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Comment Re:Be left with the e-waste (Score 1) 43

Saying this is a make-or-break year for something normally means it's a "last chance", doesn't it?

So if meta is planning to introduce several wearable AR devices this year, and if the the whole metaverse thing doesn't pan out, what happens in 2026? Do those consumers who ponied up for the new gear find themselves with paperweights a year later?

(The NewVintage Generation) ”Excuse me, that is not a paperweight. That’s a new old stock vintage re-issue no longer sold or manufactured that’s now RARE!!!!!!”

Thats four exclamation points minimum. Worth at least $300 in this not-a-recession monkey-fucking-football-drunk Supreme gigconomy that falls for that shit. Every time.

Comment Re:Dresses for $5 shouldn't exist at all. (Score 1) 278

Find a $50 dress on Amazon and buy the same thing on AliExpress for $5. You are paying for a massive mark up, not for better quality.

That's why they hate AliExpress, it cuts out one of the middle men and gives people access to much better prices. It's not just that people buy that stuff from AliExpress instead of Amazon, it's that it has recalibrated their sense of what things are worth, and made them aware that most of the crap they see in the shops is just some Chinese OEM with a logo silkscreened onto it, and a big mark-up.

You’re right. Lacking quality all-around is a problem. But the society that labels the $5 “hack” purchase via the distributor back door painted grey as the answer to that, is more THE problem.

Instead of demanding and abusing cheaper we should learn why we should value quality again. I hardly buy things anymore that do not have a solid reputation established. Sadly this often limits my choices, and I often go with what I have proven myself. Premium products and price tags are cheap compared to the pain and inconvenience of replacing shitware every other year. When you just need your shit to work and last, the extra-features-I-never-asked-for list gets pretty short too.

Comment Re:Urgh (Score 1) 278

stop calling it a tarriff, because maga folks have a hard on for that word. Call it what it really is, an import tax.

You really think taxpayers are gonna care what name you give it if it costs the same? Funny how basic math can quickly make marketing irrelevant.

Trying to change and re-define established concepts and ideas is exactly why The Woke lost. Maybe stop trying to do that stupid shit already and learn why it’s pointless. We also don’t want to live in a society bred to be that stupid and gullible to marketing.

Comment Students Teaching Educators. (Score 1) 14

Can’t until the students start teaching the educators all the verboten AI topics. You know, ones like:

Why does my school charge a tuition if they have a massive endowment fund?

What are my actual chances of landing a job with this overpriced degree?

I just saw Olivia Jade in class. When did she start rowing professionally?

Comment Re:The Race, is what is wrong. (Score 1) 62

nothing in history will compare to the AI Revolution

There is no evidence for this. None. You are basically saying that a pattern that has held true throughout history, will not be repeated *this* time because *this* time is different. No it's not, not in the least.

Even if this time *is* different, you have no historical precedent to assume that suddenly, nobody will have anything to do for a living. Supposing that it will, is nothing more than hand-waving a doomsday scenario. People who do this should go work for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and help set the Doomsday Clock.

When a previous Revolution has made a humans job obsolete by way of Progress, the answer for the species that has deemed employment so necessary as to equate it to self-worth, has always been go get an education.

Now tell me exactly what you think that reduces human employment down to. And I’ll tell you exactly what Greed is targeting with automation and AI, and will not stop until success is found. Which will then allow Greed to get rid of most of that cancer on the payroll.

Do you dare ask a CEO struggling to compete in a world flattened by global commerce exactly why AI is such a hot topic these days? Hell, forget the power of AI for a minute. Ask what they would do if excellent automation were released tomorrow for only $999 per month. Automation that replaced only one or two full-time employees but ran 24/7/365 without needing a break for time off, sleep, sickness, or “life” balancing.

Made In China is globally ubiquitous for one primary reason; Cost. So don’t try and tell me what you think will happen in the future. We already know how Greed behaves. With plenty of evidence in the past and present. The spending constrictions we are seeing now will start to truly shine a light on how many human jobs already exist solely to employ humans. If the recession continues globally, those jobs will likely go away and never return again for humans as both automation and AI progress.

Greeds first task for AI? Create a UBI program, while marketing it in such an effective (read: brainwashing) manner as to convince every recipient that you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy, in order to focus on maximum profitability.

