nothing in history will compare to the AI Revolution
There is no evidence for this. None. You are basically saying that a pattern that has held true throughout history, will not be repeated *this* time because *this* time is different. No it's not, not in the least.
Even if this time *is* different, you have no historical precedent to assume that suddenly, nobody will have anything to do for a living. Supposing that it will, is nothing more than hand-waving a doomsday scenario. People who do this should go work for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and help set the Doomsday Clock.
When a previous Revolution has made a humans job obsolete by way of Progress, the answer for the species that has deemed employment so necessary as to equate it to self-worth, has always been go get an education.
Now tell me exactly what you think that reduces human employment down to. And I’ll tell you exactly what Greed is targeting with automation and AI, and will not stop until success is found. Which will then allow Greed to get rid of most of that cancer on the payroll.
Do you dare ask a CEO struggling to compete in a world flattened by global commerce exactly why AI is such a hot topic these days? Hell, forget the power of AI for a minute. Ask what they would do if excellent automation were released tomorrow for only $999 per month. Automation that replaced only one or two full-time employees but ran 24/7/365 without needing a break for time off, sleep, sickness, or “life” balancing.
Made In China is globally ubiquitous for one primary reason; Cost. So don’t try and tell me what you think will happen in the future. We already know how Greed behaves. With plenty of evidence in the past and present. The spending constrictions we are seeing now will start to truly shine a light on how many human jobs already exist solely to employ humans. If the recession continues globally, those jobs will likely go away and never return again for humans as both automation and AI progress.
Greeds first task for AI? Create a UBI program, while marketing it in such an effective (read: brainwashing) manner as to convince every recipient that you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy, in order to focus on maximum profitability.