QNX partnering w/Phase 5 to make PowerPC computer 87
Emission writes "Canada based QSSL, which formerly were supposed to deliver the kernel for the next generation Amigas, with their QNX Neutrino kernel, today announced that they will instead partner with Phase 5 in order to port the Neutrino OS to Amigas equipped with Phase 5's PowerPC based PowerUP cards. Phase 5 has also announced a new quad CPU computer, the AmiRage K2, which will run Neutrino as its native OS. See the partnering announcement for details.
This is apparently targetted at the many Amigans who are less than satisfied with Amiga Inc's decision to base the Amiga OE on the Linux kernel. " Erg-I can barely keep up with the changes that's going on. My head hurts.
Re:Improper moderation (Score:1)
A demo has been available for download for some time. It fits on a
single 1.44mb floppy. Neutrino, Photon GUI, TCP stack and browser. Yo
can get on the net with ONE floppy.
Less than 1/10 of the kernel/OS is cpu dependent so is entirely
portable. AND the kernel is tiny.
What is happening to SlashDot?! (Score:1)
1) QNX
2) NSI
3) AOL/Sun/Netscape
4) Game Consoles (Sony/Nintendo,...)
5) AOL
6) Telstra
7) Westwood
9) Perl (finally!)
10) WalMart
One, or arguably 2 articles out of 10 dealing with something *other* than what the corporations are up to. What I want to know about is what *our* community is doing -- where are the stories about the latest developments in free software projects like GNOME or KDE, etc. I'm sick of seeing stories about the latest IPO from some tech-related corporation. I want "News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters", not news for businessmen.
A disgruntled long-time fan of Slashdot.
Re:Question? (Score:1)
New Icon, dammit! (Score:1)
Or why not just put them all under the Penguin? Eventually the PR for any manufacturer will claim their system is Linux based.
Phase5+QNX (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Lightwave? Word. (Score:1)
here's a mirror of the drivers page QSSL removed! (Score:2)
Is that "Ami Rage" or "A Mirage"? (Score:1)
java != javascript (Score:1)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:technical superiority (Score:1)
Thank you, someone who's prepared to say that. And this is the big ptoblem for us. Yes, the kernel's not the interesting bit, but if we're stuck with the wrong kernel it's a big problem. Linux just isn't the right product for trying to build a new BeOS, in effect. Sorry, but for this to work there needs to be a compelling reason to move, and this announcement makes that very unlikely.
Re:Question? (Score:1)
i dont know why so many think it is
Re: (Score:2)
Hell hath no fury like QNX scorned. (Score:1)
Amiga soap (Score:1)
Nothing will ever come out of this.
Slogans for Phase 5 (Score:3)
Phase 5: If we don't ship it, you didn't want it.
Phase 5: One of three promises actually ships, it's six months late and 150% it's original budget, but when you finally get it, it's GOOOOOD...
Phase 5: If this don't work out, you can always try out Mac accelerators instead!
Phase 5: Cooperation, shmooperation - just don't piss us off, okay?
Re:Does these companies have any real business pla (Score:1)
What's the motivation to switch from a free OS like Linux then?
There isn't? I don't know what market they're after, but I doubt the Linux community is it. More likely, they'll be going after set-top boxes and entry level computers, taking users away from MS, not Linux.
Look ma! I'm a pundit! ;)
I could see this coming... (Score:1)
I believe that they haven't managed to get any guarantees about being able to manufacture NG Amiga hardware either, so I suppose this is logical for them.
They are rather burning their bridges with Amiga Inc, however.
And they are utterly notorious for product slippage.
Re:Hell hath no fury like QNX scorned. (Score:1)
Prices (Score:1)
Re:Does these companies have any real business pla (Score:1)
Did I miss some big news that Be's out of business?
Re:Y? (Score:1)
I think that is exactly what Amiga Inc intends to attempt. There's a lot of money to be made there. Might be going after BeOS's check too; hard to tell.
Not sure what QNX Neutrino and Phase 5 going for. It looks like they are going for the hobbyists who find the free Unixes to be boring. Maybe they'll also go after the mindless droids too, but it's hard to tell at this point. (I wish QNX would speak up!!) And keep in mind that QNX also does imbedded systems that can stealthily creep into everyone's lives without them even knowing it. Who knows, your car/toaster/router might be running their stuff.
BTW, you are wrong about MacOS.
QNX Really Sucks!! (Score:1)
Will not run on Celeron, AMD, Cyrix, Pentium III or Xeon!!!
Will not run on x/100 clocked Proccesors ( no 100s , 200s, 300s) usualy this means that you just need to jumper or switch the speed down.
Now I have seen the new demos and was really impressed... but not that much. Any browser with no java is prety pointless.
Re:QNX Really Sucks!! (Score:1)
Hardware support is quite good, all the network card i have here are supported, video card also, they also have new SCSI driver in alpha that support almost every controler.
