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Comment Re:Optimisation or cutting corners (Score 3, Informative) 65

In a high traffic environment, this change has no effect. The cluster I am on has a pretty stable 60Gb/s plus burst to 200Gb/s per node. Polled mode is the only sensible option in normal circumstances.

Medium traffic environments which often idle but burst to a few hundred gigabits should use select or poll from the app when idle. Then switch to polled when traffic is bursting.

Low traffic environments should just select/poll

In circumstances where skilled engineers are involved, we would use virtual NICs where each network thread would have its own NIC and use blocking reads which would employ memory mapped I/O and bypass the kernel completely.

Changes like this pull request are always welcome because it helps where unskilled workers are operating the data centers. And this is very common as computer science education is dead. But, I would hope this change would be largely ineffective at Google.

Comment Re:App Store fragmentation? (Score 3, Informative) 9

Does it really matter?

So long as I believe the conditions of publishing in the Apple app store makes the legally liable for security failures, I won't use any other store.

Do I trust Epic to perform thorough scans of the apps the publish to ensure APIs that pose a security risk aren't used? Nope. It took Apple years to get even a modicum of control over that.

I won't waste my time. If the publisher wants my money, they'll use the apple app store

Comment Re:Biden should simply retire... (Score 2) 29

There are many who should retire. Pelosi, Schumer, Trump, McConnell, Graham, Cruz (too young, but yeh), Warren, ...

I can go on, but with the exception of McConnell, when was the last time any of these people managed to represent anyone in any meaningful way?

McConnell on the other hand is probably the most powerful politician in decades. Truly terrifying. He quietly packed the US courts, bought multiple presidents on both sides of the aisle, banned abortion, got prayer in schools... He did all of this while selling himself as a dotard fool. The US may never recover from what he's done.

Comment Define useful and usecase (Score 1) 17

Folding@Home was the ultimate example of solving NP Hard (or is folding complete) problems through intuition followed by verification.

We just don't need quantum computing for most use cases now.

QC use cases :
  - pure satisfiability problems
  - proof verification
  - factoring (finding all factors)
  - precise decryption (ml will be able to get close enough and also circumvent qc safe encryption)

QC use cases already obsolete :
  - estimated decryption (good enough to read is good enough for me)
  - folding (biological and molecular)
  - absolutely anything a training model could be built for. Meaning anything we have an existing dataset for.

Quantum is definitely still needed for precision if that ever becomes possible. But, we don't need it for much anymore. We absolutely need it for other things like entangling pairs and 4 dimensional crystallization. So we should still invest, but quantum computing is kinda unnecessary when a well informed guess is enough.

Comment Re:Does Indonesia want smartphones? (Score 2) 60

Absolutely agree. The US and Europe should ban companies from making rolling computers... IE cars. Tesla is a notable exception, they're a computer company that adds wheels.

The AC in my BMW i3 (a budget car) broke. BMW wants almost $6000 to fix it. The car is nearly 8 years old now and I would like an upgraded battery (assume $10000) and the newest in-car computer.(maybe $2000) and I'd also like to replace some worn bits. If BMW would let me, I'd pay up to $20000 for these changes. But, they won't do the work because upgrading my car will compete with new car sales. But because BMW doesn't offer support on their cars, I would by Tesla or Chinese instead.

Of course, I'm happy to tell everyone about the endless reasons BMW is so bad they should call themselves Ford.

If your country wastes money supporting and protecting companies who lack the ability to modernize, they're doomed.

American and European car companies are failing ... not because of China being cheap or unfair business practices. They're failing because Tesla and China invested massively in standardization and automation. Consider that Cruize had to issue a recall to update the software on their brakes... Really.. They could post a patch over the air. If your supposed to be a high tech car company and you can't patch over the air then it's time to just close shop.

Comment Does it matter? (Score 1, Flamebait) 107

For thousands of years people have blathered the same tired prayers and held sermons on the same old stories.

By now, any interesting prayer or interpretation of a story has been done, probably over and over. I just read 10 random chapters of Torah, some were "historical", others were just nonsense like "don't bang mommy's sister, she's you aunt". Each week, a different "parsha" of the Torah is read throughout the Jewish calendar year. Assuming a rabbi is a rabbi for 40 years and he or she are expected to not reuse their earlier sermons interpreting Torah, they have to think of 40 different ways to say "don't diddle auntie".

Why not just use an AI? Can you honestly tell me we need an "educated" leader to find 40 ways to interpret where best to not place our ding dings?

Comment Re:Apple was the dumbest (Score 1) 130

Selective beta testing is more like it.
Apple knows people who shell out $3500 for such a device are generally more willing to provide constructive feedback than people who pay $1000.
Also, for an early version one, reducing the number of users is a great idea since Apple will want to drop support for this hardware as quickly as possible when version 2 comes out.
Apple could easily have released these for much closer to $1000 if they chose to. The price was obviously meant to limit the user base.

Comment Re:Taxpayers always foot the bill (Score 1) 22

The hardware is fine. The hacking groups mentioned never interacted with it. Huawei equipment is the most closely scrutinized equipment on earth. They can't fart without security researchers the world over digging deep to be the first to expose an intentional vulnerability. And the in-service software upgrades on Huawei guarantee more frequent security patches that their key competitors. Cisco equipment often runs for months with known critical CVEs because upgrades with firmware patches can take 45 minutes.

I'd much rather use equipment from Huawei because no one performs due diligence on Cisco patches.

Comment Re:"Authentic, lag-free display capabilities" (Score 1) 119

lag free... So, no. But input signals to the TV are displayed in low latency. The signals contain horizontal and vertical sync. There is no buffering. The beam at the current gun position represents the analog values of the signal input as soon as the phosphors are energized.
Most modern laser projectors do the same

Comment News? (Score 1) 26

Who trains AIs in real time?

I was building a lab for a professor some time back. He was concerned about performance because he wanted to simulate financial markets in real-time. I asked him "why not faster?", He said it would provided the response that it had to be real time for accuracy. I asked "time stamped event queue?", he gave me a blank stare.

We all go faster... Except fools

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