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CIA Builds Its Own AI Chatbot in Rivalry With China ( 16

US intelligence agencies are getting their own ChatGPT-style tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. From a report: The Central Intelligence Agency is preparing to roll out a feature akin to OpenAI's now-famous program that will use artificial intelligence to give analysts better access to open-source intelligence, according to agency officials. The CIA's Open-Source Enterprise division plans to provide intelligence agencies with its AI tool soon. "We've gone from newspapers and radio, to newspapers and television, to newspapers and cable television, to basic internet, to big data, and it just keeps going," Randy Nixon, director of the division, said in an interview. "We have to find the needles in the needle field."

It's part of a broader government campaign to harness the power of AI and compete with China, which is seeking to become the global leader in the field by 2030. That US push dovetails with the intelligence community's struggle to process the vast amounts of data that's now publicly available, amid criticism that it's been slow to exploit that source. The CIA's AI tool will allow users to see the original source of the information that they're viewing, Nixon said. He said that a chat feature is a logical part of getting intelligence distributed quicker.

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CIA Builds Its Own AI Chatbot in Rivalry With China

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  • Like, do I look fat to you? I mean, not fat fat...I'm pretty, right?
  • The CIA doesn't have many experts in AI, Google bought them all. However, the CIA has ways to make the chatbot talk. They waterboarded it until it talked. Amazingly that worked. The chatbot said things like, "I don't know, how do you feel about where are the secret codes?"
  • by superid ( 46543 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2023 @01:34PM (#63878757) Homepage

    LLM "chatbots" are not search tools. Generative models like GPT are not search tools. They might have success using embedding models like text-embedding-ada-002, or all-mpnet-base-v2, or even plain old BERT.

    • LLM "chatbots" are not search tools. Generative models like GPT are not search tools.

      I know, right? It's almost as if the CIA are up to no good. Like, they're automating propaganda...

    • Well at least you've found the shit in the CIAs bullshit excuse.

    • It's going to come up with some interesting results. For instance, JKF was killed by JEH using a lightsaber during the Battle of the Bulge.
  • ChatGPT lies like a rug right? Or since it doesn't have any motives, it renders behavior which is otherwise only seen by humans attempting to deceive or bullshitting.

  • "I'm worried about this fire over here, we should pour gasoline on it to put it out."

  • Help! I've been catfished by the CIA Chat AI and now I have a what must be a Predator drone following me around town. I swear I was just cosplaying a dangerous guy really, let me live! The only scenario I could see happening.
  • I completely trust a rogue agency which starts wars, seeds discontent, is used as a weapon by corporate interests, and sets low standards of principle which our adversaries then adopt for themselves.
  • by LostMyBeaver ( 1226054 ) on Wednesday September 27, 2023 @12:03AM (#63880075)
    Huawei just announced a massive upgrade to their Atlas 9000 ML super computer series which offers a much higher operations/per dollar than any western tech. And since they own the entire supply chain can deliver in under a month compared to NVidia's two years.

    They released 8 general purpose and specialized models for AI which are extremely competitive.

    Huawei cloud costs less than half their nearest competitor for training or inference.

    They openly admit to selling far more capable tech for China only.

    China isn't trying to become a leader, they're already there.

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
