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Corel Linux Preview 204

While it's been known that for the last few months Corel has been hacking on Debian GNU/Linux to create a distro of their own, they have finally begun demoing it at LinuxWorld. Our friends at LWN were given an early demonstration, and have posted review of it to accompany their coverage of the event. The juicy stuff is that the install is very simple, and a beta should be out before the end of next month. Corel also seems to have updated their Linux site. Thanks to Mindjiver, we now have a link to screenshots.
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Corel Linux Preview

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  • You can get the "upgrade" version of Corel's suite here for around $100CDN [$65US] It wouldn't surprise me if the price of the suite and the distribution is the same or lower. Hell if it is and I can just install the suite I'd buy it and throw out the rest.
  • I'm sure Corel has a legal dept look into copyright issues. I know they were concerned about the naming of the "trash can" on the desktop... apparently Apple has a trademark on some words there!
  • Although, setting the first ethernet device to default to DHCP sounds like a good convention.

    I can think of quiet a few situations where that might not be the best idea. Granted they are all server type configs where its unlikely someone is going to be installing corel. It is a good idea, and could make things easier for newbies, but I prefer an install that lets me get as much stuff done at once, as in customizing the system for how I want it and the like, I don't want to have to wait through and install and then undo alot of the stuff it does, its a waste of my time.
  • What about the whole "information wants to be free" mantra? What about the whole "it's unethical and immortal to not share" concept?

    While I certainly respect RMS, if he truly feels this way then he's talking out of both sides of the mouth. Either information is completely free, in which case you should have to publish modications regardless of whether you release binaries, or it isn't, in which case he can stop trying to foist the GPL on every software project from here to Mars.

  • Windows based setups do have most of the cost in support, aside from buying Windows itself. In any company that relies on Windows, they practically need a whole MIS department to keep the systems running. In the UNIX world, companies just use one guy or an outside consulting firm, and rarely ever have problems.

    Another advantage of UNIX that isn't exploited enough is terminal support. With terminals (text or X), you just setup one big computer. Then, you only have to support/maintain one machine! This is where MS never seems to work.
  • Do you guys know which Debian dist its based on? More importantly if they are glibc2.1 or

    It would be *very* cool if they keep in tandem with the stable branch of Debian as it would allow us to grab corel packages instead of waiting 4 thousand years for debian stabilize.. Debian has got to be the coollest easiest to maintain system around (apt-get cron jobs are simple enough for automatic maintenance). The *only* thing i don't like about debian (and I know other people who are thinking about switching to back to rhat) is it seems that it is impossible to get new packages for it.. i.e. simple ones -non-system ones. Like for instance wmaker is on version 0.20 or something.. :(:( Even more unfortunately none of the unstable branch is compatible..

    I think the trick is to grab the source and .dsc files from unstable and then make your own package and install that, but didn't have much luck w/ wmaker. Of course the simplest thing is configure;make;make install but then you lose your dependencies .. It would be even cooler if something like apt-get did the compiling package making for you :)

    Anyone know what the rule of thumb is? i.e. does anything like this exist?
  • I have installed it nearly a dozen times on all sorts of hardware and have never had any problem. After using fdisk twice, it was not a bother. You don't have to name the cyls, you can specify partition sizes in megabytes and and fdisk suggests the correct starting cyls for you.

    It really isn't that bad.

  • It'd probably be as bad as the "final" versions of software are.
  • But why would they do that? Since all of their code (except the proprietary office apps) are going to be released, then anyone with a bit of time on their hands can download it for free...ie. they probably don't plan on making much money off of selling their Linux distribution. What they need is lots of people to sell WordPerfect to.

    If I was Corel, I would want every Linux user running WordPerfect Office, so it would be advantageous to make it run great on any distribution. Linux is probably going to expand into the desktop market, so Corel wants to get entrenched early and their distribution is probably intended to help expand the market.

    But it would be idiotic to snub other editions of Linux.

  • I would be curious to know how it deals with the root account. I know that when I first used linux, I did everything as root. And, after being the Windows user (super or not), it might be surprising to joe public to learn that he doesn't have permission to access things on his own computer.

  • Well, The whole thing looks like Win98 with the "integrated" Internet Explorer. *puke*

    Count on me to stick with something other than Corel if they're going to turn this thing into a Windows clone (which it definitely looks like what they're striving for).

    I have no problem with user-friendliness, but come on... integrating the desktop with a browser simply is *not* intuitive. It is also very inefficient when it comes to space matters.
  • Vomit in corel's trashcan and they may decide to remove it.
  • Something that may help the whole community out, espicialy with all the new distros coming out based on redhat/debian/etc is a "generic" package format.

