Happy Odd Day! 545
From a mailing-list "Today is November 19th, 1999. The numerical format for today is 19-11-1999. All of the digits are odd. The next Odd day will be 1-1-3111 - which is well over a thousand years away, which we will never see. Days such as 13-4-89 have both even and odd digits, thus, it is neither odd nor even. The next even day will be 2-2-2000 - the first one since 28-8-888. So, now you have a reason to celebrate this Friday as it'll be your last odd day on Earth!!!!!!" So Slashdot wishes you a nice odd day!
No wonder... (Score:1)
odd day, Good News (Score:1)
Happy odd day, everyone!
Well.. (Score:1)
Damn, I'm getting all teary eye'd and sentimental..
Enjoy your day guys.
I don't know about you... (Score:4)
As Woody Allen said, some people try to achieve immortality through their work, others through their children. I hope to achieve immortality by not dying.
q3demo? (Score:1)
0? (Score:1)
Re:Should convert to Judaism (Score:2)
Re:Stupid. (Score:1)
happy odd day
Re:Story == Odd (Score:1)
Re:Story == Odd (Score:1)
Prime Day (Score:1)
Re:I don't get it (Score:1)
Re:0? (Score:1)
*smacks self in head*
I hate it when people interupt me when I'm replying
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:3)
bash$ factor 1999
1999: 1999
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
remember when? (Score:3)
Does anyone remember were they were at
12:34:56 on 7/8/90 ? (following American date "standard, July 8th).
A perfect sequeance of numbers
or, for others. August 7th.
That won't happen for a few years.
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:2)
Re:Other than the other corrections. (Score:2)
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:2)
Actually, I think we will.
I mean consider all the wonderful things coming out of medicine lately to serve our immortality. We have head-transplants for when your body gets old (I know they can't reconnect the nerves yet, but they are making great progress towards that with handicapped people like Reeves), we have human-cloning so that we can make headless versions of ourselfs (they have isolated the gene which makes a body grow a head), they have medicines that show signs towards stimulating regrowth of brain-cells so we don't end up braindead after a few hundred years, and truely effective cancer treetments are just around the corner.
Who says we need to die just because everyone else did?
We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality. All we can do is learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way.
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:4)
That will be one primo second to be alive!
Prime number day. (Score:2)
Party on!
Re:No wonder... TRUE..oh so true. (Score:2)
And last Wednesday, and last Monday. And the Saturday before that. And the Thursday before that. And Tuesday before that. Then the previous Sunday. And that Friday, Wednesday and Monday.
Woo. I'm underwhelmed.
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
The formula for odd numbers is 2*(n+.5)
N for 2001 = 100
N for 1 = 0
It may be the last one of the millenium, but not the last we will be alive to see. (At least I hope so!)
This kind of story brings out the people who don't bother to read before they post. 2001 contains 3 even digits, 2, 0, and 0. the requirements state that all digits must be odd.
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:2)
While we're being pedantic, this should read "Not all Real numbers are Integers," or better, "Not all real numbers are integers." The way you phrased it seems to say that none of the real numbers are also integers, which is the opposite of your point.
"All people are not dead" is very different from "Not all people are dead."
Sorry, but with all this fine logical niggling going on, I couldn't help myself.
Re:Today is a Prime Day (Score:2)
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:2)
Decimal-centric detail (Score:2)
Personally, I find all these people talking about the new millenium in 2000 to be complete idiots. The new millenium doesn't start until the end of 2048.
Re:Last odd timestamp (Score:2)
Re:Should convert to Judaism (Score:2)
(as opposed to "Adar, the month", or "Adar II: The Wrath of Haman", or "Adar-3D, the search for forced humor"
Odd numbers? Prime numbers? Nov 23rd? (Score:2)
News for Nerds . . . (Score:2)
Stuff that doesn't matter.
who cares?
Re: 2 and evenness (Score:2)
My birthday is on odd day! (Score:2)
Happy 23rd to me! Yippee!
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:2)
1111 years 1 month 11 days ... (Score:4)
this odd day and the next one. Of course, it
falls out from the specification of an odd day
and arithmetic, (and a little luck with the
number of days this month) but it's still kind of
Re:Prime day, too (Score:2)
The last prime day for a while (until 2/2/2003) will be 11/29. That is phat.
And if that wasn't cool enough- 3/3/3119 is the next prime odd day. Wow....deep....warm and fuzzy.
woohoo!! (Score:3)
Reminds me of an old math teacher of mine... (Score:2)
We won't have any of those combos around again until 11/11/2011 (111111) or 11/12/2022 (111222) if you want distinct digits.
Ooooops!!! Nevermind! (Score:2)
Segmentation Fault...
Core Dumped.
Ok, I realised that they actually meant ALL digits odd, as opposed to the actual numbers. That would then rule out 3/11/1999 (march 11, 1999) becuase it's actually 03/11/1999, and 0 is even... well sort of, that's actually mathematically debate-able, but I guess the idea is that all the digits are odd (and even if 0 isn't even, then neither is it odd).
ctime and zip codes (Score:2)
94304-5533 is a zip code in Palo Alto, California.
