Slashdot:Mark 2 140
I, like all of you, am really sad to see the closing of
several of my favorite sites today. User Friendly
was a regular place for me, and Bedope often provided me
with a good laugh. So
I've decided to convert Slashdot to a pure humor site in
their abscense.
This is firstly because so many readers wrote in to flame me
about the lack of integrity in several of the stories
we've posted today. But mostly its just because Segfault
always stunk. Wesley Crusher. Bah. Rest in Peace.
Please have a sense of humor people. I can't
believe I'm actually getting flame over April Fools Day!
Some people just have no sense of humor.
Slashdot as a news source. (Score:1)
If you want a news-oriented website that is always 100% serious, blah, blah, blah, then I highly suggest you start your own. Otherwise, shut up. You don't own
Furthermore, I recall an April edition of Car & Driver that did a full-scale review of a snow-plow! They did it in the same format as their writeups on exotic sportscars and the latest truck, including top speed (10 MPH), acceleration (0 to 10 MPH in ~65 sec.), braking distance (this baby could stop on a dime!), and slolom capabilities (instead of going around the cones, it pushed 'em out of the way.) The article even included the base price and the price fully-loaded with options (leather seat, CD player, heat, and a larger plow blade.) It was an interesting article, and it was also amusing because C&D was poking fun at itself. Those guys don't take themselves too seriously. Why should CmdrTaco, or Hemos, or anyone else involved with
oi!@ (Score:1)
If these shutdowns are a 4/1 joke.... (Score:1)
If you think *you're* getting flamed... (Score:1)
K-9 (Score:1)
Well... (Score:1)
(another POPE, and Druid as well!)
I like it better in retrospect ;) (Score:1)
For this reason especially, I nominate the Siege of '99 as the Great Bastard Joke from Hell, or BJFH, not to be easily outdone. Brilliant, wonderfully evil, and ya got even Microsoft suits to run around in a panic trying to figure out what had gone so horribly wrong
*APPLAUSE*, and thank god it wasn't real!
For all the Red Dwarf fans out there (Score:1)
Pretty good! (Score:1)
Chaos Ensues on Slashdot - Film at 11 (Score:1)
Lighten up folks, it's not the end of the world!
Man, I can't wait until Y2K. I'm sitting on a tall mountain with a shotgun and a case of baked beans to watch the ensuing fun... ;>
And Kremvax upset people, too . . . (Score:1)
Many were taken in, in spite of april 1 or 4/1 appearing in several locations, and the silliness of the idea. Several of them became angry at the mocking of peace/lost opportunity/lost chance/whatever.
While UF wasn't *as* easy to detect, it is just as clearly a hoax; the legal positions cannot be real (without an even less probable coincedence of incompetence). I explained more fully at http://www.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=99/04/01/
not nearly as much work as a superconductor (Score:1)
And Kremvax upset people, too . . . (Score:1)
regarding uf / segfault / bedope (Score:1)
elaborate prank yes, funny no.
It's awfully out of place... (Score:1)
In case you didn't notice... (Score:1)
Heh, who would've known, someone did actually register freshmeat.de and slashdot.de, and had them running...
I know what we could do next... (Score:1)
So yes, it got me mad. But not the fact that they were just jokes, but because they went on for so long. I wanted real news, dammit!
AFD in other places... (Score:1)
New Poll (Score:1)
AFD's jokes were:
Cookies (Score:1)
C is for Cookie (Score:1)
RIP (Score:1)
Slashdot as a news source. (Score:1)
Anyways Malda and others have made it clear that they want user input, so asking someone to shut up is clearly out of line.
If slashdot wants to portray itself as a joke site to the world, by all means they can. But, we have been given the opportunity to submit our feedback and try to help shape slashdot into something it wants/isn't.
I think it's important to differentiate between taking yourself seriously and actually lying to people. I'm all for a good joke. I laughed when this morning I reached for my mouse and it didn't work - only to find that someone put a sticky on the ball that said "april fools".
