FBI Keeps Seized Computers up to Five Years 148
Zorro turned us on to an NYT article that says law enforcement agencies routinely seize hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computers and hard drives as evidence, but have so few computer experts that confiscated equipment can gather dust for months or years until someone decides whether or not they contain criminal information. The story also says that, even if you're innocent, once the cops grab your computer they can keep it until the statute of limitations on the alleged crime runs out, which is typically five years. (Free NYT reg. required to read.)
Thanks for the sense! (Score:2)
I also won't jump down the slippery slope about Traci Lords etc
mwalker did the right thing (and I say that as someone who generally distrusts the police at whatever level -- see the Steve Jackson references throughout this thread) and I am impressed that he doesn't sound angrier than he does.
Re:Doesn't suprise me. (Score:1)
Only in a police state does the policeman have it easy.
If it takes years to examine your computer equipment for signs of incriminating data, then you need to write some letters to your legislature and the FBI saying, "use more of my tax dollars to streamline and make efficient this process," not, "use more of my tax dollars for reimbursing the innocent."
So what you are saying is that the FBI should continue to conduct "investigations" which are just excuses to sieze and hold computer equipment because there will be no follow-up. You say this is due to a lack of funds. I call it mismanagement. If the FBI were doing its job correctly, it would re-allocate funds from the agents doing the seizing to analysts for evaluating the evidence until they could process everything they grabbed in a reasonable amount of time, say 60 days.
Re:You might as well forget about your seized PC (Score:1)
Never mind the oxide, what about the data? (Score:1)
The only way to survive this is to have an offsite backup. How many people who aren't expecting this sort of attention routinely make offsite backups for the machine in their bedrooms?
Re:and... (Score:1)
It turned out to be attached to the rest of a car radio antenna. They dug down far enough to discover a car. This being the Las Vegas neighborhood they expected the car to contain a body so they called the LVPD. LVPD showed up with machinery and dug up a pristine Corvette convertible, which started right up. They took it away.
Next day the boys went down to the police station to claim the car. Finders keepers, right?
Right. What car? There was no record of it anywhere.
Re:FBI Hiring Slashdotters? (Score:1)
>Probably not, I would have a hard time doing that.
I dunno... to "assist in the prevention of certain 'crimes'" seems (to me) an ethical toss-up. A grey area. Something as innocuous as a warning - "you could get in serious trouble doing things like that" - might assist in the prevention of a 'crime'. Is that so wrong?
Certainly assisting in the rounding up for punishment of certain 'criminals' - and confiscation of their equipment - would be an ethical no-no if one didn't consider what they did to be criminal.
No different in other countries (Score:1)
So I called them every day.. at first they were pretty co-operative.. then they became annoyed.. then they stopped taking my calls "oh.. he's just walked away from his desk".. One day I called and they said "oh.. there's been a bit of trouble here and he's gone to investigate that.. he'll be back soon".. I rang back 10 minutes later.. they had put the answering machine on.. 20 minutes early.. so I looked up the federal agent's name in the telephone book and called the first number that matched.. "Is this ***** ****'s house?" "Yes.. I'm his wife, can I help you?" "Yer.. is this federal agent ***** ****'s house?" "Yes it is." Cool, I got it first time.. "Oh.. well this is ***** ********** can you get ***** to call me back on ********".. half an hour later.. *ring* "Hello *****, how did you get my home number?" "telephone book".. So I called there every day.. started getting the answering machine.. so I went down to the Forensic Computer Examination Unit and asked to speak to the dude who was sitting on his arse eating twinkies and not copying my harddrive.. For some strange reason they let me in and it turned out that he wasn't even there.. he hadn't been there for months.. no-one in that section had.. I left a post-it note on his door damanding my computers back.. it didn't help.. I got them back 14 months after they took em.. I never got any reply to any of the stern letters that I sent to the police. There is nothing you can do.. I have done it all.. I even applied for a job with the police so that I could get assigned to the FCEU and copy the damn harddrive myself.
When we got the computer's back they had these cool 'FCEU' stickers on em.. Now my mom has that computer (a P100) and I forbid her from removing the stickers.
Why can't we fix this? (Score:1)
If we all donated $20 to the EFF and then to the ACLU and other such groups
Re:You might as well forget about your seized PC (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Re:FBI Hiring Slashdotters? (Score:1)
I wonder if this means the FBI might be in the market for some 'puter Savvy folks like us? And would accepting a job like that be selling out? Is it ethical to assist in the prevention of certain 'crimes' if you don't believe they are crimes?
Given the current situation, even if you disagree with the laws it might not be a bad idea to join the FBI in enforcing them. Right now, people get stuck in limbo for years waiting to get their hardware back. If the computer forensics team at the FBI were increased, then the innocent people would get their stuff back a lot sooner, and the guilty (who would be convicted anyway) would be pretty much unaffected (they might go to prison a little sooner, but at least they'd know what was happening).
Of course, if you do in fact disagree with the laws, then it might likewise be a good idea to do something like this, in order to "speak from experience" that people in X situation are unlikely to (cause|have caused) Y problem.
Not that I'm trying to convince anyone to go work for the FBI or anything, but I wanted to point up ways in which doing so shouldn't be considered "selling out"---almost the reverse, in fact.