    That's an illusion. The differences between package formats are mostly trivial nowadays - a correct translation between rpm's and deb's is possible and afaik alien [kitenet.net] does that. The big problems are not because of package formats, but because of different policies between distributions. Those things cannot be automatically translated between distributions, and a common package format will not fix that.

  • odd. must have been an old fdisk...
  • if its open source you can remove the advertisements :)

  • Why exactly are debs better than rpms? I've heard many people say things to the effect of "debs are technically superior to rpms" but i've never once seen a person who could tell me why.
  • by hey! ( 33014 )
    What if the program requires libfoo, and libfoo requires libbar,and libbar requires libblech?

    Sure you can follow the dependency graph yourself, but why do bookkeeping manually when you have a computer to do it for you?
  • They look like netscapes and they don't look all that nice.
    The package manager looks okay though.
  • I really hope so. WINE has been a looong time coming, but it would be sooo nice to be able to run those few Windows apps natively...

    Time to go take a look at http://www.winehq.com

  • I wish the review would have discussed how open the source is going to be for this distro. I have no problem with Corel having their own Linux distribution but my concern with these distributions is that the user is going to have no idea soon what is open source and what isn't.

    It just seems to me that the more big business gets involved in Linux the less "free" it seems to be getting.
  • ...I think that with KDE and the like out, begining user should have no problems with the usage of Linux.. the problem is the installation. I think that the makers of the distros should worry about 2 things: what packages they are including and how simple the install is. As for how easy it is to use, leave that to KDE and their brethren. Lets keep it simple.

  • The new file manager and Debian package manager should go into the KDE 2.0 release. It was stated that both are open source, so at least large potions of the code can be reused and the look "tweaked" to match the rest of the KDE 2.0 apps. This looks like a win/win situation for everyone, thanks Corel!
  • To be fair, I don't think the kind of person that uses this incredibly simple Corel distribution is going to give a rats ass if it's Open Source or not. But it sure would be nice if it all was (in the spirit of Debian).

  • In Debian new packages get put on the menus. And self-extracting, well, the user who doubleclicks the new package doesn't see any difference. And executable packages would be harder to view.
  • This is really great! It truly is! Debian being IMHO the best distro, it's now *easy* to install. Everybody's wondering how and when Linux will finally get to THE desktop of Mr/Mrs Everybody and his/her cousin, well now the solution's available.

    Some grumpy hackers will always be against it, since it seems for them even X is too much. Hey, you guys want to see Linux everywhere? Let it be easy to use, nobody *forces* you to use one or another distro. If it has a Windoze look and feel, it's GOOD. It's the only way you'll get people buying into Linux. People don't want to learn a new GUI more than they want to chage their habits. Put them in from of the Corel distro, and they'll feel at ease immediately.

    The presence of several distros makes Linux available in various forms as to satisfy a wide range of computer users, from the total beginner to the best hacker ever. It's just GOOD. That's why we like Linux, because we guys got the *choice*, a choice we didn't have before Linux (sorry for the Mac users).

    I'm *very* happy and very confident upon the success of this distro, which should please a much, much wider range of people.

    And for the licence, the article mentions Corel will release them to the Open Source community, so stop whining. And if the distro *costs* something, I'll clap my hands at them, because they'll be among the firsts to actually make a living out of Linux. And Corel makes also pretty good software, the kind that people actually want. No everybody's a hacker, not even at heart.

    It's a great day for Linux.
  • Yeah, an easy installation is one great way to make Linux better overall. You know what would be REALLY great though? Not having to install at all. Preinstallation is definitely a key area in ease-of-use. Looks like companies like Dell are making headway in this area (Along with the old standby's like VA)

  • Assuming the goal is to attract the average Windows user, distros need to get to the point where you run the setup program, select some groups of packages (internet browsing, office apps, games) and then setup does everything else. The next thing the user should see is a good old-fashioned desktop. The obvious problem is the X configuration, but until that becomes automatic--to steal a line--my mother won't use it.

    Using Microsoft software is like having unprotected sex.

  • I strongly suspect that the Corel File Manager (CFM) is direct and close decendant of KFM. I actually used it at LWCE and it acts just like KFM. Replace the silly icons with the normal KDE icons, slide that splitter over to the left, and you've got KFM. No, I don't think it's a brand new file manager.