Rob Malda, of all people, should understand that posting lies on the slashdot page could also be called "flamebait".
Joseph Elwell.
Cookies - now *that's* geek humor! (Score:1)
Cookies (Score:1)
Lost Carrier
...any day (Score:1)
We've been had by this prank and we could've been by anything else...
So we gotta be careful... but I'm still laughing. Man did they have us...
I hope this stays a joke. (Score:1)
I think we all should be able to think twice about the news we get in those 24 hours...
Get some perspective (Score:1)
Ridiculous.... (Score:1)
That has got to be one of the most asinine statements I've run across in a while.
First of all, CNN would never do that, that would be equivalent to inciting a panic and they would get there a**es sued off.
We're talking about a friggin' comic strip here, not a war. It's just a couple of websites...I'd strongly suggest taking a walk outside and getting some perspective on life.
What's even funnier (Score:1)
yikes! what a humorless bunch of folks. I pretty much expect most websites to have numerous April Fool's pranks, and bring an appropriately sized grain of salt to work with me on this day.
Isn't that the point? (Score:1)
uhh...isn't that the point? If no one believed it could be true, no one would be fooled. It's got to be believable enought to take you in. In fact, the more believable, the better the April Fools' joke.
April Fools jokes are meant to be light hearted and generally pretty obviously a joke
I disagree. If it was obviously a joke, you wouldn't be fooled, now would you?
Get some perspective (Score:1)
Don't be so ridiculous. Cancer is a matter of life and death. User Friendly is a comic strip. There's a big difference in importance between the two.
i did (Score:1)
Not just today (Score:1)
compaq mouse a joke? (Score:1)
Cat got your tongue? (Score:1)
Cat got your tongue?
What's disconcerting (Score:1)
Historic sidelight:
I believe that April Fools day was started by the Christians playing a joke on the Celts. The tradition for the Celts was that April 1 was the new year and they exchanged gifts. Well, the Christians gave them all gag gifts since the Celts were obviously wrong. Thus began the first April Fools Day.
My Post From Segfault (Score:1)
Christ, get a grip... The people who are getting do uptight about this really ammuse me... As April 1st drew close I was excepting that I would have my chain yanked by at least on of the sites I visit often, and at work - But I never expected this. It was brilliant...
But people have such trouble stepping over the ego to admit they were sucked in that they get all nasty about the whole thing... It reminds me alot of a 'Mockumentry' that was screened on New Zealand TV a couple of years back, made by Peter Jackson (Director of The Frightners and the upcoming Hobbit movies), about a New Zealand who developed a cine camera earlier than alot of other people and among other things caught Richard Pierce flying before the Wright brothers (A New Zealander, Richard Pierce was attempting to fly about the same time the Wright brothers were, and there are reports that he was infact first by a matter of days, however they are hard to prove), this had so many people sucked in that when it came out a few days later that it was a fake there were so many 'letters to the editor' about it and so on that it received huge (even some international) media attention.. He, I believe even got death threats...
The point was that people felt betrayed on issues they cared strongly about... If it had just been a thing about a crafty Kiwi that made moving pictures before on his on, then people would have felt ripped off, but still seen the humor, but the fact that it seemed to prove that Richard Pierce *was* the first to fly angered many, who obviously would have liked alot to have history re-written to accomidate a New Zealander in a role so pivotal...
Step back, review the whole thing, forget that you were ready to march in the streets, and admire Scott, Illiad, et al. for their staging of this trick...
It is funny... You can't always take yourself so seriously.
Not funny mebbe, but you sure are (Score:1)
That's what April Fool's Day is all about: the Fools.
Just wait till next year, Charlie Brown!
What's even funnier (Score:1)
If there's childishness in the Linux 'community', it's all of the whiners acting like Rob and Illiad were torturing small children instead of playing a prank.
Heh, well.. I guess they are, after a fashion..