Re:Yeh, but...(Was Re:Encouraging to the crooks) (Score:2)
Sorry, I think you mean Steganography
Lack of experts (Score:2)
BS/BA Degree (I believe military service will qualify in place of a degree).
Two or more years of full-time employment with a single employer.
Exceptions are granted to the 2 year rule for people with degrees in law or accounting.
Clean criminal history, good character, and good physical condition (special agent training can be fairly rigorous).
Also, the FBI seems to place a lot of weight on academic credentials. I suspect they prefer to get Comp. Sci. grads with advanced degrees for their "computer expert" positions.
Do the math and figure out how many people meet all of the above criteria. Now subtract the number who are willing to accept roughly half of the salary they could be making in the private sector with the same credentials. Do you see a shortage?
Yes, there are intangible benefits to being an agent. Honestly, if a recruiter approached me today, I would still be interested. My experience with FBI recruiters, though, was that they were aloof and arrogant. This attitude is hard to take when private companies are falling all over themselves to hire you.
The fastest I ever got my gear back is... (Score:2)
And, boy, once your name goes into their tickler files, you are presumed guilty until proven innocent. They've batted a solid
Some of the Federal investigative agencies practices just aren't right (or legal, in my opininon). The majority of the population doesn't get to experience nice little things like property seizure and confiscate laws (which fund and add fuel to the fire), criminal record maintance (without conviction), post investigation cateloging of personal letters and papers obtained from computer equipment seizures and abuse of polygraph results in the absence of any real evidence. Once you fall out of that majority, (guilty or not) it's a long, hard fall to reality
The Second American Revolutions won't happen in time to mitigate technology's control of citizens, their thoughts and desires. Let's get one thing straight... Technology doesn't give a flying fsck about things like "Freedom" or "Liberty" or "The Pursuit of Happyness".
My recomendation:
Opt-in, becomming a part of the Federal investigative or enforcement power
Get out. Find somewhere else, on this rather large earth, safer and freeer to live.
Everyone else? They're just meat for the butcher's grinder.
So write a letter (Score:2)
Re:You deserve it asshole. (Score:1)
Some clarifications:
-The guy was not "tortured" by the police. It's probably trollbait, but I'll clarify that just so it's ironed out.
-He wasn't using my box for NAT or anything, everyone in the apartment had their own jack. Because I had TWO computers, I used a spare jack that happened to be on his side of the four person apartment. Too cheap to buy a hub I guess. I was in no way going to be held legally responsible for his actions.
So why did I turn someone in for child pornography distribution if it was no skin off my nose? Why not live and let live? I don't feel that the comparison to drug law enforcement is accurate, since the U.S.'s drug laws are retarded and everyone knows it. If'd he'd instead been growing a metric ton of weed in his closet I'd have given him a medal.
So here is what pushed me over the edge, and made me call the police rather than talk to the guy:
-Define young? ages appx 8-12 years old. Not traci lords. Pippi longstocking. Sesame street.
6 gigs. Carefully sorted. Documented. Separated into hundreds of subdirectories by race and gender combination. description files. Creation dates over a span of four years.
-Was he hurting anyone? He spent a lot of time in chat rooms in AOL. He spent a lot of time trying to meet people.
-Why not just ask him to stop? That would have, in my opinion, created an opportunity for him to destroy evidence. That introduced the possiblity of him remaining in my apartment. Or he could have stopped, moved, and started again. I felt that I had a responsibility to the public to do something. I felt that reducing the menace this person posed was not within my ability to create change. I considered the prospect of him luring someone into my apartment... and freaked out.
I stand by my decision, and that's all I have to say about that.
On the topic of allowing cash reimbursement for seized computing equipment - it's a nice idea, but it's far from being a solution. What if you reimburse a computer criminal who turns out to be guilty? If the state computer facility has a backlog of two years worth of computers, and that demand is constant, then increase capacity. If computer expertise costs too much money, spend more money. Computers aren't going to go away, and as much as corporate america would like to make computer programmers a cheap commodity by importing what they consider the "smart" races on indentured servant visas, the IT labor shortage isn't going to end anytime soon. Bite the bullet, modernize, make computer inspection turnaround time two weeks. Competent government is achievable, though you wouldn't believe it from the current state of affairs.
FBI Hiring Slashdotters? (Score:1)
You might as well forget about your seized PC (Score:1)
Considering the fact that a typical compurer becomes almost useless after three years, having yours seized for five years means that you will probably not be very interested in getting it back, except maybe for selling the metal.
Fortunately, Linux does not suffer from the same bloat factors as other operating systems, which means that you can run an up-to-date version of Linux on a computer that is more than five years old. But still...
When does a "confiscation" become a "taking"? (Score:3)
At least in the cases where charges are dropped or the defendant is acquitted, shouldn't compensation for taken property be required?
Re:FBI Hiring Slashdotters? (Score:2)
There's a lot more law enforcement agencies out there besides the FBI, maybe local law enforcement agencies are looking for help too.
And would accepting a job like that be selling out?
That depends on your ethics, for myself, I disagree with some laws but I don't think that everything the FBI or other law enforcement agencies does is evil. In fact, I really appreciate having local police around.
Is it ethical to assist in the prevention of certain 'crimes' if you don't believe they are crimes?
Probably not, I would have a hard time doing that.