BTW it runs on PII 450 or PIII500 or c300a o/c to 450
list of support driver for Neutrino/Amiga ? (Score:1)
Re:*bang* *bang* *bang* (Score:1)
| community. Sure, fragment that user base even
| more!
At this point, should either "Amiga" developer really give a rat's ass about fragmenting the community? There just aren't enough die-hard "I will buy anything with the Amiga badge on it" Amigans left to make a financial dent these days.
If any company pusing a new "Amiga" is to survive, IMO they've got to shed the ashes of the Amiga's former life and reach out to a whole bunch of *new* blood.
*sigh* (Score:1)
world (percentage-wise - number of products they announce, relative to
number that actually ship,) and has the _WORST_ tech-support -
even worse than Microsoft...
I guess this puts an end to QNX's interest in the Amiga market..
Hmm.. interesting theory - what if QNX is aware of Phase5's
shortcomings, and is doing this to save face? (We couldn't carry
through with our promises because the hardware company we partnered
with dropped the ball...)
The High road and the Low road (Score:4)
Anyway, Phase 5 has been cut out of the loop for a very long time. They are still trying to work with the old Amiga architecture and update it (even with the A/box and pre/Box projects that fizzled). To their credit they have been very good and very didicated.
Amiga Inc has decided to start over (and as we read in CatB, you have to be prepared to "start over, at least once"). I sincerely hope that Amiga Inc's "magical mystery chip" is Transmeta's and that it turns out to be worth the secrecy and hype.
FWIW, I think Amiga Inc. is right and Phase 5 is wrong. Embracing the Linux kernel is the only chance Amiga really has of creating a place for itself. I've been thinking about this a lot since the Linux for Amiga announcement. This might be the perfect opportunity for LFTM. Phase 5 and QNX will be just another bit player, and will end up like the old Amiga - lost in the shuffle, with little hope of getting into the mainstream. [I know, I know - it saddens me too, but there comes a point you have to cut the cord and move on
Think about Amiga Inc's vision. A new Amiga - which has some (very specialized) name recognition, "running Linux" (you know that's how the press will talk about it), using the newest, greatest powerhouse CPU from the mysterious Transmeta. This will have Linux binary compatability (read: large application base), ONE desktop, ONE look and feel (with the option to add more later, but having ONE at first is a key point for LFTM), plug and play hardware (if they are lucky), ONE video system (already configured for X-windows and 3D), ONE sound system (really key, and still painful for Linux in general). This could be THE saving grace for Linux For The Masses - somewhere everyone can start. For 75%, that will be it. The rest will add and play a little at a time (read: progressive disclosure - another user interface point for LFTM). No sysadmin duties, no configuration worries, plug it in and run. Period. It could be "the Linux box any grandmother can use".
BeOS (Score:1)
But the baby isn't out Yet
Reminds Me Pios who said they would release the Pios One in 6 month and 6 month later said in 6 month and so on until they just drop the idea of making a PPC machine.
But if this baby ever comes out, linux Will rock on it (especially since Motorola gave the egcs project evrything for altivec support).
Re:*bang* *bang* *bang* (Score:2)
Lightwave is on a bunch of platforms, and seems to generate its own UI widgets, I wonder what would be involved in Newtek actually doing a Linux port? Eudora is probably pretty portable too.
E-mail campaign anyone?
Cool Edit Pro seems very tied to the Windows system, so there's not much chance there. Its a shame there's not anything comparable that actually works right now.
SMP and TCP +QNX hmm (Score:1)
so for that reason it does not do SMP uh huh
its a real time OS ideal for embeding into products what they are trying to achive here I dont know this comes far to fast on the heals of amiga's PR on linux
what do thy hope to achive maybe they want to licence it to others but this seems the wrong way to go about it !
all that work and they dont realise what its for !!!
john jones
a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
Re:Question? (Score:1)
>3) Are these "new" guys
Never heard of Gateway then ?
Re:The High road and the Low road (Score:2)
"running Linux" (you know that's how the press will talk about it) In a way, Linux is to OS's what Ross Perot was the "the third party canadate." It has successfully shown that there are other options than the "Big Two" (GOP/DNP, and Windows/MacOS) for general user desktops. At the core of Linux is a kernel in heavy development. But out in userland, it's success is primarly due to "open source" applications. So, when you say " Linux binary compatability (read: large application base)..." it won't be. Binary isn't the issue at all. The issue is open source, and source portablity. The binaries are a non-issue, because they can be recompiled on diffrent platforms. Open source has opened the doors to a wide range of platforms.
Since open source "opens the door," the remaining issues are the platforms. On the hardware end, there are companies like Compaq who have a great chip in the Alpha, and AMD who might have a great chip comming in the K7. But, the the great chip in itself will not be enough, it will require strong support from the compiler community. Alpha's lack of success in the Linux community is primarily not do to Linux, it's insted due to the fact that although the chip is strong, and the OS is stable, the binaries generated by open source compilers are fairly weak. gcc/egcs has made a great effort, but for some hardware, it's "not there yet" and it will take the hardware vendors embracing _NOT THE OS_ but the open source compiler community insted. When the preformance of the applications can match the potential of the hardware, only then will the platform be considered "a good choice."