    If I can get rid of those LARGE button bar icons, I'd be very happy. But as it is now, it looks too much like *gasp* Explorer. But if they go the traditional KDE route and keep the system button bar icons as distinct xpm's, then I can change them (along with my theme), so that no one would ever mistake it for IE.
  • Wow, drag'n'drop pager, a (luser-friendly) graphical package tool, sysconf utility, and a pimped out KDE panel. Sound like it might be enough to lure me away from my current Gnome/Red Hat setup...

    One hesitation... the install sounds a little *too* dumbed down for my tastes. If anything, I want one with *more* control over the process. Anyone know if Corel is providing an "advanced" install procedure as well?
  • I'd guess they're probably use Debian's package management system.

    I used to be a Debian user; now I use RH 6, because I want to keep track of what's happening in the Linux mainstream. I have to say that Debian just feels a lot nicer. And I really miss the Debian package management system. Yes, I know that RPM can be made to do everything that dpkg can, but that's like saying that two languages are just as good because they're both Turing equivalent.

    Dpkg is, simply put, the best software installation system I've ever used. Not only the best, but far and away the best. It is powerful, but well designed enough to be intuitive for a first time user (I consider this a point in its favor). It very nicely divides the tasks into phases (selection, download, installation and configuration) making doing several simultaneous installations simple, efficient and manageable, especially over limited bandwidth connections.

    I know a lot of die hard RPM fans will bristle at the suggestion that any other package management system could be better, and RPM certainly is very powerful; however you simply have to try dpkg for a while. IMHO it's much better organized.

    I think dpkg is a major reason why Debian is a better platform for the Linux assault on the desktop market. Journalists keep asking whether Linux is ready for the desktop but real question is whether Windows is ready for the desktop. Talk to the average user and he's frustrated with Windows, with mysterious failures and crashes. Almost nobody feels that Windows is a pleasure to work with. I believe a lot of these problems come from incompatible DLL versions and, in some cases, subtle tansitive dependency problems that installers/uninstallers fail to recognize. It's unconscionable that Microsoft leaves something so basic and critical as installation management as an excercise for each developer.
  • > If someone is doing development, I would really
    > hope that he has enough savvy to get the distro
    > installed without graphical hand-holding

    Why? There are more Linux distributions out there than you can shake a stick at. Plenty of them cater for installations without graphical handholding. There's no reason that individual distributions should have to develop for everyone. If Corel want to target one specific segment of the user base then there's nothing wrong with that.

  • facetious - jokeing or jesting, often inappropriately.

    why would this be bad, my mother would really like linux, she could have a really kool kde theme, and she wouldnt have to understand why her computer just randomely crashes, or why her registry is corrupted (what is a registry? and what does corrupted mean? she would ask) oh and why do system settings just randomly change? you got me but my mother would love it!!!

  • Why is Corel allowed to say, "We'll release the source to our changes to KDE and Debian later." Is there something in the GPL that lets you keep your changes secret until you feel like sharing them? (Other than that, i'm very excited about Corel's distro)
  • right on :-)

    you might also want to check out the .slp format
    (Stampede Linux Package format) or perhaps,
    Standard Linux Package format? (plug)
    anyway .. it's .tgz compatible .. check it out
    at stampede.org [stampede.org]
  • webster says:

    Main Entry: facetious
    Pronunciation: f&-'sE-sh&s
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
    Date: 1599
    1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : WAGGISH
    2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious
    synonym see WITTY
    - facetiously adverb
    - facetiousness noun

    I fail to see the humor in your posting, though.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • He also like privacy, among other things. What if you were working on some spaghettilike pre-alpha code with GPL in it that you would be genuinly ashamed of if someone saw the source? RMS wouldn't want to force you to spread it around.
  • I attended their demo at LWCE, and they mentioned something that I didn't get to discuss with any Corel people

    They said that they trimmed the debian packages down to what is essential and desirable. For example, you won't have a choice of jed/joe/vi/vim/emacs/xemacs, you get vi. The reasoning behind this was that new users won't know what these packages are anyway, and don't have the time to read through 1800 detailed package descriptions. The Corel/KDE menu represents all of the GUI applications installed.

    This could be either a Good Thing, or a Bad Thing. This would be Good if I still have access to all those other packages. In that case, it would be no different than chooses "basic installation" with any other distro. But if there are no other packages, no second contrib CD, etc., then this is a Bad Thing.
  • I ran Red Hat for a year, then switched to Debian, so I've used both.

    Really, just as package manager programs, none of them really beats the other.