What kind of penalties would there be if you claimed you were unable to crack a system because you believed the information it held should be legal?
I'm not a lawyer, but I imagine they could range up to dismissal and aiding and abetting criminal charges.
How much do you think the FBI would be willing to pay?
Government typically doesn't pay well, though I'm not sure about government contractors. On the other hand, you would probably have lifetime employment.
What I want to know, is where do I go for a law enforcement auction, I'd love to get my hands on obsolete computers?
Oooh, a 386, and the bidding is starting at $50!
Fortunately... (Score:1)
Can't say I'm surprised (Score:1)
Personally, if they are hiring for geek type jobs, where do I sign up? Could be kind of neat to know that you had a part in busting some big international operation and those perps are now seeing the harsh light of justice. I've been watching way to much Dragnet.
Encouraging to the crooks (Score:1)
No wonder the feds are so desperately worried about people having encryption! If they're ineffective now, with widespread encryption they'd be completely useless.
This underscores the need... (Score:1)
I'm trying to decide what to go with. I'm tempted to wait until this fall and get one of these. [onstream.com]
Re:This underscores the need... (Score:1)
1. TR4 (4GB native, 8GB compresses) drive is $100 most places for brown-box Aiwa or Exabyte SCSI-2 drives, a little more for IDE. You can get the SCSI-2 ones from www.compgeeks.com for $58.75 (OEM Aiwa). That is a good deal. I have looked around and I cannot find 4mm drives for less than $650 (SCSI). They will hold twice as much native, but they cost a lot more than twice as much. And TR4 drives have the advantage of working with IDE, if you are poor and need backup. A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing here.
2. TR4s are $27/tape in quantity. 125m 4mm tapes are $15 in quantity. This isn't that simple an equasion though. TR4s last about 400 runs before you get data errors (mostly). 4mm tapes you have to toss after 16 uses, tops. They just come up with data errors. And I am speaking from experience, here. The big QIC stuff is similar. The issue is the head -- helical head stuff streams poorly and stretches the tape even if it isn't streaming. And then the media flakes off the mylar and/or you have actual tapes snapping. So, assuming that you are brave or lucky and (for round numbers) you get 20 uses out of each DAT tape, for 400 runs, you would need one TR4 or 20 4mm tapes. That is the difference between $27 and $300, or, recognizing the capacity difference and assuming maximum compression (25GB for the DDS3 tapes vs 8GB for the TR4s at 2:1), that would be a cost of $27 vs $100. Like WinNT, 4mm seems easier and offers apparent cost savings, but winds up costing a lot more and being dramatically less reliable. And this is apart from the physical strength of TR4s vs. 4mm tapes; drop a 4mm and it will break (often enough), drop a TR4 tape and you will need to retension it. And this is apart from cleaning tapes. A TR4 cleaning tape is $35 for one, probably less in quantity. A 4mm cleaning tape is $7. Good? Well, no sane person would use a 4mm drive that hasn't been cleaned ever 16-20 uses AT THE OUTSIDE. If the 4mm tapes are reaching the end of their short lives and flaking like crazy, you will need to clean every 3-5 uses. And then throw away the tapes. TR4 drives need to be cleaned ever 300-500 uses (less if it streams)(and under Linux, it will stream, even if IDE). Again, a pretty serious savings, for TR4s.
3. Long term durability is another issue with 4mm tapes. They are often unreadable 6 months after use. I have seen many, many QIC tapes of various stripes be readable 6-8 YEARS later. In both cases, I am assuming proper storage. The stresses that the head puts on the 4mm media damages it and over time that makes it a lot weaker. And on that note, I hope that you are storing those CD-Rs in a cool, dark place, or they will be unreadable in 5-7 years.
I am not trying to harsh all over 4mm, but I have had a lot of serious problems with 4mm and 8mm and damned close to none with QIC, half-inch IBM tapes (3480 and 3490), and DLTs. For home use, only QIC is affordable, and the most affordable is Travan. You must budget for a backup cycle so that a single bad tape doesn't screw you (and have scratches -- remember Mabel!), but if you are really doing it right, then you will spend a lot less on QIC TR4s than on 4mm.
You are verifying your backups each and every time, right? If it isn't verified, then it isn't a backup, right?
Government Sponsored Oubliette (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:2)
(Having said that, said combination of open fires, kerosene lamps, straw and high explosives is somewhat unstable anyway. IMHO, all the FBI would have had to have done is wait until someone in there sneezed, and the whole lot would have gone up in smoke anyway.)
never (Score:1)
( @ )
I have 3 years to go =( if i'm lucky.. (Score:1)
I wonder if I should contact another attorney (my first sucked) because I was never presented with a search warrant in the first place.. who knows.. it's obvious they're throwing me one line after the next, and by the time I get it back (if ever) it will be barely worth a few hundred bucks and will serve next to no purpose to me.. Oh well, since then I bit the bullet and bought a new computer and am slowly changing my black hat to a lovely shade of white... I never wanted to grow up but I really learned my lesson with this one.... a warning to anyone else who has even tinkered with someone else's computer: the government is just looking to use you as an example.. even if what you didnt *wasnt that bad* or *easy to fix*.. once you cross the line, you are theirs to toy with.. and if you choose to step over that line again, you had better not get caught or you're in some serious poo poo.
