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Slack is Building a Clubhouse-like Feature ( 9

Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield said his company would soon adding a range of audio features for all users of its work chat app. From a report: Butterfield said that a feature for leaving audio messages, similar to a function available in messaging apps like Telegram, was available in a beta test. He also said that Slack would soon offer a feature akin to the audio-chat app Clubhouse, which allows users to drop into rooms for conversations without requiring scheduling a meeting or initiating a call. He made the remarks in a Clubhouse room hosted by investor and former journalist Josh Constine, whose Press Club regularly hosts tech executives. Butterfield also said Slack would soon get an ephemeral video message feature commonly known as "stories," similar to a message format originated by Snapchat and imitated by many, from Instagram to LinkedIn. Butterfield first indicated these features were on Slack's roadmap back in October. The new features come as Slack is making a push to turn its tool for internal company communications into a broader company-to-company messaging service.
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Slack is Building a Clubhouse-like Feature

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  • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Friday March 26, 2021 @10:55AM (#61201240)

    He also said that Slack would soon offer a feature akin to the audio-chat app Clubhouse, which allows users to drop into rooms for conversations without requiring scheduling a meeting or initiating a call.

    Could someone explain why this is different from regular channels on Slack that have been there from the beginning? Every chat service has this and always had.

    You can always leave text messages. No appointment. Other users see them when they sign in.

    You can always drop files including audio and video files. No appointment. Other users see them when they sign in.

    So what?

    • He also said that Slack would soon offer a feature akin to the audio-chat app Clubhouse, which allows users to drop into rooms for conversations without requiring scheduling a meeting or initiating a call.

      Could someone explain why this is different from regular channels on Slack that have been there from the beginning? Every chat service has this and always had.

      You can always leave text messages. No appointment. Other users see them when they sign in.

      You can always drop files including audio and video files. No appointment. Other users see them when they sign in.

      So what?

      Do you even "leverage synergies", bro?

    • by jaylu ( 7862874 )
      I doubt Slack will manage to reach the same success if they add this audio feature. They have to add all of the mentioned features here [] to scale their app. Anyway, I don't think an audio feature is a bad thing 'cause it can be easier to contact your coworkers at once and discuss the solution to some trouble at work.
  • Somebody had to say it... sorry.
  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Friday March 26, 2021 @11:29AM (#61201368) Homepage Journal

    And more time on planning and documentation. I find the tool to be distracting, because I'm expected to stay connected at all times, but I don't necessarily want to get notice bubbles for most of what goes on in the Slack groups I'm subscribed to. Lots of fine tuning is necessary to avoid being interrupted every few minutes. And that in my opinion is a bad user design.

    • Agreed. All it does is further scatter useful information. Trying to track down the details on how a particular problem was fixed. Was it in email, on slack somewhere, on Jira, or Confluence, or possibly google docs?

    • I find myself muting a lot of the channels just to cut down on notification noise.

      • Getting stuff done is over-rated. As long as I am always responsive I can go days without having to do any actual work, and everyone is still happy with me. In the meantime there is lots of shiny to keep my mind busy between beeps.

    • Frankly, I don't see any value in slack at all. The old news groups were just as good, and only the UI was proprietary (if you chose to use), rather than the whole system. The same can be said of most new shiny things... They're just there to lock you in.

Every cloud has a silver lining; you should have sold it, and bought titanium.