    But, when you inspect the quality of the average RPM package (BTW, stay away from contrib!) vs the average deb file, Debian comes out far on top. This is not because of dpkg features, but because of Debian policy. Debian packages are built according to a set of guidelines, which give you more consistency in your system -- all configuration files have to be in /etc. Every package has to have copyright, documentation, changelogs and optional packager notes in /usr/doc; this is the first place I go whenever I install a new package, to look for a README.Debian file, which will detail any Debian-specific details about the package. The /usr/doc dir also frequently includes an examples directory, where you can find sample configuration files and such.

    Debian packages generally do an excellent job of configuring themselves when installed. Many have a config script, which asks you questions to change the package configuration.

    Also, Debian shows a great deal of attention towards making stuff work together. For example, all the different emacs packages are coordinated by a required meta-package, emacsen, which provides methods to install emacs extension packages for all of the installed emacs versions. This means, that if I have emacs 19, 20 and xemacs 21 all installed, and if I install an extension package like AUC TeX, it will detect which versions of emacs are installed, and automatically byte-compile itself for all of them. If I deinstall one of the emacsen, for example emacs 19, the extension packages will automatically deinstall themselves for that version, too.

    Thus, a lot of what is superior about debs over RPMs is in the packages themselves.


  • Hello

    Usually a search on freshmeat is the first thing I recommend a newbie in our LUG to do, if he/she is looking for a specific program or type of program. Many of them use it succesfully.

    It's usually in the top 3 linked sites, along with Slashdot and LDP.

    I too used freshmeat when I was new to Linux and Unix in general.

    President of LILUG

  • Oh, BTW, you can look at the Debian Policy manual here [debian.org].


  • I've used use 'unstable' since December. It has worked just fine all the time. And you get a nice surprise every day when you see what new packages and upgrades there have been since yesterday. Just beware when they change important stuff like perl and libc.
  • Do you mean cfdisk?

  • I 100% agree with this. It would be nice though if the format could remain compatable with tar. That way slackware style people could just untar it, while someone using redhat/debian/god only knows what else could install it through the package manager. Do tar files have enough room in the header for a "spec" file? My understanding was that they had quite a bit of room marked as "reserved".
  • Might it be time for a new installation manager? I mean, RPM and DPKG are really convenient in terms of putting the stuff on your HD and removing it, but then what? Apps written specifically for GNOME or KDE install themselves on the "Start menu" (I can't remember what they call it so I'll use the M$ name.) But others don't. So a newbie who downloads something from freshmeat won't know how to run it after installing it. Self-extracting executables that autodetect the GUI and make themselves a part of it would be oh so nice. But I'm just a whiner.
  • Someone was lazy and stupid.

    Or someone focuses on getting a working implementation first, and drawing nice and pretty icons later.

  • Arrghh! That screenshot for their file manager shows in the status bar "Internet Zone" a la Internet Explorer! I always hated that dorky part of IE..."don't look now, but we're entering (overly dramatic music here)....the INTERNET ZONE!"

    Do I need a zone sticker to park there?

  • The ads show only while you run the update. And I'm sure there will be a way to turn it off. If not someone will um...modify it. :)
  • ... will Corel Linux be stuck with doing just Deb's, or will it be able to handle both Deb's and RPM's by default?

    You should understand that installing packages not created for your distribution can be problemous, regardless of what package format is used. That said, Alien [kitenet.net] can convert between many packaging formats, including deb's and rpm's.

  • You can run rpm on a Debian installation; however they will be invisible to dpkg's administrative files. Debian recommends that packages in foreign formats (tarball, rpm) be installed in /usr/local, so there is little chance of dpkg stomping on them.

    Generally speaking the most important common files (libc, X windows etc.) are available in deb, so this is no great hardship.

    It's been a while since I've used Debian, so my recall may be a bit faulty.
  • $500? where do you see the price? They couldn't compete at that price. I don't really like going thru the CLI installs, especially when your system doesn't match theirs, and for some reason, MAKE INSTALL doesn't work... Besides, GUI-fied is WindowsNT, with the GUI as an integral part of the os, which is BAD.
  • 1) Where did you get the $500 from?

    2) Debian makes nearly none of they software they distribute.

    3) Red Hat makes nearly none of the software they sell.

    4) Caldera makes nearly none of the software they sell.

    I'd bet, just from the screenshots, that Corel is making more software than the average.

    Do you see a trend?

    And now put down that cigarette!
  • Yea I had some really horrible experiences with potato a while back destroying my system. (I think it was a faulty dselect or dpkg. I really like the idea of having auto-upgrading new versions of applications that are pretty much 'beta' anyway but i'm a bit wary of potato still, as I'd like a vaguely usable system :). (Reinstalling loses its entertainment value after a while). It would be cool if they separated or froze out base/net/ etc for stabilization before the rest of it so we could be assured our machines wouldn't die and rather that a random application would be unusable for a day at worst..