Re:The fastest I ever got my gear back is... (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Sometimes it's necessary, perhaps (Score:2)
In fact, it's not surprising in most investigations to have computers go untouched because, in the officer's mind, the work required to sort through the storage devices and removable media on-site exceeds the value of the evidence he or she may find. Most officers (trained ones, not the average street cop, but the high-tech crimes investigators) only take equipment that meets one or more of the following criteria:
1) There is a good chance the equipment was used in the commission of a crime,
2) The equipment is stolen or presumed stolen,
3) Other evidence points to the use of the equipment in the commission of the crime being investigated.
Once the equipment is seized, trained officers will always image the drive and any removable media and perform the investigation on the copy. The reason the original is kept is because the officer must maintain full certainty that the evidence is pristine -- that is, that it has not been modified while in the possession of the investigator. These are steps trained officers -- indeed, the ones that _I_ train -- will take. I can't speak for every officer, though.
The trouble with keeping mahines is, many investigations take a long time to complete -- the evidence _must_ be kept pristine until there is a trial. Sometimes, as we all know, the courts don't exactly speed cases through. The fact that so much effort is expended on the part of the officer to maintain the accuracy of the evidence doesn't just protect _him_ in a criminal trial, it may protect the accused as well. If the accused has access to change the evidence after the investigation has been initiated, it casts a lot of doubt on that person's own veracity.
Still, I know abuses do occur. I know that sometimes officers keep equipment well beyond the times they should, and they sometimes do so out of spite. Some equipment is not returned even though there is absolutely _not_ going to be a trial.
If anyone feels that way, they should protest it to other law enforcement personnel as highly-placed as possible. In additon, if an officer during an investigation comes to take the machine, ask them if they hold professional certification from any of the common high-tech crime investigation associations (HTCIA, IACIS).
But, please, do realize these officers have to abide by the rules. The same rule of evidence which applies to computer equipment seized in a crime investigation also applies to any other piece of physical evidence: it must be kept pristine until trial -- however long that takes.
Re:never (Score:2)
The war on computer crimes (especially piracy) that the American government is so eager to step up, is just the "war on drugs" all over again, and it threatens to do to our computer networks what the latter has done to our city centers.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Nice way of shooting yourself in the foot.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Re:Doesn't suprise me. (Score:1)
This is the only way that the innocent can be protected from maurauding seizure. If the cops grab your stuff and you haven't done anything, you just buy a new system with your VISA card, plug in the copy of the hard drive and wait for their check to pay off the card.
The really ironic thing about this is that, unlike houses and even cars, computers depreciate so fast they are effectively useless as asset-forfeiture fund-raising material. Yet the cops grab and hold them for ridiculous amounts of time anyway.
This will surely be ended by one good federal case (Score:1)
1) Law enforcement goes to jail
2) Law enforcement has to pay an obscene amount in a class action, and suddenly all of the different groups get targetted by all of their past victims
It will only take one good victory to end the illegal actions by our so-called public servants. The moment the enforcers of the law consider themselves immune to the law, it's time to overhaul / replace / destroy the system.
Re:Law enforcement out of control. (Score:1)
The entire legal system in the USA is out of control. It needs to be redone, from scratch.
Also, don't I have the right to see what laws affect me? Yea, I thought so too. Where can I go download a copy? Which section in my public library? What, the laws arn't avalible? I thought that as well.
The laws should be simple enough that they can be taught in school in their entirety, and once a working system gets set up (Aka, the current sytem isn't a "Working System") it should be nigh on impossible to tweak it and add on unnessisary stupidity!
Arghhh!!!! I'm going to wright up a thingie and submit it as a top level Slashdot article. This subject pisses me off!
Computer seizure - a real world example (Score:3)
I went to college at the University of College Park, MD. I lived on campus, which meant that everyone in my on-campus apartment had a 10baseT jack fed to a T3 line on the Internet backbone. Good deal.
I had two computers, a Pentium-60 running FreeBSD with no monitor (fixed-ip permanent uptime server) and a dual-boot redhat/windows box in my bedroom. My on campus-apartment housed four people.
One semester a new guy moved into our apartment. I don't want to make this post run on forever with details, so to make a long story short: we discovered that he was hosting approx. 6gig of pictures of very young children having sex on his computer through a password protected ftp server. We freaked. We called the police.
I think it was the right thing to do.
The police came. Lots of them. They had a search warrant. They took everything electronic in this kid's room. They took his alarm clock.
My computer.
When they were taking it I told the officers: "you'll need the passwords, it's running an IDEA encrypted filesystem" and wrote the root pwd and filesystem key on a 3m note. I didn't care, the crypto was for fun, my box was legal. I remember what the officer said:
"I'm pretty sure they can figure it out".
As if.
I got my computer back 32 months later. I kept in touch with the college park police department. They just said it was at the state computer crime facility awaiting testing.
I don't have to tell you what a P60 is worth today. I still use it as a server, but I lost upwards of two years of use on that box.
I don't mind law enforcement taking computers in some cases. I think my case was a good example of better-safe-than-sorry. But they DO have a responsibility to get their f**ing act together when it comes to data inspection and returning property to innocent people.