Perhaps someone should modify XTraceRoute [chalmers.se] to show the physical location that corresponds to the current time_t.
Re:No, 11/13/1999 doesnt exist damnit! (Score:2)
A)Slashdot is based in the US if i am not mistaken, and no one has said anything that suggests that it has a responsibility to be international (As nice as that would be).
B)Just reverse the numbers and have a happy 19/11/1999.
I agree with you about the date format, but it is not something to get bent out of shape about.
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
You just described PRIME numbers. Odd numbers are #s not evenly (that is with no remainder)divisible by 2. 0 is even because 0/2 = 0. 1 is not because 1/2 =
Now that's odd... (Score:2)
Mike Eckardt [geocities.com] meckardt@yahoo.nospam.com
never see the next one? (Score:2)
Re:Today is a Prime Day (Score:2)
0 is not prime because it is divisible by an infinite number of numbers, namely, any number other than itself.
Ho hum.
Time to go be as odd as possible.
Last odd timestamp (Score:2)
I'll be letting out a little whoop at that time to celebrate.
Ironic?!?!? (Score:2)
Interesting, maybe, conincidental, maybe, but not ironic!
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:2)
In the third millennium, from 2001 - 3000, there are exactly 0 "odd" days. There will be 5000 "even" days though. In the fourth, from 3001 till 4000, there will be 8000 "odd" days. And 40 "even" days; all in the last year (4000). Note that we also have 40 "even" days left in this millennium.
-- Abigail
Correction (Score:3)
Walt Disney is scheduled to be taken off ice then. That should coincide with the opening of Disney Solar System on Pluto.
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:2)
Re:digits, or whole year? (Score:2)
Ok, one more time for the math impaired. 0 = EVEN. Because it is divisible by 2 with no remainder. 0/2 = 0. Done, fini. It fits the definition of even.
not real??? (Score:2)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
No, it's most even. :-) (Score:2)
Long answer:
You can say that any number divisible by 2 with no remainder is even. That makes zero even. You can also say any number divisible by 2 with a remainder of 1 is odd. That makes zero even.
If you want to talk binary, the Least Significant Bit determines even or oddness, zero being even, one being odd. This makes zero even. Of course, that's just another way of saying the same as above.
If you want to talk properties of even numbers, let's start with multiplication:
Ev * Ev = Ev
Ev * Od = Ev
Od * Od = Od
Zero times anything is zero. So,
0 * Ev = 0
0 * Od = 0
As you can see, zero must be even by this method.
Or how about addition?
Ev + Ev = Ev
Ev + Od = Od
Od + Od = Ev
Zero plus something = something. So,
0 + Ev = Ev
0 + Od = Od
Again, zero must be even.
Pretty much any way you slice it, zero is even.
one isn't prime, so america dosn't suck (Score:2)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
I may be stupid but.. (Score:2)
You are a random vent target (Score:2)
0 is just like 2 or 6 or -4. When you divide by 2, you get an integer!
That's all "even" means! It is not very complicated!!!
0 is not special!!!
This isn't number theory, it is simple 2nd grade arithmetic!
*pant* *gasp* *wheeze*
No offence to you personally (offence maybe to the average second grade math teacher tho), but i had to get that off my chest.
Y2K (Score:2)
Wi-to-kay = 3 sylables
yir-to-thow-sand = 4 sylables
Y2K = 3 chars
Year 2000 = 9 chars
Y2K means a computer bug
Year 2000 means a year or a computer bug or a host of other things
Re:Ooooops!!! Nevermind! (Score:2)
Not according to cron (Score:2)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
Re:Today is a Prime Day (Score:2)
Isn't 1 prime though...it is devisible by 1 and the number itself (1). These just happen to be the same number. According to Mirriam Webster, though:
"any integer other than 0 or ± 1 that is not divisible without remainder by any other integers except ± 1 and ± the integer itself"
1 would be prime unless they made the special provision so that by definition it isn't.
Re:How stupid are Slashdot readers? (Score:2)
Re:ctime and zip codes (Score:2)
There are (latent) coincidences all around us, just waiting to be observed. There's a quotation (or maybe it's something I made up -- someone please tell me if they know where it's from, 'cause not knowing bugs me!) in my head, something like "There is nothing so unlikely as all the things that actually are."
If you shop at a store with numbered carts, you may have noticed that you associate certain numbers (on carts) with referants in the Outside World. I don't know the exact ratio, but I've attempted to guess how many of the numbers from 1 to 1000 (reasonable grocery cart numbers) have taken a meaning beyond just the digits.
A random sampling:
How much RAM (in TB) most of us would like
Granted, some of these are categories rather than unique referants, but still
Anyhow. I think Jamie's point is the arbitrary nature of assigning significance to "coincidences" when the systems which generated the coincidence is itself contrived. At least, that's my point.
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:3)
It was. But that was 6 days ago. Today is the last one until 1-1-3111.
Now, if there were a November 31st, that would count too, but, alas, there is not. So Happy Odd Day everybody!