    In anycase debian is still the coolest system and there is something to be said for paranoid stability checking.. (though I wonder if the 2.4 kernel is going to come out before they get a new version :))

  • As I understand it, the grumpy hackers are the ones who don't want to see Linux everywhere. They want to run an OS by hackers for hackers -- one that will not be adopted by the mainstream.

    Since there is some fear of various Linux distros going too mainstream, I propose a solution: the Grumpyware distro. It would be difficult to install and useless for mainstream users, and it wouldn't even support X. Every effort would be made to ensure that it won't accidently become popular among anyone but 3133t hackerz.

    You know, the more I think about it, the more interesting that idea sounds. :)

  • And it looks pretty appealing to me. The view can be broken into an arbitrary number of frames (a feature that I have been yearning for in file browsers for a while). Further, it is completely built around their object system (Open Parts, I believe), so the handler for any filetype can be run from within a browser frame. This is the sort of thing that OLE and COM promised, but never really delivered.

    This filemanager (Konqueror), is the main reason that I am looking forward to KDE 2.0 .

  • Yes. You don't need to publish any of your changes to GPL'd software if you aren't distributing anything publicly, as in Corel's case, you can't currently get a copy of Corel Linux (short of stealing a demo CD/computer).

    If you distribute (sell or give away) a product with GPL'd source code, THEN you are required to make the GPL'd source code available to the people you are distributing to. Note: you only need to provide the source to the GPL'd code and your modifications to same, and only to the people you are distributing to.
  • What about the newbies? In order for them to become Linux hackerz, they have to get Linux installed first.

    The idea that no intelligent person in her right mind would want installation, a necessary condition for hacking, to be easy is presumptuous.

  • Just a guess. Corel stated that they plan to bundle their distro w/ their office suite. The $500 was probally for the office suite + the distro. $500 for an office suite is not an unheard of price, way more than you should have to spend, but it's not unheard of. I garauntee(sp) that corel will not sell just the dist for $500, no one would buy it. That would pretty much be the same as opening a hamburger store that sells $200 cheeseburgers right next to mcdonalds. No matter how good your cheeseburgers are, no one is going to cough up that kind of money for a quick lunch.
  • If so, I need to install this *tonight*.

  • No more so than requring people to know how to do "%rpm -i foobar.rpm". It's the end user tool, not the format that's the problem.
  • So if i had a big company and we needed to make some customizations to emacs for internal use, and never planned on releasing the customized version in binary format to anyone outside the company, we could keep the source secret?

    Indeed you are entitled to keep the source secret. In fact, RMS has been very negative about licenses which force you to distribute source changes even if you do not distribute binaries.

  • Actually I like Debian's disk partition tool so much I keep a Debian "rescue floppy" around just to repair/build partition tables on machines, even if the machine is going to get Windows 95 installed on it.

    Windows 95 fdisk can get awfully confused if a drive was set up in a machine with no/poor LBA support then moved into a machine with recent LBA support (or vice versa).
  • Perhaps, but at this point in Linux's commercial development, I'm inclined to think that something that helps Linux in general will help all Linux vendors, since it'll increase the total awareness/market share of Linux.

    So, even though it may help Corel more at the moment (or when they release it), developers will be that much more inclined to support Linux by porting to it. This will help RedHat as well as all other distributions. Similarly, IT departments considering using Linux may see this as a sign of industry support and end up choosing RedHat, or any other distribution that they think will suit their needs.

  • No, you're just confusing 'gui' with 'easy to use' when the two aren't necessarily inclusive of each other.

    Windows is a great example of an interface with eye candy and little underneath, an example that shouldn't really be chased after.
  • I remember doing something like that with IE 3.0. Didn't use it much, didn't fid much use for it. How did it fail to deliver (assuming that IE uses DCOM for this)
  • The failure of dumbed down office suites likely have more to do with legacy format issues than the complexity of what business users do. Thus, the relative failure of other more 'complicated' office suites relative to office.