From first hand knowledge, I can say that this is a VERY real problem, and that it needs attention at a national level now. If the mere suspicion of misdeeds is enough to confiscate a computer until it is entirely worthless, then law enforcement has effectively bypassed our trial-by-jury system. The punishment comes swiftly and BEFORE guilt or innocence is determined, because the punishment consists of denying a civilian access to his property. It consititutes the same kind of loophole that RICO does.
(see Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act - search altavista)
The problem with punishment before judgement is that sometimes you punish the innocent.
It happened to me.
It could happen to you.
Re:Sometimes it's necessary, perhaps (Score:2)
I suspect that these heavy-handed enforcement practices will continue until they begin seizing the equipment of individuals with "highly-placed" contacts. No, not contacts in law enforcement but in the legislatures around the country. Some bad publicity goes a long way to changing attitudes, and the FBI isn't exactly the most admired federal agency right now.
The FBI chooses to characterize these "hackers" in stereotypical and fear-mongering ways. The real irony is when these people begin to use the same methods against them.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
More info on the Steve Jackson Games case (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:2)
Which is probably why our "authority figures" get away with so much. People like you and the previous poster hold them above suspicion. If we believe they are behaving in a criminal manner, people like you tell us that we are paranoid and should get a life. I wonder who the real delusional person is...
Canada is nice (Score:1)
Sure, we have higher taxes, but also a national Medicare system that works (for now), as well as good public education (for now).
(Sorry abouy my pessimism, but I live in Ontario, and IMHO, Mike Harris and his cronies are ruining this province.)
Re:Computers last longer icecream, but not by long (Score:1)
Actually, no, they don't. (Well, maybe they do written down on a yellowing scrap of paper somewhere, but in actual practice law enforcement at all levels has been getting into the habit of just stealing stuff [fear.org].)
Re:never (Score:1)
And it also threatens to do to our software companies what the war on drugs did to our drug companies (include tobacco and alcohol in that assessment)
Right now the U.S. Government is about making money for U.S. companies, Why?, because we all work for who pays us.
My two most importants items in the next election? Campaign Finance and Term Limits, long live Jesse!
Re:You deserve it asshole. (Score:1)
Computers last longer icecream, but not by long (Score:1)
The FBI has reasonable rules concerning cars, and homes. Why not computers. I might be wrong about this. In any case it's unreasonable to keep a computer for vary long. It's a simple matter to copy the information off. We are, after all, in the digital age.
But then again, ever try reading the Constitution to a cop?
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
A certain degree of paranoia is not bad, it is healthy. The thing you can't do is let yourself get so obsessed with it that it controls your life.
There is a middle ground between people who don't trust anyone, and people who trust everyone.
Re:Lack of experts (Score:1)
This would explain some other things as well, like:
- exceptionally low prosecution and conviction rates for computer crimes - over reliance on polygraph tests
- how increadibly easy it is to find scapegoat, track-covering, innocent third party on which investigators can focus their efforts.
- the remarkable number of passed-over ex-military officers who majored in Physical Training at their local land-grant college before the ROTC recruiter managed snatched their soles and after the canidate realized they were unemployable upon graduation (but hey, they can make it though the FBI PT course like a champ!).
- rampant and general incompetence, resulting in abuse of investigative powers (ever lost your $65k a year job to an FBI investigator because it wanted to put you in a hurt locker so you'll confess and try to cut a deal? It happens, even if you don't confess... hey, anything is worth a try, if you're an FBI investigator... you might stumble across the computer crime case formula that actually works.).
- the reason industry doesn't rely upon the FBI to protect their assets or even figure out who dicked them over (the only really big institutional win for the FBI has been bank robbers and the FDIC program; that will never happen with computer cases).
- why academics make lousy security experts. I had the pleasure of attening a top 10 computer science program where a good portion of the student body cheated their way through the program by doing things like obtaining midterm tests from printer spools 24 hours prior to the exam, using professor's own code and previous project submissions to "complete" class projects and bringing down various computer systems to get deadline extentions. The comp-sci department? They were absolutely clueless (those who can't teach; those who can't and won't teach at University).
I could go on... but needless to say popular suspicions about government employees is well founded. Fear of "endowed" and armed government employees (IRS, FBI, Justice Department Prosecuters, Kongress Kritters and the like) is downright HEALTHY and should be encouraged (no kids, officer bob isn't necessarily here to help you once you've reached the age of incarceration)
Re:Law enforcement out of control. (Score:2)
According to this article [sciam.com] in Scientific American, the U.S. prison population is 668 per 100,000 (~.7%). Only Russia has more, with 690 per 100,000. Check out the article, worth a read.
Re:Law enforcement out of control. (Score:1)
There's no bright line between the two -- some of the most outrageous abuses are committed by the tax collectors and environmental enforcers. Laws against polluting other people's air and water are one thing (supported by pretty much everybody, libertarians included); blocking multi-million dollar developments (in effect, confiscating the assets involved) to protect a population of eight flies (I swear I am not making this up) is quite another.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
I believe this was perfectly legal (Score:2)
If you two were adults, and just, say, roommates, the search warrant probably still covers the entire place. Since you both live there, the entire place can be considered his property (as well as yours), which again makes your computer equipment subject to the warrant just as much as anything else in the place.
Re:Law enforcement out of control. (Score:1)
1. All laws shall expire not more than ten years from passage. (They can be effectively renewed by re-passing them, going through the same procedure as for a new law.)