Not funny (Score:1)
Can we say, not funny?
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
Create the Future Today (Score:1)
As far as humor goes, who better than a humor site to play an April Fools joke? It's funny. Borrow a dollar people and go rent a clue!
Get a sense of humor and perspective! (Score:1)
In this day and age, we can't even say "Bitch, bitch, bitch!" without losing our jobs! I asked an attorney that was briefing our company on what we could say what the hell happened to free speech?! She said that this speech type (ie. "bitch" or anything that could be interpreted as negative) was NOT protected. End of discussion.
This was funny to some of us, not funny to others, and terrifying to a few. So which group is right? Doesn't matter! Because each of us is entitled to hear this or read this and to decide on our own whether or not we liked it. It is certainly okay to say you didn't like it, or to say it wasn't funny, but for the love of Pete, don't ask that it be stopped because YOU cannot pigeonhole this into a "funny" category!
YES! (Score:1)
better 4/1 idea... but a little late I suppose (Score:1)
now that would have been funny!
spell checkers for slashdot... (Score:1)
I just don't think it's funny (Score:1)
I have to agree (Score:1)
But there are still some things too important to make jokes about. At the least, they are too important to make jokes about in such a public forum. Whether you agree with me or not on that point, I do not care. It is my opinion, and you are entitled to your own. You may also purchase a copy of my opinion for the low, low price of either a BeOS or Open BSD CD for my next box.
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? (Score:1)
Re: Cookies (Score:1)
I take a lot of AP classes, especially for a six year old.
Slashdot as a news source. (Score:1)
Two thumbs up to everyone involved with the joke. It was brilliant
- deb
News sites shouldn't celebrate April fools day (Score:1)
If these shutdowns are a 4/1 joke.... (Score:1)
Sheeesh =)
Every can be a joke. (Score:1)
Uh, this happens everyday. You always should take the news with a grain of salt or silicon and use your best judgement. How many times have we had these 'disinformation' type discussions here at Slashdot alone on non-April Fool's days?
Treat the news as Flame Bait.
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
Evaluate goals??? (Score:1)
I think it is a good sign for a "news" site like Slashdot to not take itself very seriously. Letting their hair down, so to speak (does that translate in the 90's?).
Evaluate it's goals? I don't really think it's necessary. I think Slashdot does a fine job of keeping its finger on the pulse of the geek community... and that includes everything including geek pranks.
I remember a fine geek-oriented magazine, Computer Language that dedicated its April, 1984 (is that the correct year?) to joke articles about programming... takeoffs of Jerry Pournelle's columns, amusing anectdotes and other stories... even a CENTERFOLD.
I, for one, had gotten used to searching the April issues of Byte for joke articles and reports (not always very obvious).
What happened? Well, Computer Language never did any more prank articles after that issue. And Byte started phasing out their joke articles after a time. And I think that this was/is a loss.
Remember, April Fools jokes are a real tradition here in the States. USENET has had its share of prank postings on this date (I've perpetrated a few of them myself). Even National Public Radio usually has one or two prank reports on this day (and you really can't get any more news-oriented than that source!).
C'mon, develop a sense of humor with the rest of us geeks and nerds and enjoy the day.
Well... (Score:1)
Must.... Not..
Ah. Forget it.
Hail Eris. Fnord!
The Pope.
April 1st is never a good day for news... (Score:1)
How anyone can hold any reasonable expectation of actually getting reliable news on April 1st is beyond me.
Let's remember, APRIL FOOL'S DAY is for playing practical jokes. Our favorite websites are run by people who will never see even a small fraction of the people who's lives they influence on a daily basis. Every one of these people also has a sense of humor, usually as twisted as our own. It is only natural that they indulge in a joke of their own on this day.
If you can honestly state that you would never play a joke on the public, were you in the position to do so (like those at UserFriendly [userfriendly.org], SegFault [segfault.org], SlashDot [slashdot.org], etc...) Then you are either lying through your teeth, or you're someone who should never be allowed to BE in that kind of position.