Comment Re:Dresses for $5 shouldn't exist at all. (Score 2) 278

Dresses for $5 shouldn't exist at all. That is in practice a one-usage-dress. Buy quality instead, not dresses made of plastic ("synthetic fiber").

Fashion being as fleeting as a GenZ attention span, has FAR more to do with that problem. And by fashion I mean women.

If only men made clothing, it would be crafted from a self-wicking Under Armour cottonhemp blend designed to be washed once a month, and last 100 years because a century from now no man will care if it still only comes in brown or black.

Comment Re:The Race, is what is wrong. (Score 1) 62

Automation has both destroyed and created jobs no doubt. And we have had many Revolutions over the centuries. Industrial and otherwise. But nothing, and I do mean nothing in history will compare to the AI Revolution. The Revolution that targets and ultimately replaces all perceived value derived from the human mind.

Put bluntly, the fuck else you gonna offer greed but your intelligence? Humans can’t even compete with dumb automation that works 24/7/365 and doesn’t bitch about time off, sickness, vacations, pay raises, or “work/life” balance like EVERY meatsack always will.

Solve for the Disease of Greed. Or we perish because of it. Plain and simple.

Comment Re:The Race, is what is wrong. (Score 1) 62

Because AI will eventually be good enough to replace a LOT of good enough humans who are barely good enough themselves at doing the job. Ignorant humans assume the AI race needs to end at perfection. Hardly.

Once AI is good enough, it only has to be cheaper than you. And it will be. Every time.

Comment Re:Simple Explanation (Score 1) 53

The bonobo knows what it knows at all times. It knows this because it knows what you don't. By subtracting what it knows from what the you don't, or what you don't know from what it does (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The bonobo uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive you from a position where you don't know to a position where you do.

It’s probably a lot easier to assume that theory is true if you ensure that humans are already in a confused state of being at the very start.

You know, like calling them “bonobos”. In order to watch the higher primates run around with that the fuck is a bonobo look on their face as they wonder how big that deviation really is.

Comment No one can walk away. (Score 1) 130

Oil is only profitable because of the demand in that petrolium (And its various distillates) are used world wide for SOOO many things..The reality is we COULD get off the oil tit if we (as a species) wanted to..

Can we? I mean actually?

Here, let me ask that another way; What exactly IS your replacement for plastic?

That, is the actual invention we have still yet to create. Replace every gas-guzzling ICE engine with EV on the planet and you still have to invent that solution. And in SOOO many cases I do mean literally invent. Particularly in medicine.

I really want, to be able to travel the stars. Want and Have, are worlds apart.

Comment The Race, is what is wrong. (Score 5, Insightful) 62

I have no idea how good or bad a product Sam Altman is capable of making. Don’t really care how open, closed, or some half-ass in between the end product ends up being.

What I do care about, is continuing to theme every-fucking-thing about AI as some kind of damn race. The nuclear armsrace, got us within 30 minutes of a nuclear wasteland for the last few decades of fearmongering taxpayer-fed profit, with a sitting US President warning us about that shit over half a century ago. No one listened.

On top of that, kills me that anyone can convince anyone else that their particular “AI” toddler mind LLM is winning anything right now. AI is “winning” about as well as Charlie Sheen on a tiger blood bender. And when it finally does “win”, far too many humans will lose a job. Not just unemployed. Unemployable. With Greed marketing to Gen Fucked that UBI isn’t at all like being on welfare. You know, because they’ll pay with $hitcoin and Government cheese that’s extra sharp.

Greed, is not prepared for a 25% unemployment rate. You will have blood before you have profit. We’re racing, and have no fucking idea why we’re even running. Not like this win is for humans. It’s for Greed.

Comment Follow the (sponsored) money. (Score 2) 27

Sooo..who owns SemiAnalysis these days? Do they have a fitting name for this best-of-the-best AI analysis? I'm still trying to figure out what the hell "oustrips" might imply with regards to AI performance, since my first thought was copper mining. Just curious as to who is pimping "leading" AI stats these days, and how they outstripped and outdid themselves into that claim.

If we thought dick-measuring contests were bad before, just wait until AI lubes the bullshit-stained skids.

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