2. All bills shall be read on the floor in their entirety by the sponsor (or by a colleague designated by the sponsor, to be fair to the vocally challenged should any such be found in politics).
3. Only legislators who have remained present for the entire reading get to vote on that bill. If this is less than a quorum, the bill dies right there.
Re:"Innocent until proven guilty", iirc (Score:1)
Very well said, I couldn't agree more.
Re:I've got a wacky suggestion (Score:1)
Re:You deserve it asshole. (Score:3)
This guy was not a stranger who mwalker squealed on, he was a *dormmate* who was apparently using mwalker's server to access the campus network. (It sounds like the campus was cheap and had installed a single 10baseT jack for the entire dorm suite. The seized computer was apparently used as a masquerading firewall to allow all of the dormmates to run their own system.)
In the US, a private citizen is *not* required to report criminal acts which they are not party to. If you think the current drug laws are insane, don't call the cops to complain about the smell of pot coming from your neighbor's yard.
But if the criminal act involves your own property, then failing to report a crime may make you an accessory to that crime. If the dorms had a 10baseT jack for each person and this server was directly attached to that jack (and the guy was in a different bedroom), then mwalker could walk away from the situation.
That's not what happened. Since that material only reached the web because of mwalker's actions and equipment, once he became aware of the likely criminal action he had to decide what to do. Report the guy, or risk arrest as an accessory? Simply asking him to stop was not an option because he could still be convicted of being an accessory after the fact.
Finally, I will not defend the "kiddie porn" cases involving a 17-year-old actress providing fake ID to the producers (e.g., Traci Lords). But the original article made it clear that this was a case that really did involve children. "very young children." There's no doubt that "very young children" are traumatized by sexual activity, and in a situation like this it's reasonable and prudent to check whether the adults in the picture are related to the owner of the system hosting them. After all, 6 GIGABYTES of pornography is a huge amount that wasn't acquired by downloading a mislabeled file or two.
Re:I have 3 years to go =( if i'm lucky.. (Score:1)
Or maybe was just an incompetent boob.
Re:and... (Score:2)
Unfortunately in many cases even if charges are dropped or you are aquitted, you have to sue law enforcement agencies to get your property back. And suing them is very difficult because the whole system is stacked in their favor. They almost never have to even apologize, let alone pay for your hardship, inconvenience or actual damages they do.
I'm not saying that all law enforcement officers or employees are bad people, but unfortunately they are working in a system that has become so bloated and self serving and corrupt that it seems the honest guys can't get ahead.
Sad, we should expect better. We should demand better.
Re:You might as well forget about your seized PC (Score:1)
Re:FBI Hiring Slashdotters? (Score:2)
The I.T. environment at the FBI: It's not what you expect. In a world that is changing by the second, FBI information technologies solve ever-increasing challenges more intelligently, and at higher levels. So do the skilled professionals who provide the vision and the human intelligence. We invite you to join them at our headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Computer Science & Engineering Professionals:
Computer Scientists
Computer Specialists
Computer Specialists (Programmer)
Computer Specialists (Systems Analyst)
Electronics Engineer
Telecommunications Managers
High priority technologies...and compensation.
Equally as high profile as our I.T. impact are the compensation packages we offer. They are highly competitive, recognizing the unique expertise of today's brightest technical leaders. Consider:
Salaries up to $125,900
Sign-on bonuses available to those who qualify
Excellent group health & life insurance plans
Vacation & sick pay
Comprehensive retirement plan
However, the FBI has absolutely no e-mail address from their page for contacting them concerning job openings. They have a crime report form, but no e-mail address. How odd.
Yeh, but...(Was Re:Encouraging to the crooks) (Score:1)
( @ )
Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:2)
Re:This underscores the need... (Score:2)
Travan seems like a bad value proposition to me, especially the media which is much more expensive than 4mm DAT media. Compared to a 4mm DAT drive, by the time you buy a dozen tapes, 4mm is cheaper than Travan. If you don't buy at least a dozen or so tapes and use a decent tape rotation scheme, you probably aren't going to do adequate backups. I've seen too many people with Travan style drives that only buy one or two tapes and they have no backup history or get screwed by a failed tape.
From what I've seen 4mm is also faster, quieter, more reliable, and more compact than Travan.
I have a 4mm DAT drive that I've had for a long time, and it has always worked great for me under Linux. Although for my backup use these days I mostly burn CDRs.
Doesn't suprise me. (Score:2)
Even though the reasons for them taking so long are rather obvious, law enforcement should be financially liable when the person turns out to be innocent. That computer they seized five years ago could easily have cost $2000, but is now probably worth $200 tops. IMHO, law enforcement should be forced to pony up the missing $1800. Doesn't the constitution mention something about no property being deprived without proper compensation? Hmmm.
Anyway, I've stalled long enough. I have to smack some sense into the NT boxen on the network. Seems the little buggers aren't running Web Site Pro and Cold Fusion properly . . . sigh.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
If you are only beginning to fear, then you are not paranoid enough. The past 20-30 years has been an all out assault by the government on virtually all of the bill of rights.
NO point (Score:1)
It is not even a good idea it almost sounds like a good business to start in Australia, Northern Europe or somewhere else where the internet to the US is fast enough.