Eh? (Score:1)
if there was any doubt before... (Score:1)
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not nearly as much work as a superconductor (Score:1)
Get some perspective (Score:1)
BeDope is back up now... (Score:1)
compaq mouse a joke? (Score:1)
Re: Cookies (Score:1)
IQ 59.01736
CHECK THIS URL !!!!! (Score:1)
Post what's REAL, please. (Score:1)
fake, thanks. Maybe make a filter for FAKE news.
I hope this is a joke. (Score:1)
Enough is enough.. (Score:1)
Lets get something worth reading, eh? I must admit, the first 5 or so were funny (I really liked the one about the mouse by COMPAQ), but now it's getting a little old.
Of course, even if there actually was some real news, no one would believe it. That's the problem with overdoing it on April fools day.
Cookies - now *that's* geek humor! (Score:1)
I hope this is a joke. (Score:1)
It's the disinformation that makes this all so great. It just adds to the humor value.
I guess I would feel better about it... (Score:1)
I think the UserFriendly/Segfault joke was beliveable. If you look at User Friendly daily you know that they have been talking about this for about a week. UserFriendly readers organized a site for Illiad's defense, made logos to link to your web page, etc.. It was very well played out. Rob even posted a legitimate (or so we thought) link a few days ago discussing it. It wasn't until this morning that those who had been following it realized they had been taken, and it some of them still dont get it
And I dont see how anyone could have not laughed at the Linux Riot story.
Cookies - now *that's* geek humor! (Score:1)
Just like the Katz column posted earlier on the "demise" of UF's probably neither his nor yours: There are no spelling problems.
If these shutdowns are a 4/1 joke.... (Score:1)
I'm sure Bill Gates doesn't find a pie in the face funny, either. Practical jokes are rarely funny to their victims.
But, you're right; we should make a list of all the things that shouldn't be joked about: the Holocaust, France, dead babies, freedom of speech, Jesus, Chernobyl, embarassing personal problems, etc. None of these things could ever be considered funny, not by folks with as much sense of humor as the next guy.
Calm down, people! (Score:1)
UF is back (Score:1)
No, keep 'm coming :-) (Score:1)
Ah, so you also noticed that nearly every article posted today are, to say the least, quite unbelievable :-)
Think of it this way: they have to hold back all the true stories of today, so we will get a double dose tomorrow!
Slashdot as a news source. (Score:1)
Not necessarily true. I agree, it went a bit far, but some organizations do like to have fun with April Fools. For example, the college which I attend, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, did up a remake of the web page for April Fools. However, they were smart enough to make it so that only IPs from within the wpi.edu and wpi.net domains actually were redirected to the parody page. Normal users still see the normal page (although they can get to the parody one).
For anybody who wants to see a whacked out college on crack for April Fools, check it out:
Make sure to reload many times, as the page actually changes when you reload it (the normal one does too). Also, the link on the left of the main image that is to a story about the college does work, and they are quite funny :)
Slashdot Closed due to legal action (Score:1)
uh huh... (Score:1)
Apocalypse Imminent, News at 11 (Score:1)
Missing </b> tag? (Score:1)
I guess I would feel better about it... (Score:1)
The soul of a good AFD prank is that you believe, up to the point where you hit a wall and realize that you were taken in all this time.
Also, humor almost always involves something that is funny, and the soul of wit is brevity. Even the most banal of jokes, if it involves guts and originality and sheer hutzpah, can work, provided there is a herd of sheep just in your office, not in every single room you walk into all day.
Sorry, but 15 dozen very obviously fake stories, overdone and shoved in your face on april the first just seems like a waste of bandwidth. Now the soothing voice of an NPR reporter, explaining calmly as you slowly wake up, that Caregie Hall is now Amazon.com Hall, now that is more like it. (Admittedly being half-alseep helps).
