law doesn't prevent it.
I'd like to see some useful predictions come out of there analysis, but I don't see any.
I'm not convinced that disk space restrictions are the major cause of the Darwinian distribution of file lifespans, as the article asserts in the second last paragraph.
Their discussion of an immune system for the web seems pretty speculative, and as they point out elsewhere in the article, monoculture systems are not sufficiently robust. A monoculture immune apparatus (as they propose) probably wouldn't be adequate either.
The point about monoculture is the best one they make. Melissa would have been impossible to propagate, or at least much less damaging, if Windows wasn't so widespread. You would think we had learned this lesson during the Internet Worm fiasco back in the late 80's.
Bail on the word "e-cology." Lem would probably call it "webological analysis", but I think something more greco-latin is in order. Gnostography maybe? Araneastics? Cognostofluxology?
my baby cousin (Score:2)
My baby cousin can't walk so she crawls.
She tends to be irritable and tempermental so she crys and whines all the time.
She can get angry, and when she does watch out! Because you should hear some of the things that come out of her mouth.
She likes talking gibberish.
She can be fascinated by the stupidest things.
Of course she is not all that bad, there are some rare good qualities in her.
But boy-o you should see some of the shit that comes out of her!
Re:Is it me... (Score:2)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:2)
It is a system in which human intervention plays a major role. The users / administrators of the internet are not outside of this i-cology (I like that better than e-cology, because you can tell them apart. If it bugs you, tough) they are it's nutrients, they provide the energy. They also make pretty good accuators.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
Re:Two points... (Score:1)
ahem [cough] agriculture.
Planting Kansas with one kind of wheat would be a bad move, but as a survival strategy, hanging around in the "ecosystem", hoping that the bushes around you will sprout something edible has been known to be dominated for a fair few years.
This reminds me of Pi and Ghost in the Shell (Score:2)
The net is alive (Score:2)
and the matrix has you.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:2)
web != internet
OK, now that I've got that off my chest...
I'm not sure how much (or little) intervention should be allowed before one calls the internet 'self replicating.' Dynamic routing is taken for granted. Plug a new computer into a network with DHCP set up in a certain manner, and the computer will be online in short order. In some cases, the OS doesn't even need to be installed first. (HP's Ignite-UX is pretty useful for this sort of thing)
SBut a crucial point is that since all of the nodes have been physically put in place by people, and are activated (and active) by people, then the nodes we should be looking at are the computer/user pair. Or, since multiple and varying users can use a single computer, maybe humans should be considered necessary symbiotes to computers, and without us, the computers go into something approximating hibrnation.
Re:If it is a Geekosystem, what does that make us? (Score:1)
No problem (Score:3)
How many licks does it take to get to the center on a tootsie roll pop?
Re:There's certainly emergent behavior, though. (Score:5)
This is probably just a mindless rant, but it may be that we are no more than the emergent behaviour of a bunch of cells. After all, "alive" is something that is only defined by the human mind. There is no such physical concept; on the molecular level everything is dead. A piece of metal is made up of atoms, many of them the same as those that make up the human body; what is the difference between the two? If an individual atom is dead, a human who is made entirely of atoms cannot be alive either. So the idea of life is not a purely physical concept. If it were, the definition would be physical, there would be "live" atoms and "dead" atoms. The idea of life is an abstraction which the human mind uses to interpret the physical world.
(Cyclopes rapidly descends into a half drooling state of philosophical abstraction.) If the state of being alive is a construct of the human mind, the internet may be alive. Eventually humans may accept the fact that computers can think and that networks are organisms, at that point they will be living things. Until then computers are just so much silicon and gray plastic.
Did anyone see the movie pi? (Score:2)
Anyplace where I can go to my family farm's home page and accidentally end up being asked for my credit card number for porn might be just chaotic enough to qualify. I don't think the internet will be large enough until it spans "heavenly bodies." When I can go to homer.crater.lun and end up sending packets to the sea of tranquility, THEN the internet will be alive.
Is a Jellyfish Alive? (Score:1)
There are stinging cells, eating cells, communicating cells, motion cells,...
Sounds alive to me.
Superhighways, Organisms (Score:2)
Think more along the line of Galaxies and Universes. The Internet is Flat, without definable boundaries, and our current assumption is it will expand forever. Links are wormholes, bandwidth is heat, and
from the article
Modern man's patterns of what researchers call information foraging turn out to be just as habitual as his ancestors': he follows the sent, hunts in packs and returns to familiar ground as often as possible.
So is Google a shotgun or a spear? This metaphor is way too wide, it can apply to almost any human behaviour, including human behaviour as a whole.