What if Amiga teamed with Linux is much like saying "what if George Bush Jr. teams with Mrs. Dole" It's a big "if" that hinges only on popularity, and may make a splash. But when it comes down to the issues, *BSD, QNX, or anyone able to provide a solid OS at a low cost WITH the ability to take instant advantage of the wide range of open source applications, and with the ability to optimize those applications successfully for the hardware will end up the "better choice."
The success of XFree86 is nice, and with the looks of 4.0, will be better. But, it's not the be all to end all. Berlin is comming down the pipe, and anything that is capable of creating a good solid windowing environment for the right target platform will be something that will not go un-noticed. If you want to talk about "cutting the cord," consider X11R6 standards, lackings, and the fact that XFree86 is fairly tied into x86 hardware. When do we "cut the cord" on legacy x86 compatability, and focus on portability, and _good_ preformance (optimized compilers) for other platforms?
All in all, if Transmeta and Amiga and Linux teamed together, I don't deny it would "make a splash that the press would notice." But would the waves generated be ripples in the ocean, or would they be big enough waves to wash some of the standing perminate fixtures on the shore away?
IMHO, the true unsung heros are not Linus, or Jordan Hubard, or any "OS" people. They get enough press. The true unsung heros are not AMD, or Amiga, or Alpha, they get enough press. The people with the potential to change the computing world are 1) the open source compiler community, and 2) the people who focus on making thier open source applications efficent and portable.
Inexpensive PowerPC Machines? (Score:1)
Other PowerPC hardware is much more expensive.
Re:Hell hath no fury like QNX scorned. (Score:2)
But one more thing. BEOS runs on off the shelf PC hardware (mac to, but that looks like that is ending. QNX isn't likely to be able to combine an obscure os with un-mainstream hardware. They are going to need one hell of a killer app for that to happen.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is burnt at the stake.
Things change ... (Score:1)
But it's not really possible to neatly cleave business news from technical news: technical products are sold, after all, and the companies that make them and employ their designers grow, shrink, go new directions, make missteps
Also, as Linux becomes better known and more successful among non-Uebergeek users (I fit somewhere in the slime-mold sequence of computer users;) so I know we're out here!), the fact is that more things which are undeniably Business will be significant to slashdotters. If a big hardware company is even a smidgeon more open about their design to Open Sourcerers, it's a big deal.
Also, since now many businesses are (figuratively) scratching their chins and mumbling about Free OS alternatives to the perpetually baited hook of MS Upgrade, it makes sense that business coverage is more and more relevant.
Just some thoughts,
Re:The High road and the Low road (Score:1)
I'm not trying to start a flame war (Really! I'm not!), but the idea of the Amiga being LFTM does not include source code. Period.
For any machine to reach the mainstream public it has to be able to run apps. All apps, any app you go down to CompUSA and buy off the shelf. Right now that is Win9x. We are starting to see a few Linux titles on the shelves. Games, distributions. That is what I think Amiga Inc is capitolizing on - and needs to.
Time will tell.
Re:list of support driver for Neutrino/Amiga ? (Score:1)
Speaking about drivers, I'm sorry to say, but anyone who can grab Linux kernel 2.2.x will find that 95% of the drivers that QNX supports - Linux supports also (besides the USB which is developed right now & Firewire).
Also, Linux got LOTS of other drivers that QNX doesn't. Some examples: ISDN, Radio tuners, TV Tuners, mouses, camera's, and lots more..
So please QNX, admit it - open source work.. specially with Linux.
Re:The High road and the Low road (Score:1)
XFree86 running on top of Darwin would have been interesting
As an Amiga fan of many years, no. One of the big attractions of Amigas has been technical superiority and efficiency. Whatever anyone may say, we all have to recongise that Linux isn't anything special from a technical POV and that this is a marketting decision not technical. Same goes for X - too bloated.
We've all stood by Amigas for years because we like the clean efficiency of these machines and still marvel at the phenomenal speed of a machine this old. The technical brief, for me at least, squashes all that and ignores our heritage. It might help a little in the long run, but it's turned off a lot of Amiga fans who liked the idea of being revolutionary and technically superior again and now realise that this just isn't going to happen. I suspect I'm not the only one for whom one of these machines has suddenly moved from a must-by to a wait-and-see, and with not that much faith either.
Oh well, we'll just have to see how it goes. Rather vindicates my decision to work with KOSH though...
Phase5 (Score:1)
bust) and put it on hold once Gateway bought Amiga.
They have QNX neutrino OS and the hardware is off-the-shelf so it
should be easy/quick to produce. I have a few phase5 cards -they re
all he best in their respective catagories, well designed and
manufacture and reliable
Re:FUD FUD FUD FUD! (Score:1)
10% of the kernel (which is 40Kb) is CPU dependant, after written this 4Kb assembly or other, you just have to recompile the OS and that's it