NPR knows how to do it. Every year, they have 1, One, only a singular story which is fake, and -almost- believable. Their reporters are smooth, calm, and carry the full wieght of NPR newsworthiness, even while demonstrating the new silent keyboard to be used in Amazon.com Hall's seatback computer terminals.
I worry more about the sheer failure of humor, originality and ingenuity this AFD than I do about people confusing the real news for the fake. Is this the best we can do?
bad joke (Score:1)
I doubt anyone truly found this funny, i certainly didnt.
BOOOOOO to all of you who orchastrated this "joke".
And for anyone who missed it.. check the annoucement at userfriendly [userfriendly.org].
But i'll keep reading it, cuz im dumb that way.
um.. (Score:2)
Sure they should! (Score:2)
UF was never gone. (Score:2)
Naa, but really. This ties in with ESR's recent writing "Understand-my-job-please". We need to find a organised and calm way to discuss matters rather than "HOLY SH|T F#@&* MICROSOFT and INTEL IS TAKING DOWN MY HAPPY WEB SITES." Ok? Lighten up. Go pull a prank somewhere. Dont break the law. Lets all just get along.
News sites shouldn't celebrate April fools day (Score:2)
Cookies - now *that's* geek humor! (Score:2)
Just like the Katz column posted earlier on the "demise" of slashdot's probably neither his nor yours: There are no spelling problems.
Why the UF hoax concerned me (Score:2)
Microsoft taking legal action against UF, while braindead and destined to backfire, is not inconceivable. The joke took so long to play out that I'm afraid I can't find much humor in it now that I know it for what it is. All I feel is a profound sense of relief that we aren't going to have to beat down Microsoft after all to get our cartoons back.
Sorry to rain on anyone's parade. For the most part I've enjoyed the 1Apr posts--the Katz parody had me rolling. I have no problem with news sites playing along with April Fools'--my only caveat is that it should be clear to anyone reading with half an eye open that they're being had.
Well then, just what IS a practical joke??? (Score:2)
Practical jokes (no really they are "practical" aren't they?) have to be believable don't they? What is more real than getting your pants sued off for trademark infingement? (or whatever else this cockamame society has cooked up and called a crime)
Sometimes the funniest jokes are those that hurt like hell, but then in retrospect make you chuckle allong even if you are the victim!
Case in point, this morning I recieved from a friend an e-mail message "here's the document you asked for... don't show it to anyone" sent to myself and 49 others. I instantly freaked and replied to all warning about the "melissa virus" (this was on my work machine, which runs winblows
I chuckled allong and explained to him the available resources for smurfing someone's computer off the net (including his IP ripped from the header), just to give him something to chuckle about
Needless to say I got over it... and well that's the point of April Fools Day: some harmless practical joke, that you should be expecting anyways!
Create the Future Today (Score:2)
And I'll be bemoaning the fact that the efforts I was making to safeguard free speech, back in the 20th century, came to naught.
For all I know, you may be doing the same, so this is not aimed at you personally. But while planning what you'll do when civil liberties fall has its constructive uses, it's no substitute for actively working to prevent that fall from ever occurring. I hope everyone here who's commented that "free speech is not a laughing matter" is doing things to defend it. Even just sending some money to the ACLU or your equivalent organization in your country of residence is a great start.
Personally, I'm a card-carrying member of the ACLU (and proudly broadcasting that fact is another thing I do -- raising respect for the ACLU and its mission is something I think this country really needs, especially after Dukakis' sellout in the 1988 election!). I think freedom of speech is crucially important.
But I also think that when we designate something as "too important to joke about", that's also going too far. While it chilled me to the bone, this prank also made me chuckle, and it made me impressed with the amount of planning and coordination that had gone into it.
Why the UF hoax concerned me (Score:2)
The whole point of April fools is to 'fool' someone into believing something is real. When you find out that you were had, and look back, you realize that all the evidence was there in front of your face all the time. That is when you have to laugh at yourself for not reading between the lines.