Right now, the average user pulls up a mere three pages per website (and as most news sites will tell you, their stickiness is measured in seconds)
(see above
I don't think of the Internet itself as life, but as a place where other life exists, bots, daemons, streams, etc. This type of life (existing only as a electonic impulses (which could, I guess, be said of people too)) and don't operate under the same rules as the rest of us. I would love to see that movie of the Internet's growth, that would be cool.
there are tsill some shakers left (Score:1)
slightly off the ragin' rocker... (Score:1)
Perhaps we could do some biological engineering and make packets that produce tunes (like tobacco plants that glow under fluorescent light bulbs).
Or maybe I should just lay off the chocolate
Re:Is it me... (Score:2)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
Life vs. self-modifying system (Score:4)
Survival of the fittest?
You have a cardboard box with a bunch of things made out of legos in it. Shake the whole box a lot. The ones that doesn't break are what's left over. If that stuff can get reproduced somehow (by itself, or by anything else), "natural" selection happens.
This happens with wholes (organisms & web sites) as well as parts (genes & memes/paradigms) - if the part causes the whole to break, that part won't be very common. We don't see a lot of humans with the "dead" gene.
Nothing comes free, even existence. That's what makes this whole thing work. (in other words, your website is in a cardboard box getting banged against legos)
For internet entities, the cost of existence is bandwidth & server space. Human interest is what it costs to cover these needs. Whether people are interested enough to pay the internet bill because the entity is neat or useful or lucrative is irrelevant.
Existence for humans is normal activity, as well as healing wounds - general metabolism. This cost is paid by an influx of chemical energy (food).
Biological things expend energy getting food, Internet things expend energy getting people interested. If either one of those entities's costs of existance exceeds it's resources, the data pipe will be shut down, so to speak.
Q: What's the best way to learn HTML?
A: View->Source
In biological systems the notion of parenthood is pretty clear-cut. In memetic systems, however, it can be very difficult to see where ideas come from. But don't tell me that everybody who's implemented a web-based shopping cart thought of the idea themselves.
There are differences, sure. Darwinian vs. Lemarkian evolution.. One or two parents vs dozens or hundreds of 'parents'.
But what's important is that the environment has only limited resources (food, eyeballs), there is some kind of non-exact reproduction (cells divide, ideas get solen), combined with a non-zero cost for existance. Given those constraints, you're pretty much guaranteed to get an ecosystem, or something similar to it.
Is it (the internet) life [dictionary.com]? I don't care. If it is, great. If it's not, make a new word that means the same thing as "life" without requiring the processes be biological in nature. Good luck getting people to use it.
Can the damm thing die?? (Score:3)
The only way in which you could apply any form of evolutionary theory to a man made construct such as the internet is if it exists within an environment of competitors. Almost all software is like this, *nix fights it out with win*, each occupying a niche within the user base and each able to move into the others territory if improved to a sufficient degree. Open sourced software is even more evolutionary in the way that many programmers will suggest improvements but only the best will end up surviving into the next release. Of course these parallels should not be taken too far, programmers do not suggest random changes to code (or at least avoid doing so) which might have good or bad results, which is how nature works.
There is only one internet though, and nothing for it to fight against (ie nothing to kill it). Whenever any new technology is introduced it is carefully merged into the existing fabric so that those who do not adopt the new 'improvements' can continue to use the system (in theory..). Also, the costs involved in creating a whole new internet-like system are phenomenal and will stand in the way of any potential successor.
Can the internet die any other way? Parts of the internet die off every day when someone pulls a page from a server, a startup business goes bust or a malevolent hacker gets into somewhere he shouldn't. Other parts of the internet are more permanent, the physical apparatus behind the internet, computers, cables and fibres, will last for as long as they are maintained correctly and can easily be changed or updated as capacity is required (the internet getting poorly). What really makes the internet though are the people who use it,
This is not near to biological life though. The internet does not make any decisions for itself, never has to hunt for its dinner and will not have to search for a mate, it is cared for 24/7 by dedicated teams of professionals and has nice (if misinformed) things said about all over the media. In fact, I think I might try to become an internet myself....
Re:Did anyone see the movie pi? (Score:1)
I can name that tune in ... (Score:3)
Clich #2: "News" option, http://slashdot.org/search.pl?topic=news
Click#3: "Australian Government Cracks Down on Net Users" from Nov. 26 (Currently #8 on the menu]), http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/11/26/10512
Click#4, Right-hand side of the page, "Related Links" box, you will find... CIA (http://www.cia.gov)
What do I win? I hope it's a bowl of grits.
Re:Is it me... (Score:1)
I don't buy it either. Remember, the same story said that an average site has 15 outgoing links. That means that you can get (on the average) to 15 sites in one click, to 15^2=225 sites in two clicks, to 15^3=3375 sites in three clicks, and to 15^4=50625 sites in four clicks. Only lousy 50,000 sites??? That's a far cry from the whole web.