    It's not the features, it's the file formats.
  • Well since we're on icons...As someone who is running the pre-release of 1.1.2 at home (2.0 is still way too buggy for my tastes), the new icons are bootiful. Also, they will come in 48x48 pixel sizes and 32x32. A 32x32 40 color version will be available for download after the initial release. I don't fully understand the decision not to include them in the instal by default, but they aren't planning on doing it. KDE 1.1.2 will also come with kthememgr (which is a theme manager for kwm) so you can get window manager themes. The widget themes won't come until 2.0. There is also talk of themed icons for 2.0. All in all lots of fun stuff is on the drawing board.
  • Well I would suggest before posting such a lame comment that you check up on what Corel is actually doing, Last I heard Corel was trying to make a complete system ie hardware+GNU/Linux+Corel office/graphics suites and sell the complete thing for $500 +/- $$ To me that's very reasonable.
  • What's the deal with the trash can and recycle bin anyhow? I'd rather just throw things into "the void".

    But I guess that wouldn't be "user friendly" since people are already used to trash cans and recycle bins. Here comes another windows clone.
  • Actually, they were founded on providing scsi tools (I still have my Corel Scsi disks that came with the NEC 1x 7 disc cd changer).
  • apt-get *does* do the compiling for you if you have a new enough version. (I'm using 0.3.11 here.)

    For example:

    apt-get -b source gimp

    This will fetch the source for the gimp package and build it. You just have to make sure you have a line in /etc/apt/sources.list like:

    deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free

    and you can build your own versions of Debian packages directly from source.
  • I don't understand why you are supplying the arguments "make make install" to configure, and I don't use it because:
    • "rpm -U package" is faster
    • rpm cleanly removes old versions
    • rpm almost always puts files where they belong (apt always puts files where they belong, but that's another argument), program authors often do things like putting thier stuff in /usr/local/program/bin when it ought to go in /usr/local/bin
    • if I have modified a configuration file and that file has not changed between versions rpm correctly guesses that I want to keep the modified copy
    • if I have not modified a configuration file and that file has changed between versions rpm correctly guesses that I want that file replaced
    • if I have modified a configuration file and that file has changed between versions rpm correctly guesses that I want both copies
    • I don't have to manually add PAM to everything that checks a password
    • I can automatically check for the existence of new versions of files or security updates and automatically upgrade them with no user intervention.
    • I can upgrade whole subnets by doing one compile and leaving the rpm in a directory that is polled by all the client machines
    • I can let others do the work of figuring out configuration options for me

    My guess is that the original poster is a Slackware user, just so that you don't give me your BS about how I'm not learing anything about Linux: my first Linux "distribution" was a gcc Sparc-Solaris to Linux-Intel cross compiler and a bunch of sources. I know all about compiling, but having learned that I'd rather use my computer than maintain it.

  • I think the distro appeals greatly to the /. 'crowd' more in terms of it's potential 'milestone' status than in terms of a distro /.'ers would actually use. The appearance of this distro is a noteworthy event in the de?evolution of Linux.

    Duty Now for the Future.

  • OK I admit this is not how I hoped Linux would conquer windows. I am disturbed by the propietary shadows this distro casts, but I think it may still be a good step.
    With Micro$oft's current plans (which can change quickly "It will be entirely NT kernel based...sort of ... not exactly ... WE DIDN'T SAY THAT!") DOS is supposed to be phased out in the very near future.
    So let's fork the road right here, give people who need to upgrade a path to the future AND a bridge to the past. Put the finishing touches on DOSemu, freeDOS, WINE, for legacy data and apps, and give them a stable, elegant, easy to use platform for the future.
    All the talk about ease of use is misleading, probably 75% of computer use in offices today centers around 2 or 3 main applications for most people. They don't spend all day "managing files" they are word processing or data entering, etc. If they can start thier programs, save thier data, and close thier programs without 4 reboots and 2 lost hours of typing they will be ecstatic! The interface to them is the quickest way to thier apps. Make windows irrelevent, if someone is going to be clueless about how to save files to a floppy on Windows they are going to be clueless on Linux. I say it's better they be clueless on Linux, where they can't delete autoexec.bat or config.sys. Where thier login only allows them rights to certain places and things that they need, even on thier own machine. I know part of this is possible with NT, but why bother? Linux is cheaper, more stable (or at least as stable, so put down that flame thrower Microsoftians)
  • Is there something in the GPL that lets you keep your changes secret until you feel like sharing them?

    Since Corel has not released a binary version of their distribution, they are not required to release the source either.

  • I've got four words for you: Stampede Linux Package format (.slp)

    Yes, and ... ?

  • Welcome to Linux for Idiots. I understand that distributors are glad to peddle their stuff to the largest audience possible, but how important are WinLinux users to unix? It is my suspicion that the new users will soon be sending VBasic applications to sunsite. Or, even worse, present developers will fill sunsite with assist-an-idiot applications. Probably, we are well into that already.