Off shore backups inc... 1 c per G per day
Ouch. (Score:3)
That really sucks.
Personally, I think this is one of those situations where what they SHOULD do, given that (as per another post on this thread) they need to keep the evidence "pristine," is give someone like you the cash to buy another computer.
Would that be an acceptable compromise?
Re:Doesn't suprise me. (Score:2)
If the cops can justify the seizure, explain why they charged you with a crime, etc., there's nothing you can do. If you can prove that they were out of line to begin with ("wrongful arrest"), you may be able to sue them and get something out of it, but usually that only happens if there's some major breach of protocol on their part.
Remember: if they're coming into your house and seizing your equipment, they've been able to convince a *judge* that this search and seizure is necessary. Cops/FBI don't normally do this sort of thing on a whim. There are checks and balances at work.
Also (and I'm playing devil's advocate here), if you did have things your way and the cops were required to reimburse you for the depreciation of your equipment, would you/we really be better off? It would simply make their job significantly harder. The whole point of a search warrant (thus confiscation) is to determine if you've done something wrong. Cops don't hire a cleaning service to come clean up your place after they tear it apart as part of a search warrant. If it takes years to examine your computer equipment for signs of incriminating data, then you need to write some letters to your legislature and the FBI saying, "use more of my tax dollars to streamline and make efficient this process," not, "use more of my tax dollars for reimbursing the innocent."
That's why Colorado has sane credit bureau laws (Score:2)
That's why Colorado has sane credit bureau laws. Critics had been complaining for years about the problems with credit bureau reports, but the industry would send a lobbyist or two to "prove" that the only people complaining where people trying to hide legitimate, if unpleasant, information in their credit report.
Until a state legislator was denied credit due to false information in her report, and she discovered first-hand just how difficult it can be to correct errors.
She introduced rather interesting legislation when the legislature reconvened. Even I thought it went too far, although I understood that sometimes it takes a 2x4 to get the mule's attention. (IIRC, the original bill involved daily fines for carrying false information!) The industry lobbied hard against any legislation, but there's absolutely no lobbyist more effective than a respected legislator with a legitimate gripe. The bill was toned down, but I believe it was still the most pro-consumer credit bureau law in the nation at the time it was passed.
Unfortunately, when you're talking about the FBI you need to nail someone close to a member of Congress... and the FBI is so political it's a near certainty that they treat members of Congress differently than the rest of the population. (This isn't *entirely* unjustified, since the damage caused by a congressman claiming that the president is misusing the FBI to harrass enemies might outweigh the benefits of stopping a relatively minor crime.) And it's far harder for a politician to stand up for someone under investigation for drug trafficking or child pornography than for someone falsely accused of being a deadbeat.
It's *presumed* innocent (Score:2)
If you're innocent, the police shouldn't hold any of your property against your will. Unfortunately God hasn't been answering His pages, and history shows that people who claim to speak for God are not to be trusted.
If you're "presumed innocent," the police can't dispose of your property against your will, but they still have the right to prevent *you* from disposing of property they believe is evidence in a criminal act.
Once you're found "legally guilty," the state can do whatever it wants with your former property that was seized in connection with a criminal act. You have absolutely no rights to it. I think they'll generally try to avoid actually doing so until appeals are exhausted, but it's no longer unreasonable for them to sell some items and, if you win your appeal, simply give you the current cash equivalence. The fact you lost all of your files, well tough luck.
As to the general "we don't return tools to bad guys" sentiment, that's just ignorance speaking. As others have pointed out, the state has an obligation to keep evidence in a pristine state. For all anyone knows, that disk is one use away from sudden catastrophic failure and your "convenience" copy will prevent the evidence from being used at trial.
That said, the government has become *extremely* abusive of forfeiture laws, and once someone is acquited *or the state declines to prosecute within a reasonable period* ( the statue of limitations period, since the latter was never intended to be used as an extra-legal bludgeon to punish people without the trouble of actually going to trial), cash, computers, cars, and the like should be returned. The current crap about "the seizure order is against the property, which doesn't have constitutional rights, not the person, who does" is just that - crap. Last time I checked the BOR mentioned both unreasonable searches *and seizures*.
Re:I have 3 years to go =( if i'm lucky.. (Score:2)
The only way these kinds of things are going to change is if people start writing letters. Send a letter to your congressmen explaining what happened. Write your local district attourney or the judge in the case. Write the FBI (or whoever it was that did this). Tell them what happened and ask them to change this practice. Tell them all that it's been 2 years (or however long) and that you'd like your stuff back. You shouldn't need a receipt. If your stuff was confiscated in a legal manner, all sorts of documentation was written about what was taken, where, when, from whom, etc. I'm sure your name is in there somewhere.
And sure, contact an attourney.
Article Errors, NY Times, and Slashdot... (Score:1)
Since 10-12-1994, SJ Games has had The Top Ten Media Errors About the SJ Games Raid [sjgames.com] available, and yet the NY Times managed to make both errors #4 and #5.
And you saw the correction here first, on Slashdot
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
keyboards, mice, spare computer components (ram, cpu, motherboard, case, etc).
the general idea is to slow down your re-aquisition of access to the internet as much as possible.