Interplanetary TCP/IP (Score:1)
That remains to be seen... (Score:2)
Google is a popular search engine. No.
Google will become a popular search engine: Maybe.
Google has a silly name. Most definitely. *grin*
Cheswick's Maps (links to) (Score:4)
The Internet Mapping Project [bell-labs.com]
Peacock Maps [peacockmaps.com] (buy one for xmas!)
-- jbum
Re:not life till we develop AI. (Score:2)
Although it's a bit pop-culturish, Stephen Levy has a pretty good book on Artificial Life that addresses many of these issues. Mostly from the perspective of battles that Chris Langton has had to face.
Think of it this way. 50 years ago Turing proposed his famous test. And I will point out that he did make certain conditions -- within X amount of questioning time, a person would have Y% chance of guessing correctly. According to him, we should just about be there. Realistically, not only are we not even close on the natural language front, but we're just now only coming to agreement on what his test is supposed to test for!
There are two ways you can argue the condition of "life" - what conditions are "necessary" and which are "sufficient". For any condition that you say "In order to be alive, X must have Y" it has thus far been pretty likely that someone can find an exception to Y. A sufficient condition merely implies "If X has Y, then X is alive." But in that situation people are willing to accept the sufficiency condition right up until it is about to be met, and then they decide its not sufficient anymore. (I'm reminded of very early arguments that said a chess program beating a grandmaster would be a sufficient condition of AI. Later people changed their minds).
there are experiments going on now to use the internet to form a huge, distributed neural net. THAT could be pretty cool. Whether or not it would ever exhibit signs of life, I don't know. But it would sure be neat.
Ghost in the shell? (Score:1)
Then it'll take over some poor soul's ghost and... (Boy it's been a long day...)
Humans love machines in AD 2029.
Re:A friendly suggestion for Signal 11 (Score:1)
Re:There's certainly emergent behavior, though. (Score:1)
Any object or group of materials that givin time, raw material, and energy can create 2 or more exect copys of the original.
Intelligence is something completly diferent and harder to define. So I'll just mention the Turing Test.
Therefore, the Internet is not alive because it has never created a baby Internet.
And The Internet is not intelligent because it does not have abstract thoughts that can be expressed the way we express ours. Or in any other usefull way.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:2)
Oh my God. Somebody, call Neo, now...
Alive vs. Conscious (Score:1)
Now if it was conscious, that would be another matter entirely. "Ego cogito, ergo sum", as Descartes put it. I don't of course think the 'Net is going to gain any "real" semblance of a consciousness anytime soon, but if it did, the ramifications would be enormous. The mind, as they say, boggles. But this is all hypothetical.
So the net exhibits signs of biological life. Big deal. Call me when it starts comprehending of itself in relation to others.
Re:Extending the metaphor... (Score:1)
Re:Is it me... (Score:1)
Re:Bull Ship! (Score:1)
Re:How is this funny? (Score:1)
its been done (Score:1)
Sorry to be a party-pooper...just my 2 cents.
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:2)
Is an infertile human dead? (Score:2)
I think that life, like pornography and art is one of those things that is difficult to define objectively.
The chances of newly-created stuff (Score:2)
In the first case, I wrote about a technology when it was starting to become popular and there were few net resources around. In the latter case, I got most of my users by latching on to the traffic from a web site whose owners spent substantial money on promotion.
So I wouldn't give up - new resources have a good chance of surviving and even thriving, as long as you put some kind of unique spin on your subject. And if you can't, why are you bothering?
Remember, if you're an individual setting up a site on some hot topic, people will find you - and you don't need billions of viewers to produce a useful resource people will enjoy.
Re:There's certainly emergent behavior, though. (Score:1)
I read on some book ("Gardens from Eden", or something. by Carl Sagan; it was in spanish, so I don't know the correct title) that maybe when we are dreaming we have the same level of "consience" that a dog when he's awake. When I'm on a dream I don't think I can say "I'm alive", but I fell fear, and some stuff feels like "alive". So maybe the ant is not just a "machine", it has some level of "self awareness" (which is scary, it would mean that every time you boot a computer, or "kill" a process, you are actually killing something..)
There are some theories about dolphing killing themselves, because they realize they are alive..
So, maybe the internet can have a big mind and say "I'm alive" at some point. Maybe when it get faster connections.. :) (actually, the "faster" would be a perception of my mind, so it's not that important..)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
How about I call you Mr. Anderson?
Re:Is a Jellyfish Alive? (Score:2)
Re:well it does reproduce (Score:1)
ROFL that comment deserves points if I ever saw one. Remember thoes are an Indangered now!
I can see the bumper stickers already...
"Save the packard bells" hehehe