    Due to the nature of Open Source, the "good" ideas submitted will flourish, the "bad" ones will die (good and bad are subjective). Since when has competition become a bad idea? (side note: guess who wrote Linux for Dummies? Hint: someone respected in the Linux community)

    Times have so much changed. In the unix community of 1999, it is too common the case that users will ask in debian-user how to configure WordPerfect

    Stress to new users the importance of reading the FAQ (or moderate posts to debian-user, if they're not already). Also, point them to news.corel.ca (also serves the purpose of keeping newbie questions off of the "real" Linux newsgroups).

    and on slashdot users will ponder over stocks and profit models. Very little resembles the unix culture anymore.

    So look for other sources of Linux news (lwn.net, linuxtoday.com)

    and on slashdot users will ponder over stocks and profit models. Very little resembles the unix culture anymore.

    The consensus seems to be that of "we all agree to disagree". How many other Linux/BSD users do youknow that feel 100% the same as you do?

    Oh! and the term free-software is no more... ESR said it is "not appropriate" ?

    Where has he said this? Even if he did, I'm sure the FSF will disagree with him (isn't this a point of contention between ESR & RMS? The term "Free Software" vs. "Open Source").

    PS: I can't seem to include links in my post...anyone else having the same problem?

  • "seems as if all slashdot users are running server configured boxes"? Many slashdot users aren't even running Linux. Many slashdot users aren't programmers or hackers or geeks.
  • Yet Another Corel Opinion

    Did I read correctly that the file manager is Corel's own?

    (enter meek suggestion mode)
    Wouldn't it have been better to make changes to the K File Manager instead of making a brand-new file manager? Maybe I'm dense, but I don't see things getting _much_ easier than KFM. The screenshots just look like they applied more Windows terminology to KFM anyway ("My Computer" and "Network Neighborhood").

    I found the ad for CorelDraw more funny than offensive. Is there a CorelDraw for Linux that I don't know about?

    Not that I expect Corel to redesign their distro because of my little post -- I'm just seeking clues.
  • If they sell it for 500 dollars nobody is going to buy it.

  • by ajk ( 944 )
    Ouch. Ignore the earlier post...
  • by edgy ( 5399 )
    I like .debs simply because of apt-get. With apt-get I can upgrade a package without having to search for and find the appropriate file, or the newest version. I can just do an apt-get install , and it automatically upgrades the current version to the newest one and does everything that needs to be done. apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade every package, without a whole lot of hassle. It's a completely upgradable distribution without having to wait for a new release, if you keep up with unstable.
  • I agree that's a very nice feature, and it very much surprises me redhat hasn't done something like this themselves. Actually that's the reason I'm thinking of switching to debian. This type of behavior can be emulated with autorpm though. It's not perfect, however, but it works.
  • I think the Netwinder has been abandoned by Corel... They sold it to another company as I recall.
  • I think that they are advertising the products that they intend to release at the same time. Since they are readying the "entire" Corel Office Suite for Linux, it's not too surprising to see a logo for something that isn't yet shipping.
  • Well... I seem to recall that the Linux distro is going to be open source (perhaps even GPL). OTOH, anything that they add to their application suite is going to be proprietary, and closed source.

    Be interesting to find out where they draw the lines.
  • What the hell did you think KDE's file manager was the BEGIN with?
    It has nothing to do with Corel.
  • Can I use their package manager or apt-get, switching back and forth, I wonder? Be really nice if it was possible just to put the top end trimmings corel offers (everthing in the article, basiclly) on top of a standard debian install... also, anyone know if it's compatible with potatoe? Wish I could be at the expo... only two hours away.. but have to work mid-week... sigh...

  • Its odd that this distro is getting so much attention from /. readers when it is perfectly obvious that it is not intended for them *grin*

    I expect someone will correct me but this looks like the first desktop distribution of linux. A distribution for people who want a system that works and don't want to have to get involved in serious admin.

    It seems as if all slashdot users are running server configured boxes - apache, ftp servers, sendmail, etc... I'm not sure that your average user either want or needs these facilities installed by default (if they want it then add in a package later).

    So everyone here who feels that this distro doesn't offer enough control, or that it wouldn't be suitable for them please try and bear in mind that its isn't meant for you!

    just thoughts

  • I bought their Corel Office 7 for Windows (for $80 or so at student discount) and was quite pleased. I used WP8 for Linux (free edition) extensively and was again happy. I see their new release for Windows on shelves, but at the moment I boot Windows for MechWarrior 3 and nothing else.