Re:Zero: even or odd? ... an answer (Score:2)
My karma is going to be so low after today... (Score:2)
0/2 = 0, 0 is an integer, therefore 0 is even!
Zero is the number before 1 and after -1. It is the NUMBER that is the additive identity. It is the NUMBER that when multiplied by another number makes itself. It is the NUMBER that when raised to any power other than itself, equals itself. It is the NUMBER that when any other number is raised to its power, equals 1. It is the NUMBER whose angle signifies the positive x direction. It is the NUMBER that is arbitrarily chosen to be the value of potential energy at infinity for a point charge, and works EXACTLY the same as if you picked any other number!
Please do not run around slashdot disscusions talking about things you do not understand, like basic math.
This is most Odd. :) (Score:4)
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:3)
19111999 is prime as well (Score:3)
Re:Errgggh!! I'm so tired... (Score:2)
I'm not aware of any legal authority that states when the millenium begins.It would be perfectly legal and reasonable for Congress to legislate that centuries begin on January 1, xx00. The 250+ million people in this country would then abide by that convention. If you think that's a silly example, then I'd ask you how many people would have to agree on a calendar before it became "right". There have been many peoples through out history who observed different calendars, and there are numerous extant calendars now. So, for example, would you say that Jews who observe the Jewish calendar wrong to believe that the third millenium won't begin on 1 January 2001? Why or why not?
I'll grant that according to the commonly accepted calendar in the US and most of the Western world, the 3rd millenium begins on 1 January 2001. But I've got to ask, "Third millenium since when?" Not the birth of Jesus of Nazareth; the date and year of his birth are impossible to specify without supernatural knowledge. The calendar itself was adopted hundreds of years after 0001. It's been changed a number of times - you'd be very hard pressed to say how many years and days it's been since, say, November 19, 500. There are whole strings of years and days that have been skipped or never observed.
So if a whole group of people choose to believe that a new millenium begins on 1 January 2000, just party with them, and be sure to invite them to your party on 1 January 2001. Personally, I will continue to believe that every day begins a new millenium, and I'll party accordingly.
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
"Happy Last Odd day"
Re:digits, or whole year? (Score:2)
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:2)
Real numbers form a group under * (multiplication) (yeah, they form a field, too, but I don't need THAT much ammunition).
Since they are a group under *, if A and B are real numbers, then A*B is a real number.
If we say B=A, then A*A is a real number.
I think we'd all agree that SQRT(5) is a real number, so let A=SQRT(5).
So SQRT(5)*SQRT(5) is a real number, implying that 5 is a real number. QED
An odd day (Score:2)
Re:what happened to... (Score:2)
^ ^
1 is not an even number. All the *digits* have to be even. The last even day was not in 1888, but rather 888.
Re:Errgggh!! I'm so tired... (Score:2)
Nevertheless, a question (Score:3)
Is it supposed to be a parity?
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:3)
perl -le 'for($i=int(sqrt(1999));$i>1;$i--) {print $i if int(1999/$i) == 1999/$i}'
prints nothing, thus 1999 has no factors in the range of 2..int(sqrt(1999))
Re:I may be stupid but.. (Score:2)
Oh, it is. (Score:2)
Re:all the digits are prefect squares too. (Score:2)
Give me a minute
Then it would have been more obvious. I don't know if it would have been any funnier though.
But, there was no year 1 on the calender ether, or (Score:2)
People don't give a fuck about the year 2001, they care about 2000.
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
The formula for odd numbers is 2*(n+.5)
N for 2001 = 100
N for 1 = 0
It may be the last one of the millenium, but not the last we will be alive to see. (At least I hope so!)
Re:what happened to... (Score:2)
so nothing from 1000-1999 can be an even day.
And nothing from 2000-2999 can be an odd day.
Re:I don't know about you... (Score:2)
Oh, and I know I'm odd: check out the insanity test
You are wrong. (Score:2)
19:59:59 19-11-1999
I am 2h, 59m, 9s away from that
Re:Today is a Prime Day (Score:2)
A prime number is a number that is divisible by exactly two numbers. One, and itself.
1 is only divisible by one number.
Anyway, the other respondant is correct. One is not prime because it is defined as not prime for convienence.
Re:Why only this day? (Score:2)
Re:Errgggh!! I'm so tired... (Score:2)
Re:Now that's odd... (Score:2)
each digit in today's date is odd. I'm an idiot
and should be moderated down.
Re:Story == Odd (Score:2)
Small world - info travels fast (Score:2)
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:2)
It's prime
Should convert to Judaism (Score:2)
Re:This is most Odd. :) (Score:3)
Yes they are. All Real numbers are not Integers, but all Integers are Real.
Re:Other than the other corrections. (Score:2)
Does this mean my NT won't crash today? (Score:2)
Of course if/when it does, I'll start planning for 2/2/2000 as my "Get Even" day.
-S. Louie
Re:An Explanation and A Query (Score:2)
Re:My karma is going to be so low after today... (Score:2)
Re:all the digits are prefect squares too. (Score:3)
451 F (Score:2)