Here are some of the things that I remember reading in the last while that should have told me (and anyone else) that this was a hoax:
- Why won't they tell us who it is
- These sort of things are public information, so the documents should be on record
- Parody is not illegal
- The negative publicity from this would be hell on MS or whoever else may have been behind it.
- UF is in Canada and Segfault is in UK (I think?)
- the fact that these sites deal with HUMOUR
There were probably many other tidbits of info that would have pointed to this being a hoax.
Anyway, I don't believe that Iliad or Rob (and everyone else involved) intended any malice in this prank. It's just that you have to be very devious to 'fool' a bunch of intelligent geeks that question everything they read (not that I consider myself an intelligent geek.) This is the only prank that had me fooled. The other ones that appeared on SlashDot were obvious (yet still funny) pranks.
not just a joke, but pointed commentary (Score:2)
I saw the reference to UF being shutdown on
Either way, it didn't occur to me that it was a joke given the kind of thing that's been happening to Dave's Classics and others lately.
The fact that I did not immediately dismiss this story as a hoax because of it obviously being totally against the laws and traditions in this country only demonstrated to me how jaded I've become to the erosion of those rights. I didn't think, "Holy Cow! That could never happen, we have free speech in the U.S", but rather "Yet another example of speech not really being free, especially when expensive lawyers or bureaucrats are around."
Far from being a silly and pointless prank, I saw the UF shutdown hoax as a grim reminder of how out of control some things are in this country.
On the other hand, the cold fusion story was hilarious.
prepared to not get real news today (Score:2)
All you who are crying foul at a pile of steaming AFD stories are too thin-skinned, or you take things too-seriously (which is rather the whole point, eh?)
So go get a coke, read the paper or get back to work. Maybe ponder a little why a few prank stories upset you so much. Gaze at your navel for a while and maybe you will finally get this whole thing.
Or don't - see if I care. Rob, don't change a thing, its great!
Cookies (Score:3)
News sites shouldn't celebrate April fools day (Score:3)
Lest you all think I'm just a spoil sport, be assured that I'm celebrating AFD like crazy, but not with respect to news. There's a difference between practical jokes, and practicing improper journalism.
If these shutdowns are a 4/1 joke.... (Score:3)
News sites should celebrate April fools day (Score:3)
Come on people, I can't believe there are this many tight-asses around... There were enough hints today (and in the last week) that this UF thing was a hoax. A joke is a joke, and this was a rather well-organized one. I think you guys are just mad because you couldn't see though this one.
And comparing a silly little cartoon disappearing with dropping nuclear bombs on a country is a little harsh don't you think. UF disappearing wouldn't be the end of the world you know (pun intended)
And anyway, it is up to Rob (and the other 'post'ers) to decide what appears on SlashDot. If I get sufficiently annoyed with what I see here, I will probably start up my own site (and anyone else here can do the same thing)
The importance of AFD... (Score:3)
A well-calibrated bogometer helps us get through life. People throw bogons at you day-in and day-out, and you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Can you trust the news today? Can you even take Slashdot for gospel? IMHO, anyone who takes an uncorroborated report from a hacker bboard gets exactly what they deserve.
Then, one day a year, many of us take an opportunity to crank up their own personal bogosity, all for the sake of fun. Some think it's fun, others don't.
But we all come out of it wiser.
If you don't like AFD as a big set of jokes, think of it as a one-day challenge to your ability to separate fact from fiction. It'll help you out when the talking head on the 6:00 News is jawing off about our latest military endeavour or somesuch...
Serious News? (Score:4)
Any source of information is filtered by the people that run it. CNN doesn't care about InstallFests, and CmdrTaco doesn't care about how much money went into 401(k)s nationwide last month. You, the reader, get to pick which sources you like, or make up your own if you wish. If you don't like how someone does their thing, don't read it. And