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Re:I believe this was perfectly legal (Score:1)
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
Re:Law enforcement out of control and libertarians (Score:1)
Re:Doesn't suprise me. (Score:1)
Even if you are found guilty they should be liable for any excessive damages. Ithat case a good question would be, who should be paid.. but it should come out of their budget, and be put into someone else's, say the fund for sewer maintenance.
Yes, I am aware that it would make the acknowledged cost of law enforcment higher, but that is a part of the real cost of law enforcement. They just normally cook the books so that they don't have to show it. (I.e., they make someone else pay for it.)
Re:I wish... (Score:1)
Law enforcement out of control. (Score:5)
Vehicular seizure for mere suspicion of drug use has become a normal practice (one that, by the way, disproportionately targets blacks and latinos) - police in many states do not even need to arrest a suspect or charge them with anything, and they can simply take and sell their vehicle. It has become a very profitable enterprise for many departments.
The ACLU has a good resource page [aclu.org] with links to information about some of the abuses - both illegal and currently legal - that law enforcement agencies are engaging in, but one of my favorite sites is this one, [policeabuse.com] run by a former LA policeman who began documenting police abuses and racism after he was attacked by another cop while operating undercover - he now leads a non-profit group that 'stings' officers with hidden cameras and recorders in new vehicles being driven by black men, and the results are dismaying. It's a bit disappointing to me that many so-called libertarians seem a lot more concerned about getting rid of environmental and consumer protection regulations and lowering taxes, than actually protecting citizens from direct and overt abuses of power. The selectiveness of law enforcement is excrutiangly painful in light of the G.W. Bush debacle - the powers-that-be are more than happy to jail the rest of us for mistakes that they have the luxury to simply "outgrow."
Here's another story [latimes.com] of police enforcement going out of control, and another. [latimes.com]
What would be really cool... (Score:1)
Re:This underscores the need... (Score:1)
Naaah... (Score:1)
"Innocent until proven guilty", iirc (Score:2)
Yarbrough said that it is not a valid use of limited government resources to spend time copying the hard drives of a suspect's computer just to be able to return it to them. "We don't give the gun back to a bad guy, and we don't give the computer back to a bad guy," he said.
This sentiment really irritates me, because this law-enforcement official seems to be forgetting something very important: the owner of the computer is INNOCENT of the crime he's accused of. At least, until proven guilty. Which means that the above quote is pretty much directly advocating theft (not to mention the technical differences between a gun and a computer...).
Not surprising, but... (Score:2)
Such heavy handed laws are justified to the public by saying that they help crack down on drugs and kiddie porn. We then also use programs like D.A.R.E. to make sure drugs remain as a big boogie so as the children of today grow up they will leave the seizure laws in place, and that anyone who opposes these laws will be considered by the public to support drug addiction and kiddie porn, so there is little motivation for politician to try to scale back or repeal these laws.
I think that the addiction survey the otherday that said if you use the internet over 4 hours a day is a sign of things to come. It seems to me that perhaps certain segments want computers viewed with the same unhealthy fear that D.A.R.E. teaches children to view alchohol. Read the numerous account of "Computers wrecked my marriage" in Ann Landers and Dear Abby. The sentiment is already out there waiting to be tapped.
Computers are becoming a big part of our culture. A battle is waging on how they will fit into our lives.
Re:Yeh, but...(Was Re:Encouraging to the crooks) (Score:1)
Re:Yeh, but...(Was Re:Encouraging to the crooks) (Score:2)
Re:Computer seizure - a real world example (Score:1)
Re:Yeh, but...(Was Re:Encouraging to the crooks) (Score:2)
Yeah, that's what I meant to type, but the keyboard moved. :)
Re:what ever happened to unreasonable search+seisu (Score:1)
( @ )
Re:I believe this was perfectly legal (Score:2)
Cleaning Service... (Score:1)
In the kitchen, I had to replace all of the hinges on the cabinets, because the doors were ripped off! I can understand the police looking for the money or goods obtained with the money, but they don't have to destroy a house to do it.
In a raid dealing with computers and electronics, if you are smart, and are doing something that may be illegal, you better have the appropriate protections in place. I would personally booby trap the machine via an iButton [ibutton.com], so that if they powered up without it, the drive could be wiped (and the iButton would be on me as a ring on my finger). Or maybe the iButton could store the key to unlock the file encryption I would be using. Or maybe it would keep the machine from exploding via a homemade pipebomb that would encase the hard drive (personally, I wouldn't use this last one, but I am sure someone out there would/could)...
Just some thoughts...
Re:I believe this was perfectly legal (Score:2)
Though a lot of these other stories about the cops keeping the equipment *after* the resolution of the case (either for better or for worse), THOSE are the types of things that I really object to. Those are the things we should be writing letters about.
I'd support legislation.. (Score:2)
The legislation would need to protect the property of the searched from damage without hindering the abilities of the police to conduct a thorough search.
Write a letter to your state's congress.
Re:Law enforcement out of control. (Score:1)
He he.
I think that'd help a little, but it doesn't prevent congress from passing lame-ass laws, they just have to read out the lame-ass law in it's entirety.
It also doesn't do anything about lame state laws, nor does it do anything about "entities able to pass law-like rules" like the EPA. (Damnit, the Constitution says "Congress may make laws" not "Congress may designate any other organization, and then that organization can make laws too"
Re:Why seize an entire computer??? (Score:1)
You're assuming something. (Score:1)