    I want Corel Office for Linux! If it's good, I'll be happy to pay hundreds of dollars for Corel Office for Linux. I know they're taking a risk by working on Winelib instead of maintaining separate Motif sources like WP8 used; does anyone know if problems here are holding them up any?

    I don't care that Corel has Yet Another Distro. There are a hundred of them listed on LWN. All of the big ones now are easy to install, pop you into a *dm graphical login, then from there to KDE or GNOME. I don't see Corel improving much upon this, with or without new kwm icons.

    I do care that Corel has a full-featured, easy to use office suite coming out. Applixware is showing a little age, StarOffice is a bloated monster; I want Corel Office!

    Yes, this sounds like "gimme, gimme", but I'm willing to shell out cash for it...
  • It's nice that nothing is really being taken away, just added.

    This means that a new user (assuming that they've never used Linux distro's before) of the Corel distro will be able to start off at an easy level. This means email, web, mp3 and file manager. (IMHO)

    But once they have been assimilated by us :-), they will have all the tools they need to start contributing.

    It's been my experience that Windows users are crippled by the lack of any bundled programming tools, not even a compiler. I've recommended to younger relatives who want to start coding that they use the cygnus tools with windows, because I know that they want to play games and keep an easy(1) environment. Perhaps the Corel distro will be OK for them.

    (1) an easy GUI environment is a very subjective thing, I know.

    Would it be a good idea to put a site up that would help a newbie Corel distro user to "graduate" to a higher level? (state of consciousness :-)

    Anyway, the more Linux users the better. Some of those users could be coding the next Killer App Real Soon Now(tm).

  • Good point. I wish my Atipa PC (the one I use at home) Didn't come with all that server stuff pre-installed. Oh well.

    I also, don't want all that dumbed-down crap. I guess that makes me an "intermediate" user. Not quite a sys-admin, not quite a windows luser...

    ahh, the joys of mediocrity.
  • I hope the fact that Corel is Using WINE doesn't mean that The non-wordperfect apps in the Office Suite run in a FSCKed up emulation. Thatr is basically the reason why StarOffice is SOOOOO slow.

    Anyway, never used WINE before...

  • > -- jg zpp cvuifsfe up effdsjqu ejt, zpp qspcjcmz ibg 3 nvdi uznf po zfs iboa

    qspcjcmz, cvu uifz evo'u qbz nf fovgg up bludippmz xpsl ifsf, bozxfza.
    - Sean
  • What if other companies make their own Linux distributions?

    Just a quick hypothetical:

    Corel-Linux. Corel make Wordperfect Office to run best on their distro.
    Lotus imitates. They make Domingo and Notes to run best on IBM-Linux.
    Are we going to see MS get in on the action with Office 2003 that runs best on Microsoft-Linux 2002?

    Food for thought...
  • Prolly why Windows has the "Recycle Bin" and OS/2 has the "Shredder"...
    - Sean
  • He didn't post that he didn't like linux. He pointed out that he doesn't like fancy graphical tools. And that's a valid point.

    If someone is doing development, I would really hope that he has enough savvy to get the distro installed without graphical hand-holding.

  • But if there are no other packages, no second contrib CD, etc., then this is a Bad Thing.

    hmm, it's debian isn't it?
    shouldn't you then be able to just apply any full debian distro to it?

  • RPM and DPKG are really convenient in terms of putting the stuff on your HD and removing it, but then what?

    I don't think you're giving dpkg enough credit here (and probably RPM too, but I'm not very familiar with it). Properly managed packages do a lot more than just install and deinstall. They also ensure consistency (via package relationships like Depends:, Recommends:, Suggests:, Conflicts:, Replaces: and Provides:), ensure a safe default configuration and a convenient way to configure packages, register themselves with the menu [debian.org] system (so not just GNOME but also pdmenu, windowmaker, mwm, fvwm etc. know about them), register their documentation with documentation systems like dwww [jimpick.com], register themselves as MIME handlers through mime-support [debian.org] etc. etc.

    To a large degree, having a policy [debian.org] that is adhered to by package maintainers is more important than the particular packaging system.

    So a newbie who downloads something from freshmeat

    I know few if any newbies who even know of freshmeat's existance. And in any case, distributions were invented to allow new users not to have to deal with tarballs found on the net directly.

  • There's also a Linuxworld review [linuxworld.com], which goes into this: Fortunately, Corel noted that it plans to return all of its enhancements to the community by making them open source. The exact license has not yet been determined.

Beware the new TTY code!
