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OSOM, the Company Formed From Essential's Ashes, is Apparently in Shambles 15

A former executive of smartphone startup OSOM Products has filed a lawsuit alleging the company's founder misused funds for personal expenses, including two Lamborghinis and a lavish lifestyle. Mary Ross, OSOM's ex-Chief Privacy Officer, is seeking access to company records in a Delaware court filing.

OSOM, founded in 2020 by former Essential employees, launched two products: the Solana-backed Saga smartphone and a privacy cable. Android founder Andy Rubin founded Essential, which sought to compete with Apple and Android-makers on a smartphone, but later shutdown after not find many takers for its phone. The lawsuit claims OSOM founder Jason Keats used company money for racing hobbies, first-class travel, and mortgage payments.
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OSOM, the Company Formed From Essential's Ashes, is Apparently in Shambles

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    > The lawsuit claims OSOM founder Jason Keats used company money for racing hobbies, first-class travel, and mortgage payments

    No hookers or blow? Fucking loser could have had it all.

  • Who would want a something long like that?

    Besides your mom.

  • Camera (Score:3, Informative)

    by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Monday September 02, 2024 @05:38PM (#64757170) Homepage Journal

    The PH-1 camera was trash and their camera app wasn't even tuned for making the best of it.

    Some users pirated Google Camera with profiles hacked in just to make it mediocre.

    They saved $5 and lost a huge market. Imagine if they had put a Sony sensor in.

    Then Andy got metooed or something.

    Then they had self-bricking problems and Qualcomm wouldn't let them release a repair tool.

    I gave up and bought a used Pixel with LineageOS.

    Customers can only support a novel company to a certain point. The company needs management with good judgment as well.

  • by Valgrus Thunderaxe ( 8769977 ) on Monday September 02, 2024 @06:10PM (#64757234)
    ...founded Essential, which sought to compete with Apple and Android-makers on a smartphone...

    Delusions of grandeur.
  • I totally forgot about how Essential was essentially unessential. Oh well. I didn't buy one. I guess nobody else did either.
  • "after not find many takers "

    Yes, he not find many takers, yes buddy?

    WTF weekend illiterate slashdot editors? You not find many dictionaries?

  • Apparently, it's a USB cable with a switch on the data lines. Cables are a wear item. At least make a privacy dongle.

"I've seen it. It's rubbish." -- Marvin the Paranoid Android
