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Comment London Eye? (Score 1) 102

I'm sure Blue Origin wants to do more, but $150k for a 20 minute ride sounds idiotic. First one or two times I get. But, it's a lot of wasted fuel for little more than an elevator ride. The novelty has worn off. By now, BO should have been onto longer flights. It doesn't even sound like this has research value. They're just a carnival ride.

Comment money and transportation? (Score 1) 65

It is impossible in Copenhagen to function without a phone. Bank cards could work, but for public transportation, electronic tickets are a must. Phones also provide parents with the ability to contact kids who forget to tell their parents about activities outside the school.

A better solution is using wifi access points such as those from Huawei to install 5G Pico cells throughout the schools and block communication throughout the school except for payment processing and "find my" applications for parents.

Otherwise, the school needs to provide lock boxes as phones are needed coming and going from school.

Comment Re:So because of Trumpflation (Score 1) 91

Let me ask this. Are you suggesting that it is appropriate to operate unimpeded by checks and balances became Biden did too?

Free market capitalism as it exists today is broken and unfixable. Neither red nor blue have addressed this. The system was already severely damaged before covid and we were headed down the toilet due to minimum wage increases without cost control. Then covid relief payments ruined what was left. $2 of new unsecured new cash flooded the market in the US requiring massively increased deflation of the dollar value to pay for. Biden temporarily offset the problem by flooding the market with more unsecured funds. Trump will make it worse.

Right now the federal bank avoids defaulting by keeping interest rates very high which allows them to borrow money by promising to pay the interest by borrowing more money. There is no way out of this. But as brokers flock to the dollar, other federal banks are forced to raise their rates to attract investments as well. The US has leverage because if they fail, the entire world fails. But the fed can't lower their rates unless their peers do as well.

Higher interest rates pulverize the middle class (not middle income) which redirects their earnings from trickling down but flows up. People buy more frozen vegetables and less fresh while buying cheaper cuts of meat hurting the farmers... which forces more subsidies.

Aging population and decreased birth rates rape the economy.

Free market capitalism is failing faster than ever and the cosmetically strong US economy is proof.

Even people with massive savings will struggle as their savings lose value.

And what is worse, a world war might be the only way to provide an opportunity to reinvent the system to move forward.

Comment whining? (Score 1) 47

Meetings are company property and should be conducted responsibly.

I believe I am willing to work in these conditions so that government and finance organizations will be pressured to do the same. I don't trust 90% of the people who are in decision making positions in those organizations and feel they should have to wear microphones with recording at all times... Even in the shower.

Comment Masters lost their value (Score 1) 110

Not long ago... around Y2K, Gen-X and Millennials flooded the universities and due to globalization, mass-commercialization of universities, , what looks to be at least a 800% world population growth over a century, and of course the many toxic effects of the silent generation favoring disaster known as free market capitalism, all low hanging fruits for masters projects were picked.

A masters degree once required a student to work on a somewhat unique piece of research. But now even Ph.D. projects rarely address anything new. There are entire degree programs where a masters or Ph.D. project is little more than assigning this year's students to do the same as last year's. Research is rapidly being removed.

Modern masters degrees are simply skill builders where a bachelors teaches you the vocabulary, masters teaches how to speak and Ph.D.s allow you to get practice speaking in an environment until you're good at it.

5-year Doctoral degrees are dead and greatly missed.

Comment Re:Dangerous strategy (Score 1) 14

Depends who the customers are.

ARM surely makes money from low volume customers like Apple, NVidia, Qualcom... But a billion cores may not be much.

Consider high volume customers who are very low maintenance and buys tens of billions of cores.

I have a few thousand ARM server cores in production. Cores that are running highly specialized and optimized for ARM code are amazing. And Apple ARM is amazing because Apple specializes and optimizes their toolchains and code for Apple processors. But every test I've done running general purpose operating systems with general purpose ARM compilers on a wide variety of ARM CPUs has been lack-luster at best. RISC CPUs have always sucked at memory access. That doesn't mean they have to. And as AI optimization tools become more powerful, code can be auto-optimized for specific architectures. But for now, without hand optimized code targeting specific ARM cores, ARM is a dog with flees.

These days, I like to invest efforts into RISC-V. I expect China to invest enough resources into it to make it amazing. Of course, just like scatter brained idiocy at ARM made it impossible to make good ARM code, RISC-V started out far worse. RISC-V chips are so fragmented that writing good code which runs well on two different RISC-V cores is impossible.

Comment BMW just can't code (Score 1) 241

BMW may be good at some things... like, they make nice interior and especially cup holders. But they are really really bad at things like mechanics, electronics and most of all anything related to computers.

I own a BMW i3. I bought it new in late 2016. Since then I have driven or rented 6 other modern BMWs.

BMW should be legally restricted from doing anything with an electronic circuit involved.

By comparison, Tesla, BYD and Nio are substantially better. And if BYD is in business and they appear financially stable in 2030, and they display a good service record, I'll probably buy a car from them so long as they start selling a small city car in Norway.

Any car from GM, Ford, VW group (VW, Audi, Porsche), Jaguar, Fiat, Mercedes, or Renault ... The only cars I've tested/researched, should be avoided. They all make absolute shit software and I wouldn't trust the safety of my family to code written by these companies. I feel I'm at risk every time I sit in my BMW and have to depend on their antilock brakes which surprisingly accelerate before braking at times. I've had a car accident because of VW's low battery restricted mode disabling throttle control. I won't even start on Audi... I have no idea how they haven't been sued out of business.

Yeh... Car companies suck at computers.

Comment Re:What alternatives? (Score 1) 106

Modern coax can be substantially faster than that. QAM is an amazing technology. But, eventually, limits will be reached.

And most customers today won't notice, but fiber is a 50-100 year medium. We should expect to eventually deliver 100Gb/s to the home on whatever is installed today.

Copper is also rapidly becoming a precious resource. We shouldn't waste it on this. You can't make motors or PC boards with glass or plastic.

I expect 350Mhz copper to max at around 20Gb/s. It will have to be replaced in 20 years.

Comment Agile is column (Score 1) 235

Agile is common and fairly well understood. It has issues and I've always liked Agile if there is one or two extra developers to the side cleaning the things up that don't fit.
  It's almost impossible to use on projects with lots of specialists, but it keeps projects moving forward which is a major plus.

Comment Re:Optimisation or cutting corners (Score 3, Informative) 65

In a high traffic environment, this change has no effect. The cluster I am on has a pretty stable 60Gb/s plus burst to 200Gb/s per node. Polled mode is the only sensible option in normal circumstances.

Medium traffic environments which often idle but burst to a few hundred gigabits should use select or poll from the app when idle. Then switch to polled when traffic is bursting.

Low traffic environments should just select/poll

In circumstances where skilled engineers are involved, we would use virtual NICs where each network thread would have its own NIC and use blocking reads which would employ memory mapped I/O and bypass the kernel completely.

Changes like this pull request are always welcome because it helps where unskilled workers are operating the data centers. And this is very common as computer science education is dead. But, I would hope this change would be largely ineffective at Google.

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